MMA veteran K!LLED in Brazil! Dan Hooker HEAVILY ROASTED over new tattoo! Conor LAUGHS AT Chandler

MMA news today:







00:00 Zlatan Ibrahimovic teases Khabib’s return at UFC 300
01:01 Coach Javier Mendez shuts down talk of Khabib’s return
02:18 Sean Strickland threatens to st*b Dricus Du Plessis
03:40 Dan Hooker shows off his new tattoo
05:02 Fans brut@lly roast Dan Hooker’s new ink
05:29 Conor McGregor responds to Chandler’s strength comment
06:36 MMA veteran k!lled in Brazil
08:35 TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get the show Started let's start today's news with Rumors that khabib NM medov is set to Return at UFC 300 the UFC is in the Process of finding a headliner for its Marquee avena this year there's a lot of Pressure on Dana White and his team to Deliver a main event that will blow fans Away several big names such as khabib n Mamedov and George St Pierre among Others have been rumored to return to Action Now Swedish Soccer Star Zlatan Ibrahimovic provided a potential teaser For the MMA Community regarding khabib's Presence at UFC 300 he posted this photo Captioned UFC 300 at [Music] [Music] Khabib Coach Javier Mendes has dismissed khabib Mmov of UFC return rumors recently a Clip has surfaced of Coach Javier Mendes Saying that khabib only trains with him When he's ready to fight and that he Doesn't know if nurma gdov is returning But that they are training together Mendes has now responded to that clip Courtesy of Helen ye and has shut down The idea that the eagle is making a Comeback hey guys I'm just making this Video from Dubai at the kinsky hotel Where I'm at with my friend my brother Tim and I'm just letting you guys know That you know stop all this nonsense

Regarding Habib coming back and me and Him training there's been no such thing Happening we're not discussing training We never have Habib is still devoted to What he said he's devoting his time to His family he's not working people's Corners he's not going to ever fight um To my knowledge it's never been spoken About and uh to my knowledge he's been Here the last few days he just left Yesterday from uh Dubai and uh nothing Has ever been discussed about fighting No training no nothing we trained Together actually but we're doing cardio We weren't doing any any kind of Kickboxing any kind of MMA training Whatsoever so stop the Clickbait got it Sean Strickland Threatens to stab draus dupi the back And forth between Strickland and dupy Continues in a recent video posted to His YouTube channel Shawn said that he's Messaged draus since the chaos a press Conference in December saying that if he Brings up his childhood again then he Will stab him like no one told me this Happening I actually talked to draus After that and I was like drus I mean Cuz I like the guy me and him are going War we're have a death match like there Is no other way that ends you know Someone's getting knocked the out he's Going to kiss you he might try to grab My but you know I mean at the end of the

Day that's his coach that's worst things Going to happen right [ __ ] so I I Actually sent him message and I was like Dude listen dragon we're going to go try To Mur each other but if you bring that Up Again I will stab you yeah press Conference weigh in you bring that like I just told dragus you know he's going To bring it up no no he was cool body Cool body he was like he was but I mean Again I'm not telling you I don't want To fight you draus I'm not saying you're Not a good fighter I'm just saying that That's a line that when crossed it it Transcends fighting to like if I have It's it's a like I'm If I go to Canada and you bring that up Well guess what I'm going to go to jail They're going to deport me and the ne we We spent 8 weeks of training doing for No reason Dan hooker gets some new ink The UFC lightweight has posted a video On social media showing off his new [Music] Tattoo [Music] [Music] Fans flooded the comments with mixed Reactions one fan wrote midlife crisis Brother would help if you could read it You can't make out what it says cool Design but it's still eligible bro why Dude woke up like two months ago and

Decided he'd cover himself in tattoos Cool another dog [ __ ] tattoo tattooed Hooker new mythical Fighter for $1 Million I'd never guess what this [ __ ] Says Conor McGregor responds to Michael Chandler's strength comments in a recent YouTube video Chandler discussed Fighting McGregor at 185 lbs and how it Will impact both him and Connor inside The Octagon Chandler also expressed his Belief that he'll be the stronger Fighter and challenged anyone to find Proof of Conor's strength improvements Equivalent to his size Increase the last thing I would say is He is not stronger than me so I don't Need to gain weight I don't need to gain Any more strength I don't need to do any More than than what I'm already doing The dude is not stronger than me now I Challenge you guys find me one video of Connor out there lifting heavy heavy Weights he's not stronger than me I hit Hard harder than he does I'm not worried About the size in this fight because he And I are relatively within 3 to five Lbs of each other so if you think I'm Going up to 210 to cut down to 185 it Ain't going to happen now Conor fired Back tweeting laughing emotes lifting Belts over lifting weights I can bench Press 10 chanders Chandler can't lift an MMA veteran has been killed in Brazil

44-year-old MMA veteran Diego brago was Confirmed by police to have been killed By organized crime in Rio de Janeiro Braga took to social media on Monday Morning revealing that he had his Motorcycle stolen from his garage late Sunday night according to Witnesses Braga ventured into a flla in search of The vehicle where he was mistaken for a Member of a rival militia by members of The Criminal criminal organization Commando vermo which translates to Red Command tragically he was then allegedly Killed Brago was an active MMA fighter between 2003 and 2014 facing renowned opponents Such as Charles alera Milton Vieira and Adriano Martins all of whom ended up Competing in the UFC he also coached Legendary middleweight Anderson Silva For several of his final UFC bouts and Shared a card with his own son Gabriel Braga at Future MMA 7 in 2019 in what Would ultimately be his retirement bout Both Father and Son came out Victorious That night with Diego ending his career With an MMA record of 238 And1 winning 16 of his last 19 appearances on behalf Of the MMA talk team we extend our Condolences to Diego's family and Friends rest in peace Warrior listen up fight fans we've been Working behind the scenes on a Newsletter that will allow you to read

And see content we can't always post on Here this will allow us all to better Stay in the talk time for today's top Memes third place was found on Reddit And was posted by a user named SBO the Soda second place meme was found on Facebook And it was posted by Robert and a top picked meme was found Over on X and it was posted by Johnny Walker thanks for watching if you like The content smash that like button and Don't forget to subscribe to stay in the Talk