MMA news today:
DNAIEL CORMIER reacts to Dana White’s wife slap
UMAR NURMAGOMEDOV reacts to Khabib stepping away from coaching
SEAN O’MALLEY clarifies his comments about Dana White slapping his wife
DANA WHITE confronted by reporter with 2014 quote
ARIEL HELWANI not happy with Dana White’s ‘punishment’ for slapping his wife
00:00 – Umar Nurmagomedov reacts to Khabib retiring from coaching
01:37 – Dana White confronted by reporter with 2014 quote
03:48 – Ariel Helwani reacts to Dana White’s ‘punishment’
04:55 – Daniel Cormier weigh ins on Dana White’s wife slap
06:39 – Sean O’Malley clarifies his comments about Dana White’s NYE incident
07:38 – TOP 3 MMA memes
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In today's video Umar Norma comedov Reacts to Habib retiring from coaching Dana White confronted by reporter with The 2014 quote Ariel helwani reacts to Dana White's quote-unquote punishment Daniel Cormier weighs in on Dana White's Wife slap and shot O'Malley clarifies His comments about Dana White's New Year's Eve incident Has reacted to Habib retiring from Coaching in a recent interview with TSN Umar said he is not surprised by habib's Decision and believes that he will still Be coached by his cousin but only in Dagestan here's the clip I'm not Surprised I was no and we was talking About this And I'm not nervous I'm okay We have like calling like we talk he Give me advice about fight about cut Weight and everything same but uh he Just stopped like too many fly like too Many titles I think you'll be same we will be Training together like in Pakistan when He will be at home I think nothing changed with Brothers he He will not like traveling too much he Will he will care about himself his Family his mother I think this is you Know this is very hard things like Traveling too much like Call that everybody I think this is not Easy that's why he make decision and
I'm happy for him For the second time since the video of Him slapping his wife in the face in a Nightclub in Cabo went viral Dana White Is speaking out about the incident the UFC president made an appearance during The UFC Vegas 67 media day on Wednesday As he did the initial interview with TMZ White admitted to hitting his spouse he Was also made aware of those coming to His defense something he discouraged White also said that it was the first Time he ever slapped his wife and Promised that it will never happen again There's never a reason or an excuse For what happened on New Year's Eve to Ever happen period And like I said I'm 53 I'll be 54 this summer Never done it I mean Never put my hands on a woman in my life Other than my sister when we used to try To kill each other when we were little Uh you know what I mean Um but other than that uh you know this Is the first time that it's ever Happened and I guarantee you it will never happen Again and nobody should be defending me There are there are two sides of the Story there's only my side The UFC president was also confronted by A reporter with a quote of Dana's from 2014 which said that you never bounce Back from putting your hands on a woman
Here's Dana's response in 2014 you said You don't bounce back from putting your Hands on a woman how do you bounce back From this as a leader in the UFC and at Home as a husband and a father you don't You don't bounce back from this You don't ever bounce back from this you Know for the rest of my life like I said However long that is People are going to label me that you Know what I mean You don't bounce back from it you you You you you you [Music] Wake up every day and try to be better Than you were yesterday And you make sure that that never Happens again Whatever steps you have to take to make Sure that you're never in that situation And that never happens again that's what I need to do and it's a fact I mean There's a couple things in life that you Don't bounce back from and this is one Of them That's a fact Ariel helwani is not happy With Dana White's quote-unquote Punishment for slapping his wife Speaking on Wednesday's episode of the MMA hour Hawaii said that white Shouldn't be the one answering the Question on what the punishment should Be uh he shouldn't be the one punishing Himself he shouldn't be the one
Answering The question on what the punishment Should be in my opinion that should be To someone who is in a position to make These calls you don't ask someone who Committed the quote-unquote crime what They think the punishment should be That's not how it works that's not how It's ever worked in any Walk of Life so It's fine that we asked them the Question like do you think you should be Punished do you think but ultimately It's not up to us it's not up to him It's up to the bosses it's up to the People in charge hawani also disagrees With white saying that him leaving the Company would only hurt the fighters and The employees of the UFC if I did Something like that I'd probably be Fired from every job I have so I'll have To live with it But also face repercussions Former UFC double champion Daniel Cormier has shared his thoughts on Dana White's New Year's Eve incident with his Wife Cormier addressed the situation on His show DC and RC with Ryan Clark he Stressed that white taking Accountability for his actions was an Important First Step DC also noted that There's no doubt his actions were wrong Here's the clip everybody waits for an Opinion on a situation like this but I'll tell you this right now
Dana White was wrong and he told you he Was wrong we have long been told our Entire lives that we are not supposed to Put our hands on women Dana White Himself has gone on record for saying You are not supposed to put your hand on Women he understands that he took Accountability immediately but Dana's Making no excuses for his actions right Some Fighters are trying to defend him He doesn't defend himself why should Anyone go to defend an action and he is Saying I was wrong everyone knows that Is wrong but for me it's what happens Next how does Dana White become a voice For trying to help people in these Situations how does he go forward and Leave the church to try to help people To try to combat this type of situation Uh domestic violence and all these other Things that's the question for me it's No debate Ryan it's not like we can sit Up here for 10 minutes and debate Whether or not it was right or it was Wrong there's no debate everyone is on The same page he said it's wrong I know It's wrong you know what's wrong and Everyone around the world know it's it's Wrong but the reality is what comes next How does Dana help with this issue going Forward Sean O'Malley has clarified his previous Comments about Dana White slapping his Wife O'Malley recently waited on the
Incident implying that Dana's wife Issued the first slap and that she Deserved to be slapped back by Dana many Disagreed with O'Malley's comments but Sugar is insisting his comments were met As a joke and by no means was he Defending the UFC president while Speaking on a recent episode of the Timbo sugar show O'Malley said Dude it was every journalism or a Journalist whatever it wasn't just them MMA junkie they got it in the comments In the whole video I was like dark humor Making jokes on a bunch of bad [ __ ] 95 Of what we say is around it's the kind Of humor that we like unfortunately you Look at our group chat I'll go to hell But dude Joe Rogan says the same thing I've heard celebrities say the same Thing it's like it's the most [ __ ] up [ __ ] that makes you giggle Here are the top three funniest memes we Found on the internet today third place Was found over Reddit and was posted by A user named RDR gangster77 Our second place meme was also found Over Reddit and was posted by a user Named Don DaVinci 416 And our top picked meme was found over Instagram and was posted by a username Mixed Martial addicts Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with
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