Reviewing the Ong Bak Form | Muay Boran

hello guys today I'm going to review the 
Ong Bak form by Ioon from Lanna Fighting I'm doing this video because the Ong Bak form 
is really popular and many of you are using   this video to learn it but there are some 
errors and some details that go unnoticed   if you don't have a solid Muay Boran base So let's start Ok this technique is actually 
called Yan Yothi which is a   Teep that pushes and slides down on the opponent Here is the standard execution and this 
is the variation you see in Ong Bak   which starts with the motion of a high 
roundhouse kick that ends with a Teep Bata Loob Pak is a high tip to the face   in the movie, Tony Jaa uses both strikes 
and calls them with their respective names okay, Jarake Fad Hang is a Spinning Hook Kick 
and in Muay Boran everyone does it differently   you don't have to bend the leg ideally 
it should be straight and the heel should   point towards the opponent this is something 
that many get wrong let's see how she strikes she does what almost looks 
like a Spinning Axe Kick to me   and I don't like this execution this is 
an ideal Jarake Fad Hang in my opinion: I like this version of Hanuman Tawai Waen more 
then the one Tony Jaa does because this technique   is already risky and he loads up the strike 
bringing the arms back which makes it even riskier Acha Payoth is a double straight punch and 
a knee, not a double hook so she got it right she could have used more of her 
glute in this Side Teep but it's ok Yotha Kluen Tap is a Horizontal Elbow Strike and a Piercing 
Elbow together, at the same time it's hard to   get it from the movie because Tony Jaa does not 
bend the arm he does not do the motion called   Tad Mala which means "Placing a flower behind 
the ear" but his arm is still raised and the   elbow tip still connects against the opponent 
what she does is simply a Horizontal Elbow I don't like this great wind-up Tony Jaa does that too but in a fight   you don't have time to extend the 
arms and load the strike like that   you should learn to generate power 
without this excessive motion I don't like this circular motion 
she does, Tony Jaa does it too   it is too telegraphed it is better to go straight she could have twisted her body back 
to put more mass behind the strike great overall she's good she's very passionate 
about what she does I will give her a 7 out of 10.   subscribe to my channel to 
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