NEW DETAILS + UFC Facing MAJOR consequences following the antitrust lawsuit! Jones-Gordon bromance!

MMA news today:

MORE DETAILS on lawsuit against the UFC

FEDOR EMELIANENKO calls out Mike Tyson to a boxing match

JON JONES thanks Gordon Ryan for helping him on the mats

GORDON RYAN describes training & living w/ Jon Jones

MIKE PERRY signs a new multi-fight deal with BKFC

COACH EUGENE BAREMAN criticizes Dricus du Plessis’ decision to not fight Israel Adesanya at UFC 293

00:00 – Mike Perry signs a new multi-fight deal with BKFC
00:49 – Coach Bareman criticizes Dricus du Plessis’ decision to not fight Adesanya at UFC 293
02:05 – Fedor Emelianenko calls out Mike Tyson to a boxing match
03:36 – New details on the lawsuit against the UFC
05:47 – Jon Jones thanks Gordon Ryan for helping him on the mats
06:39 – Gordon Ryan describes training & living w/ Jon Jones
08:15 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show started In today's video Mike Perry signs a new Multi-fight deal with the bkfc coach Bearman criticized dracus duplessy's Decision to not fight arasania at UFC 293 Fedora mullionenko calls out Mike Tyson to a boxing match new details on The lawsuit against the UFC Jon Jones Thanks Gordon Ryan for helping him on The mats and Gordon Ryan describes Training and living with Jon Jones Mike Perry has signed a new multi-fight Deal with the bkfc as his hot run with The company continues MMA junkies Nolan King reported the news on Twitter Writing Mike Perry is staying with bkfc And has signed a new multi-fight deal With the company a promotion official Tells me Perry rides a four fight Winning streak including an April win Over Luke rockhold Drake is dupless he May not receive a tunnel shot after Failing to step up against his Radissania at UFC 293 according to coach Eugene bearman in a recent interview on Submission radio Ada signed his longtime Coach questioned whether or not duplessy Will end up receiving a title shot he Said well I don't make that call but the Problem is if you don't step up and take Fights you go into the pool that's a Fact nothing in this fort is solid until There's something signed on the dotted Line he's got nothing signed on the

Dotted line then he's out there in The Ether He had a shot it's the same shot that Many of my boys have had here fault for Titles or have had titles you never Never never and we fought with horrific Injuries because you don't take that Lightly and the problem with them is I've had an injury and yeah it's been a Bad injury You've taken your shot for granted you Think you're gonna get it again but you Don't know what this machine does you Don't know the UFC you don't know what They do you don't know how they twist And turn things never feel comfortable With where you are if there's something In front of you that you've been working For your whole life don't think for a Minute just like that and he had it and He let it slip so they can't be sitting Comfortable thinking that they've got The next shot MMA Legend Fedor Emelianenko has called Out Mike Tyson to a boxing match in a Recent interview on the MMA hour the 46 Year old Fedor said that his MMA career Is over but he's now looking to try his Hand at boxing Emelianenko said he's Confident in his boxing skills and would Love to test himself against Mike Tyson Is Um Um

Theodore also said that he'd like to Fight Jake Paul but doubts he'd accept The challenge Are you saying you want to fight Jake Paul yeah [Music] I didn't think about it but I I doubt he Would want to do it why not maybe you're You're more his size you know This is exactly why he may not be he may Not agree Yesterday we reported that the UFC may Be facing trouble as a federal court has Certified a large class-action lawsuit Against the organization in an interview On unlocking the cage John Nash a Reporter for bloody elbow discussed the Significant implications of this lawsuit For the UFC and the MMA industry as a Whole if you missed our video from Yesterday consider watching it to learn More about the topic here's a clip but What an injunctive a remedial relief or Inductive relief would do is basically And I'll use an example happen in the Past the international boxing club of New York was found a monopoly in the in The late 50s early 60s their injunctive Relief at that period the judge ordered That all their contracts could no longer Be exclusive for the next five years so Every fighter in the IBC of New York was Basically free to negotiate with any Other promoter they want while still

Retaining the contract they had with the IBC of New York and so they could fight For the IBC of New York one fight and Then start you know asking around we've Also seen what the the plaintiffs have Kind of asked for injunctive Relief what They want in the as injunctive relief They've said either a one or two year Maxim contract with no possible Extensions so think of this the future When ganu spent five years Nate Diaz six Years ago on this contract if he grants That version of injunctive relief in the Future then that means every fighter if You fight once you maybe have to wait 12 More months and sit on the sidelines Unless the FC pays you more and you're a Free agent and that would dramatically Change the industry this could be a this Could be a massive chance this could be One of the biggest events in hindsight One of the biggest events in MMA history The industry could be completely changed But there's also a strong possibility You know let's say the the players of Settlement this could be a win it still Could be a great win the UFC could end Up still being the UFC making a lot of Money but the fighters attain a lot more Power because you know they have to hand Out money to pass Fighters and the Contracts change it up that going Forward that the Fighters then start Making a lot more money it's not enough

It would you know wouldn't risk the UFC's future let's say but the UFC a Bigger much bigger percentage of their Revenue might have to go to retain the Top fighters BJJ goat Gordon Ryan Recently went to Albuquerque to train With Jon Jones Jones posted footage of Him grappling with the five-time ADCC Champion Foreign Thanked Ryan for helping on the Mets he Wrote I was blessed to be able to spend About six hours a day on the mats with The greatest no-gi Jiu Jitsu athlete in The history of grappling I'm not sure if I can ever repay Gordon for the lessons I learned the notes I was able to take I Do believe his generosity with his Knowledge is rare I'm forever grateful What an inspiring individual to be Around on and off the mat Gordon Ryan has also taken to Instagram To shower Jon Jones with praise he wrote There's nothing I enjoy more than Surrounding myself with people who are Exceptional in their given field this Week I had the luxury of training with Jon Jones the absolute best in his field And the baddest MMA fighter on the Planet off the mats we hung out a lot Off the mats and I was able to see him Interact with normal people not just People he needs or respects he treated The random cashiers that stores the

Exact same way he treated me he didn't Treat me good because of who I am he Just treats people nicely because it's Who he is as a person he's as incredible With fans as any celebrity I've ever Seen and genuinely gives everyone he Meets is all say what you want about him But he was nothing but spectacular as a Person on the mats when Jon talks about Normal stuff can come off just like Anyone you know a regular guy when he Talks about combat you see an Intentional shift in his demeanor and Thought process you see the gears start Turning and you see the depth at which He understands the sport I threw some Complicated sequences at him and he Learned as fast as anyone by day three He was exponentially better at drilling Than he was on day one he is truly an Exceptional athlete and I'm very Thankful I could be a very small part in This upcoming camp this is hopefully the First of many trips out to Albuquerque What an honor big thanks to two cgb and Know they Sunny for helping drill the Entire week and also to Greg Jackson MMA For inviting me into the family Jones stick to the comments writing Gordon you are an extraordinary human Being I'm grateful to call you friend Here are the top three memes we found on The internet today third place was found Over Reddit and was posted by a user

Named Striker Apex Our second place pick was found over Reddit and was posted by a username not WWE And her top pick of the day was found Over Facebook and was posted by a Username Robert Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News