Some places will call it Muay Thai with grappling. Others will call it Muay Thai for MMA. For us at the Academy, we simply call it Muay Boran or the ancient way of fighting. Muay Boran is an ancient fighting system that existed before Muay Thai. And its skills is more than just stand up. It includes skills of rolling, sweeping, crushing, grabbing and breaking. These skills were used in warfare in ancient times, and taught exclusively to high ranking officials, the king's personal body guards, the royal family and the kings themselves.
But due to the nature of Muay Boran competitions, which normally resulted in severe injuries, and even fatalities… They were considered too barbaric in modern times. So Muay Boran was outlawed, and the few remaining fighters and trainers, retired and went into obscurity. Nowadays, there's only a handful of Muay Boran experts located all over Thailand. And after years of training with the masters I've decided to share my knowledge to those seeking this ancient fighting art. ..bang.. Initially it was challenging because nobody really knew what Muay Boran was. So I had to do these public demonstrations in parks, schools and festivals And in 2009, we made it official and added Muay Boran as part of our school's curriculum.
Around 2017, we created Muay Boran Academy online to share our knowledge of Muay Boran to the world. So if you're interested in learning authentic Muay Boran, not just for show but for self-defense, and for practical applications. From experts who've been teaching it for many many years, then subscribe to us and begin your Muay Boran journey!.