MMA Journalist OFFENDED by Sean Strickland’s comments? Kevin Lee NOT HAPPY w/ his UFC return!Pereira

MMA news today:

BELLATOR FIGHTER Cris Lencioni out of intensive care

NINA DRAMA posts another hilarious clip w/ Sean Strickland

MMA Journalist offended by Strickland’s comments?

KEVIN LEE gets mad over his UFC return at the Apex

ALEX PEREIRA drops sparring partner with a beautiful body shot

SEAN STRICKLAND reveals he almost got KO’d by Alex Pereira in sparring

COREY ANDERSON goes off and calls out Jamahal Hill

00:00 – Kevin Lee gets mad over his UFC return at the Apex
01:39 – Nina Drama posts another hilarious clip w/ Sean Strickland
02:32 – MMA Journalist offended by Strickland’s comments?
03:21 – Strickland reveals he almost got KO’d by Alex Pereira in sparring
04:42 – Pereira drops sparring partner with a beautiful body shot
05:28 – Health update on Cris Lencioni after suffering a heart attack
07:13 – Corey Anderson goes off and calls out Jamahal Hill
08:33 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show started In today's video Kevin Lee gets mad over His UFC return at the Apex Nina drama Posts another hilarious clip with Sean Strickland Strickland reveals he almost Got ko'd by Alex put it out during Sparring but then I drops another Sparring partner with a beautiful body Shot health update on Chris Lencioni After suffering a heart attack and Corey Anderson goes off and calls out Jamal Hill Kevin Lee is not thrilled to be making His UFC return at the Apex speaking to Media a few days ahead of his return Against renat bakridinov Lee shared his Frustration with the UFC's choice of Venue hear it from the man himself is There any part of you that wishes that This fight was like in a sold out Arena Or does it not matter to you yeah I'm Not gonna lie yeah I wish it was I'm Kind of yeah I wish it was uh in front Of more fans you know I don't know how Many people are going to be at Apex but It's kind of stupid I don't know what we Doing you know what I mean the pandemic Over I don't know if people got the Message or you know if they if they sent Out the telegram but the pandemic is Over I don't know what we still doing Here I get that his money to be had but It's kind of stupid it's a different Energy when it's when it's thousands and

Thousands of people screaming it's a Different it's a different level of Feeling Um it's it's why when I when I want Fights like like the Charles Oliveira Fight again it's it's a different Feeling you know I I I wish that was Happening but I'm gonna make do it what I do and I'm gonna go out there on Saturday in front of the two 300 Rich Ass [ __ ] that want to see me Bleed and uh we gonna get it in Nina Drama has shared yet another video clip Featuring Sean Strickland discussing his Views on women the clip captures an Exchange between Strickland Nina and her Friend about how to converse with women To watch the full interview check out Nina's YouTube channel she'll be Dropping that video soon you can find The link in the video description just One simple problem and then let me do The rest of them and that was the end Goal to get laid or why would I do that Because you're making Or why do I need to make small attack With one Just Sean just go because I'm here right And so you you want to in order to have Manners Feel comfortable what would I get out of It you guys be it the satisfaction of Having a nice being a nice person It's just learning how to communicate

With both sexes so that you're not just Doing the man dance all the time well It's like what I'm saying why wouldn't After watching the clip MMA journalist Karen Bryant seems to be a little Offended by Strickland's comments she Wrote how do you feel about the stuff Sean Strickland says I think he maybe Does actually believe some things he Says and slash but I also think he says Things just to get a rise out of people For laughs and reaction hashtag mental Health is no joke though your thoughts And I should say I've always gotten Along with Sean in interviews Etc he's Been cool and I've had no problems I Don't agree with him all the time but I Don't know if everyone has had the same Experience another journalist Amy Kaplan Chimed in and wrote I think he's looking For a reaction and people keep giving it To him What do you guys think is Sean Strickland saying these things to get Attention because he wants serious Conversation or is he just trolling let Us know your thoughts in the comments Below Pereira has also just welcomed Sean Strickland to Connecticut for a training Team meet up the two had a few sparring Sessions and now during a media day Ahead of his fight with Abus megamedov Strickland once again described how it's

Like to spar with Pereira nah nah Kickboxing the guy again you know it's Funny I sparring I mean like yeah I did Well I did well as organized that I Thought I won most rounds but Every round he hit me with at least one Punch where I'm like I don't know how that would have felt With a four ounce glove so The thing is you guys are [ __ ] dumb I'm like a dog with a bone dude I get Like If you tell me I'm abortion I can't do Something I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do It so like if me if me and Alex were to Fight what would happen is someone said Oh you're gonna stand up and bang with Them game I'm like [ __ ] you and Kim I'm Gonna bang with him and I'll probably Get knocked out again But yeah he's a good dude he's a good Dude he's all offense no defense all Power um yeah he really saw a guy you Know like Brazilians man they have like This old school like So forwarding to these [ __ ] dirty Brazilians It was nice man they have like a good Community they barbecue they hang out You know it was like it was some good Wholesome [ __ ] man Alex peda has just Shared a sparring video where he drops His sparring partner with a beautiful Body shot

Oh [Music] Two Three Oh okay Also showed off his new booked up Physique as he prepares for his light Heavyweight debut against Jan blavovic Bellator fighter Chris Lencioni is out Of intensive care however he faces a Long and uncertain road to recovery on June 8th while training at a gym in Spokane Washington the 28 year old Fighter experienced a heart attack and Went into cardiac arrest his wife Marcelencioni has shared with MMA Fighting that an MRI has revealed her Husband also suffered brain damage Consequently Chris is now in a state of Disordered Consciousness although he Remains awake and responsive medical Professionals were captured on video Posted to MMA fighting social media Accounts working with Chris in an Attempt to elicit a response from him Once more we the MMA talk team and Community extender well wishes to the 28 Year old Warrior and pray for a Successful recovery to assist with Medical expenses the lindsione family Has set up a GoFundMe page which can be Accessed through the video description Hahaha [Laughter]

Okay I'm gonna turn and have you looked At Marca first okay and find her first Yeah Okay There's me up I know it's hard You figure out how to puffer them up Really amazing You're working hard Yeah there's a smile okay The beef between Jamal Hill and Corey Anderson continues the two recently went Back and forth on Twitter as Hilt took Aim at Anderson's resume stating he was Struggling in the bili yet Bellator now In an interview with MMA fighting Anderson had some harsh words for the UFC champ he said all that talk he's Doing show my resume yeah against who Somebody messaged me like how's the beef It ain't no beef that's spam that's the One meat nobody wants to eat he can say Whatever he wants it doesn't faze me he Won the belt off somebody I dominated on Two weeks notice and then they rejected Me a total fight after but yet they give Him the belt off it you can't even hold A candle to what I've done yes you're The champ but who's in the division you Didn't fight magomat and Goliath who I Think is the best you didn't fight Yuri Prohaska you beat Glover Tashara who is 44 who even after he lost said he Retired because he ain't got it no more

Other than that you haven't beat anybody Credible anybody who's done anything you Look at his resume it's going to say UFC Champ but what name is going to be Underneath there none everybody's going To say he's the best because he's in the UFC and I'm in Bellator say what you Want you put us in the cage I'm going to Dust you off playboy you ain't got Nothing you don't have anything for me It's no reason to even keep going back And forth Here are the top three memes we found on The internet today third place was found Over Facebook and was posted by a user Named Drago A second place pick was found over Facebook and was posted by a username UFC kink And her top picked meme of the day was Found over Instagram and was posted by a Username dailydose MMA Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News