Non fare lo SCEMO a vuoto | 10 esercizi di Muay Thai x CORREGGERTI – shadow boxing workout

how not to look like a fool when you work empty Hello I'm Claudio and in this video I want to explain the 10 most common mistakes that are made by beginners but not only when you work empty not only I will also explain how to correct them tomorrow at the same time which this video came out I will publish another video dedicated Probably to conditioning So if you haven't done it yet Subscribe to the channel immediately and activate the bell so you don't miss it then once you have watched the video go immediately to write in the comments Which of these 10 mistakes did I present to you you are doing your job in vain Ok nothing Greetings see you in the comments today and tomorrow at the same time for the next video Hello first mistake is certainly to try to do too many things this What it entails means that many times you skip some fundamental phases I would say basic of the discipline one of these is certainly the guard position many when they start they try to make empty but they go to do everything a thousand strokes most of the time done badly trying to deliver trying to deliver these shots many times they jump they do things that have nothing to do with the fine Here's my advice is to take a step back, actually 10 steps back and start from the base then do at least 1-2 rounds where you only study the guard position so that you are composed that your hands are at the right height the tilt the correct movements then forward Then back Then lateral then lateral on the other side ok The basics the basics of muay thai don't start jumping and be a kick boxer to deliver 2,000 hits don't start delivering 2,000 hits starting from the base start from the muay thai guard position the correctness of this position from the swing and all that this concert second common mistake that comes a fact closely linked to the previous one is that many look at the ground when they work in vain, especially at the beginning.

