Muay Thai Digest 1: Warm Up | Thai Boxing 2021

hi everyone this is roman fight vision and we are 
at muay thai digest in this episode we will talk   about warm-up in muay thai and other thai martial 
arts we'll see the different styles of warm-up in   different parts of thailand you will also get 
answers to questions that you asked me on quora   and in the comments what is the difference between 
western boxing and muay thai we will show you some   techniques comparing you will know what is the 
best for self-defense muay thai or brazilian   jiu-jitsu and i think you will be surprised we 
will also try to find the answer to the question   is thai boxing the most powerful style of martial 
arts but before we start i need to announce four   major updates first of all my telegram page 
please find and follow me there you can find   all the exclusive materials that i can show you in 
the videos also some fights from the golden era of   kickboxing and all traditional muay thai right 
now you can find muay thai bible book for free   some articles about bruce lee and what famous 
trainers think about him and his training methods   also this video is about warm up but unfortunately 
i don't have video about my baron warm up in old   style but in my telegram page you can find photo 
guide about this style of warm up the second thing   is our new section sean answers do you remember 
sean professional trainer and fighter in muay thai   kickboxing and karate famous in thailand and in 
singapore he will answer to your questions about   muay thai about training methods about training 
programs any questions some undercover things   of muay thai life in thailand what you need 
to become a fighter how to participate in   other things just write your questions with tech 
sean answers and he will answer you in the next   videos so any questions about muay thai martial 
arts self defense and other things update number   three some of you asked me to release small 
muay thai techniques tutorials that you can   practice every day and i decided to post it on my 
instagram so my instagram now is your daily guide   to muay thai technics number four muay thai and 
kickboxing at home course the ultimate program   for newcomers to training at home in this course 
you'll learn more time kickboxing bases from level   1 like stances and punches to level 2 elbow knee 
strikes and basic kicks and to level 3 with high   kicks advanced kicks and punching and kicking 
combinations all this action will be finished   with real workouts so you will practice all your 
knowledges in active exercises not only by theory   so join now and be prepared and well trained 
no matter what muay thai and kickboxing at home you should never begin muay thai training or any 
other martial arts or sport without first going   through a basic warm-up program which repairs 
every part of the body to subsequent action   any such program should basically target three 
areas the cardiovascular system the muscles and   the joints so before boxer starts any serious 
training his body requires a warm-up a good   warm-up properly performed is beneficial in many 
ways experience will always show that a sufficient   amount of warming up will protect a boxer from the 
muscle strain that can result from very strenuous   exercise the basic purpose of the warm-up as its 
name indicates is to raise the body temperature   particularly that of the deep line muscles it also 
stretches the ligaments and various membranes so   that's the body's flexibility and consequently its 
readiness for the athletic activity is increased   which then accelerates the metabolic process 
of the cells and also speed up reflexes   among the exercises that are very suitable for 
warming up are jogging running at a comfortable   speed or other activities the important thing is 
that they shoot cause the body to move gently and   freely warm-up exercises help a boxer to find 
out the degree of intensity and length of time   needed to his body temperature to rise to the 
right point when he's sweating freely warm-up   exercises should start of a moderate rate of 
speed and then accelerate until the boxer feels   that his body temperature is high enough and 
his circulation improved the effects of warm-up   should last about 45 minutes although the 
exact length of an effective warm-up varies   according to individuals physique and age 
in general warm up should be restricted to   about 20 minutes so that it leaves the body in 
condition to work maximum efficiency this is just   enough time to put the body in a state where it 
can move really well an abundant supply of food   and oxygen has been brought to the blood in the 
muscle tissue and the muscles are therefore ready   to work to the limit of their ability for the more 
blood sugar and adrenaline levels have been raised   to optimum levels for the athletic activities 
and at the end of training session a boxer   should always cool down to allow his circulatory 
system and other body functions to easy back to   the normal state now we will demonstrate you 
different styles of warm-up in different parts   of thailand and you can choose which one you 
like most or you can use different in different   time also as i said in my telegram page fight 
vision you can find moyboran style of warm-up so so so so so bye so so so swaddy cup okay shawn douglas here from fight 
house thailand um i've got some questions   from fight vision and the first one is what are 
the differences between boxing and muay thai   there's many many differences but we'll keep it 
short and sweet the sweet science boxing one of   the major differences is that i only have 
two tools two weapons to uh to do the job   and i do have limited targets right the 
torso and the head to strike so a lot of   the positions are quite different as well and the 
wet weight distribution how i will stand sort of   route myself into the floor to punch strong uh 
the bladed position being a bit more sideways   and um ducking and bobbing and weaving and head 
movement um and those crouch positions in western   boxing is quite different than in muay thai in 
muay thai we will be standing a bit more upright   less of those crouching positions because we have 
kicks and knees coming up we also have many more   weapons in muay thai muay thai to use the elbow 
the knee the kicks we can also continue to fight   in the clinch we can also sweep our opponent so 
