Paddy Pimblett FIRES BACK at Ariel Helwani! Darren Till TROLLS Ali Abdelaziz! Dana White on Jiri

MMA news today:

SEAN STRICKLAND wants rematch with Alex Pereira

JARED GORDON talks Paddy Pimblett matchup

DARREN TILL trolls Ali Abdelaziz

ALEX PEREIRA goes on a helicopter ride

PADDY PIMBLETT responds to Ariel Helwani one hour video on The MMA Hour

DANA WHITE reveals how Jiri Prochazka got injured

00:00 – Alex Pereira goes on a helicopter ride over Grand Canyon
01:44 – Darren Till mocks Ali Abdelaziz
02:24 – Paddy Pimblett fires back at Ariel Helwani
05:27 – Sean Strickland wants rematch w/ Alex Pereira
06:15 – Dana White reveals how Jiri Prochazka got injured
07:30 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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Background music: beatsbyNeVs – Bang Bang



In today's video Alex Pereira goes on a Helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon Darren till Mark Sally abdulaziz Petty Pimlet fires back here Ariel helwani Sean Strickland wants a rematch with Alex Pereira Dana White reveals how Yeti Prohaska got injured and Jared Gordon Talks Patty pimlin matchup UFC champion Alex Pereira goes on a Helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon With his wife Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign UFC middleweight Darren till is very Active on social media and is known to Troll people this time till took a shot At manager Ali abdulaziz he posted this Video to his Twitter account and wrote Just trained with Ali Abdul Aziz at the UFC performance Institute good to see You bro Foreign [Laughter] Attacked Ariel hawani alongside Dana White who was clearly giddy with Excitement the Baddie accused the MMA Reporter of many things including that He earns his money off of the fighters But does nothing to help them Financially here's the clip courtesy of

Paddy the Baddie I ate all these Journalists especially the ones what Ann Offers you know what I mean like Ariel Helwani in particular but he loves Ian And money off Fighters like Every decent job he's had he's been Sacked from I mean like and now he's Just a biased content creator He hates on you hates on the UFC even Hate on me now and it probably annoys me Because he uses Fighters for clicks Users fighters to make money and then Says that have the audacity to talk About the UFC and yourself saying that They don't pay the fighters enough get Your dog's aerial I mean start paying People for these interviews right you Make thousands and thousands and Thousands of pounds on and you're doing It for exposure no you're not you're Doing it to put money in your pocket Aerial your little rodents lads Just sat back and let that go I didn't Want to interrupt he's a massive sack of Is what he is exactly he's the biggest Piece of all time and I couldn't have said it better Ariel Hawani struck back at the comments on The MMA hour saying that he doesn't do Interviews for money and doesn't get any YouTube money he also hit back at pimlet Specifically given that Patty recently Reached out to him for an interview However once helwani contacted the Brits

Manager he was informed he would have to Pay for the interview as a result the Reporter turned the interview down I Ain't paying for [ __ ] that's not how This works you don't pay for coverage That's not how this works is Joe Rogan Pay his guess To to all that did Oprah pay her guess Did Larry King pay his guess do uh the The the the the smartless guys do they Pay their no that's not how this works That's not how this works now if you're Upset about the fact that you come on my Show and I'm getting paid to do the show Well I could then in turn say the same Thing I'm upset that I have to go to Your fights and you get paid more than Me when you fight It's stupid shortly after Petty fired Back at Hawaiian an Instagram post by Writing brilliant podcast with Dana White over on my YouTube We shot this [ __ ] and both had a proper laugh got a Bit controversial you might say made a Certain someone get that riled up they Spoke about us for over an hour even Though it didn't bother him apparently The downright liar and everything he Said can't wait for [ __ ] Friday Hashtag UFC 282 what do you guys make This beef between Hawaii and pimlet do You think Patty went too far with his Comments about Ariel leave your thoughts In the comments below

Sean Strickland hopes he gets the chance To run things back with UFC champion Alex Pereira during an interview with MMA junkie Strickland said he's Determined to work his way into another Fight with the champ and despite the First loss he'd still have the same game Plan against Pereira if he fought him in A rematch He said the guy hits hard dude that Mother his dynamite in his hands but got To get a couple wins under my belt and Hopefully he's still the champion will Run him back he's a big mother Brazilian Who hits like dynamite I'll give you guys a pointer you stand In front of that [ __ ] bang Somebody is going to sleep and it's more Likely going to be you if I fight this Guy again I'll do the same thing just Put this right hand a little more up C president Dana White has revealed the Story behind Yuri prohaska's shoulder Injury during a recent episode of the Chatting Pony podcast alongside Patty Pimlet Dana White said that Geary's Shoulder popped out and his teammate Destroyed it completely while trying to Put it back in the socket you know that Night when it all went down and and we Had him had our doctor look at him the Doctor literally said in all the years At the UFC this is the worst shoulder Injury we've ever seen so it's pretty

Nasty and you know him being the Savage That he is he still wanted to fight and You know he said I could do it no you Can't fight you can't fight kid but you Know uh yeah he tore good what happened Was it popped out and he had some guys There at the gym Try and put it back in yeah yeah Rip the [ __ ] out of it and and destroyed His shoulder so I I you know tell you I Told him tell all the fighters if Anything happens to you jump in a car And go to the hospital we will pay for Everything let you know people think That these guys at the gym can you know Fix your shoulder do this that don't Don't even risk it just go to the Hospital It's crazy Here are the top three funniest memes we Found on the internet today third place Was found over Facebook and was posted By a user named top MMA content second Place was found over Twitter and was Posted by a username And our top pick was found over Facebook And was posted by a user named Jaden Wallace Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News

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