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What do they do they look at the ground they hit the ground because if you look at a point unconsciously it's almost natural for you to lower your punches So if you imagine your opponent looking at him in front of you you imagine that he hits you you probably take me to the right point If you work with your head and then we'll get there also in another point on this subject If you work with your head and decide to bring your fist on his Chin even if he is not a person in front your fist most likely without realizing it your hands will lower Here this is a mistake Look ahead Imagine your opponent and imagine you are fighting when you are working in vain so you decide to go to the face you go to the face you decide to pull the ribs in better you bring him to the ribs but you always visualize your opponent third mistake that is often made at the beginning is to stay too stationary after blows What does it mean that many take the blows and remain nailed is not good Always think about the swing and let's go back to the first point the guard position work and swing bring the kick back to guard and return to the guard position on swing this thing is fundamental many what they do deliver the blows and pin each other then when they spar it is a problem because the moment you finish the action remains pinned your opponent hits you with blows and if he hits you with blows at the moment you are pinned he probably knocks you out because even from this pinned position he is unable to cushion any blow, even if it is not light, let's say, if instead you are in tilting position you manage to shorten the blow you manage to dodge it I start to block it you manage to do all the art let's say the whole muay thai toolbox if you start from the base if not you can't even open the box fourth fundamental point and let's say mistake that is often made at the beginning is to only make attacks When you work in vain so you work por you only do attacks So you do hand surges hand surges Leg surges knee surges maybe surges with all parts of the muay thai technical landscape But you only do attacks and that's not real in the mode and in real combat you attack and get attacked therefore it is essential to learn to work even with the defenses even if you are empty even if you have no one in front who is attacking I told you you have to imagine you are fighting so yes it's ok you will attack but you will protect yourself you will protect yourself on the punches it will block the kicks of the 'opponent you will dodge the kicks he will close in the Grinch when he is there he will hit you with punches he will control the opponent's body he will shoot the front when he kicks you so try to go and do all the defenses let's review the can be the blocks both leg and hand can be the dodges the grabs the controls Ok Always linked to this point is the fact that many do not diversify the attacks What does it mean ire means that when I was working they always do those three things they know how to do it's not good there is or better It's okay to work well the things you can do but it's also okay to vary ok You can't do it for a minute sorry unless you you set yourself there to study just one shot and then a different matter but if you're doing a complete empty round you have to vary you can't always do the usual two things that is you can't do for two years One two average football vary a little then vary in different ways vary the type of shot so if you are doing 1-2 medium you can change do one two knee Tip 1 2 elbow example but it can also change the line of attacks so let's go back to the basics of 1 2 medium kick you could do the Jeb punch to the body high kick Ok same type of shots so punches and roundhouse kicks but the level changes The level is heights Ok Another important point You are too rigid many stay when they empty when they empty but the factual reality that even then when they fight they didn't work in the bag or they fit in a fan of Paulo they are too stiff so they stay so nailed stiff stiff this prevents you from carrying the blows correctly it causes that after two minutes you work like this your arms go down because you are all contracted hands are high and you can't work properly so the fact of being stiff no when you happen to be stiff you take a few centimeters away from your imagined potential opponent you put your arms down You take off and try to work as fluid as possible guard position high hand swing Ok the bases go back to the first point ok If you are in trouble on this thing You are too rigid Take care of the first point go back to the bases to the guard position linked to this point another other mistake that is often made than that of keeping the shoulders too high when on guard when on guard many shoulders too high that what does Yes does yes what number one ch and you're shoulders high your arms are low because it's mathematical that is physical you see that if I keep my shoulders like this I can't raise my arms my shoulders guys we have the cuts they have to be low because the hands have to be high and they have to be able to move comfortably to block and dab the opponent's blows if you are like this you cannot do anything you become stiff therefore Shoulders low hands high it often happens when you have The beginnings of going to fight and it happens that your master from the corner tells you damn Claudio put your hands up put up hands close to her face eh you're punching her in the face because in reality you're not throwing your hands up but you're pulling on the shoulders and this prevents you from throwing on your hands you see it's difficult from here Try pulling on your neck put your hands like this raise your arms you will feel the whole neck contracted Then it was a week in bed with the neck contracted always tied at this point there is another mistake that is often made which is that beginners don't breathe often that at the beginning but not only Now you go freediving so deliver the blows holding your breath Try to do an empty boxing round without breathing you die go freediving So the important thing you always have to breathe normally and when you carry them the blows you have to get the air out thai you know if you watch the videos of the cuts that bring the kicks they mimic this is a way to get the air out ok One way to unload the blow more you can't work without breathing go to apnea and run out of breath immediately Try to run without breathing Don't make time to go 10 meters when you're done important point that I have already mentioned in the other points is to work at random Do not visualize an opponent many when I was working empty They do not visualize an opponent so they bring punches home like it's like taking the punches is a thing that takes so much to do No guys when fighting when working empty so you have to imagine fighting you have to imagine hitting someone so your punches have to make sense you can't hit home it doesn't exist you can't by default hit one or two hooks No if you hit one two hooks there must be a 'idea for example as a left-handed I work in my imagination that he brings direct gebe I move slightly it's not that I move the punch I move slightly and I see the blow slightly and from there I bring 1-2 hook or always left-handed always on one two hook I guess that he brings me the geb I work on his first shot then Jem they lower the gel slightly and shoot 1 2 hook there is always an idea because the shots They must never be random they must always be thought of even if no one is there in front of you in your head you imagine that there is someone right so your head is making empty he gives you a medium kick and then you either block him because he brought you the middle finger or you bring the front Tip to unbalance him when he's doing the best guys use your head When you work empty the last fundamental point of this roundup of mistakes that are often made when working empty is that of not extending the strokes well many when working to tolerate short strokes perhaps probably related to the fact that are rigid Here this is the wrong way to become looser and to try to extend the blows well So position yourself well for example when Bring your fists well composed for a long time well then I push on the legs I extend the fist well I rotate the wrist well the shoulder the hip the other hand make sure that it is on the cheek that there is no space between your fist your shoulder so don't bring your fists like this but bring yourself well Ditto when you bring the jab try to stretch everything well but so did I when I spoke the front leg stretch it all the way knee equal stretch all the leg throw out the calf with the hip bring it close to the thigh o otherwise you'll end up doing this and this isn't a knee, see like this, it's not stretching many do one two and do this This isn't the knee, this is the knee If you want to hurt your knee you have to kick whoever wants out Tell me the kick many do this no you're empty You're working well and spread the blows Oki

As found on YouTube

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