quite quite a bit difference in how many tools we   have for the job but those are some of the major 
differences between boxing and muay thai okay   fighting position for me now again talking about 
the frame or the window frame the hand position   in muay thai it seems like we're offering up a 
huge target okay because we're squaring our body   there's balance between left and right it sort of 
it makes things equal as far as strength wise left   side to right side but there's many counters and 
the conditioning that we go through to condition   the core of the body is pretty extreme okay unlike 
a lot of art we're able to take a lot more damage   here but this is just an illusion okay it looks 
open and available but it's actually really safe   position okay because we're we're building an 
illusion to trap and for that those opponents to   try to attack into that that huge gateway okay now 
the hands are lifted the shoulders are raised so   this is shielding anything that might come around 
to attack his head it looks very open but with   subtle parries and movements and adjustments we 
can cover these areas that are open for instance   he can use a slight parry with this hand right 
if i was to tack in in the window turn for me   if i was attacking this big gate which would call 
it just a subtle movement or a pair of the hand   okay opposite side same thing okay so it feels 
like you might be open it might feel a little   like you're exposed but this position offers you 
much more defense than a western boxing position   especially if i was to attack 
with elbows over the hands okay so we will start with a jab here try to whip out the body use the 
whole body when you do the jab if you're doing your jab you try to rotate 
your whole body like a whip with the punch   so it gets through so when i yap i will 
use my whole body all right like this otherwise it won't be the power correct 
power as you can see when i whip it it's much harder uh yes uh what's what's different between 
chad muay thai and falang what what what difference boxing same same thing yeah it's 
the same thing so muay thai jab   and a normal traditional boxing job is basically 
the same yeah same same so you just rotated   so basically use your whole 
body and whip out your body like that um uh my god what is the best self-defense style 
between muay thai or brazilian jiu jitsu   and this is definitely a hard question it's 
highly debatable i truly believe that it's a   fusion between both of those systems would make 
the best self-defense style if you're looking at   styles that are developed basically for that 
like rally combatives or krav um it's a it's   a fusion between the two because you know fights 
can mostly start standing on the feet but i'd say   statistically speaking most fights will end up in 
a grappling scenario or on the ground so i'd have   to choose brazilian jiu jitsu brazilian jiu jitsu 
definitely give you a major advantage in all those   positions and it definitely helps you deal with a 
larger heavier opponent and it gives you options   to not just punch and kick but to submit or 
manipulate a joint or a position to control that   situation and end it relatively peacefully or 
under control so i would have to say brazilian jiu jitsu right now so so so so all right sean here again from fight 
house thailand and the third question is   is muay thai one of the most or is 
it the most powerful fighting style   um wow that's another difficult question and 
highly debatable i'd say it's definitely one of   the top when it comes to being a powerful style 
there's definitely some fighting karate styles   that are extremely powerful too but when it 
comes to delivering damage or if we're talking   about ring sports i would have to say muay thai 
is definitely one of the toughest ring sports   um that you could compete in just because you're 
forced to strike and you don't have the option   to submit or necessarily stall in positions even 
in the clinch or continue to fight in the clinch   so i'd say damage-wise muay 
thai would be one of the top but   mma especially now has evolved as it's 
become gives you all the options so   you know mma is definitely up there but yes 
if we're talking about ring sports i would say   muay thai is definitely in the top top three i 
hope that answers your questions i know it's uh   not as direct as maybe you 
would have liked them to be but   that's the best answers i can give for you guys 
and i hope that helps thanks a lot so eddie cup pet's going to demonstrate some basic 
standing warm-ups that you'll see in muay thai   very traditional hands on the 
shoulders he'll rotate his arms he'll reverse direction now going back 
hands forward rotating small circles out   small circles in okay left hand on the hip right hand 
high stretching across pushing in back to center left arm up right arm here pushing 
across when we're doing this we're breathing in   deep in through the nose out to the mouth back 
to center deep breath in reaching for the toes   he'll relax his neck and head lower back and he'll 
keep the legs straight you'll see a lot of the   guys bouncing but we want to try to maintain 
a good smooth stretch okay and coming back up   okay twisting turning the feet inward 
hands here and rotating the torso and also lifting the knee in this direction and 
twisting the torso in the opposite direction and the right side the neck hands on the hips 
looking down looking up down up   down and up turning the head left and right 
left and right left and right opening the base   resting the chin in the palms putting a little 
pressure and pushing the chin left to right   warming up those neck muscles 
rotation of the wrists   interlacing the fingers rotating 
the wrist and switching direction one more for the shoulders hands forward 
and out crossing over under over under over   under over the head and back down to the waistline okay attention so id cup i don't after cleaning after affiliate uh exercise oh yeah like this okay i'm flick another people different but for me you like it you got a body still relax 
some people with like a can but foreign four neck one [ __ ] one day really good but take a long time not not that 
time but everything they've not gone by the way you can write in the comment 
section which styles or martial arts techniques   you want to see and want to learn 
i will try to film it next time

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As found on YouTube

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