MMA Fundamentals: Training A Muay Thai Stance

five two three as you can see I'm extending my hip so 
that I'm able to get further distance all right so now we're gonna go over your 
traditional Muay Thai stands and in Muay Thai   you get to throw punches you get to throw kicks 
you get to throw elbows and knees and they're   really fast with their kicks and those kicks are 
super powerful and you want to be able to use both   your left and your right so a lot of times in 
Muay Thai The Stance is a lot more square and   the reason why it's square is that is because 
you have an equal balance of your left leg and   your right leg so in your traditional stance 
same thing applies right if you're right if   you're right-handed your right foot goes back 
if you're left-handed your left foot goes back   but they also switch as well but you're going 
to take a little bit of a step apart you're   going to be shoulder width apart and then you're 
going to take a step back and so you're going to   be more so on a train track where your stance 
is staggered that way you you can easily throw   your lead you can easily throw your lead you can 
easily throw your back okay and so you have better   um dexterity with your hips so you can throw kicks 
so you can check kicks so you can pull in that   so you can Shuffle okay so you're on these train 
tracks and you have a staggered stance here you're   really really light on your feet again so that you 
have that movement and quickness with your kicks   okay so we're here and your hands tend to come up 
a little higher because there are elbows that you   want to protect yourself from and your guard is 
a little higher because you really really want   to protect your head from those massive head kicks 
and elbows that are going to come your way so your   hands are up higher and there is a certain Rhythm 
to Muay Thai and if you've ever watched a Muay   Thai match it's opposite of a lot of other fights 
because they play music during the round and   that's so that your fighter can catch their Rhythm 
and so it is like kind of like a one two three   four five six seven in it one two three four five 
six seven eight and in that stance you want to be   able to shoot out your leg as fast as you can and 
be able to pull if you need to because this is a   bait right here they see that open because you are 
more square but you need to be able to move with   your hips out and in so a drill that you can do is 
staying light on your toes and shuffling forward   one two three four five six seven back two three 
four five six seven eight one two three four five   six seven eight back two three four five six seven 
eight and then just as important as head movement   is your hip movement in one touch so you want to 
be here one two three four five six seven eight   and then throwing those hips forward okay these 
are fixed the same way that we fake a job we can   fake with our hip so it'll be hip one two three 
four hit hit and back so lead back lead back   so a drill that you can do is checks okay 
a lot of Muay Thai is about checking and   going and what I mean about checking is defending 
those leg kicks so one two three four check two three and as you can see I 
am rotating my stance as I go we shouldn't be able to move from Orthodox to 
Southpaw very smoothly in a Muay Thai stance   because you need to be able 
to use both of your legs once you get comfortable with checking 
you can do the same type of Rhythm with   those front kicks or Cheeks is what 
they like to call them more tired about to die and as you can see I'm extending 
my hip so that I'm able to get further distance but once you get this Rhythm we were able 
to do a lot more but you're more touchdowns   and that is your basic foundation for Muay Thai


As found on YouTube

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