Muay Thai Boxing Moves : Equipment Used in Muay Thai Boxing

Hello this is Ric O'Kane on behalf of
in this clip we would be demonstrating how some of the Thai boxing equipment is used.
If you want to learn more about Muay Thai you can visit Okay what
I have here on my forearms strapped to my forearms are the traditional Thai pads. This
is where most of the sharping techniques are done for Muay Thai. On my belly I have what
is called a t-pad or a belly pad and this is used for both knee straps, body punches,
hands, push kicks. Okay so I'm going to demonstrate, this is Shawn Yacoubian a professional fighter.
Okay face me now we demonstrated earlier how to do the straight punch now I'm going to
do show how it is done on Thai pads.


Okay left jab, okay now if you want to do a straight
left and a straight right and jab right across. Now we are going to do the jab, the cross
combined with the hook. Okay and he is going to have a second hook, straight, straight,
hook, hook, straight, straight, hook, hook..

As found on YouTube

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