MMA Fans ROAST Alex Pereira for receiving BJJ brown belt! Adesanya FREED + charges dismissed! Edgar

MMA news today:

FRANKIE EDGAR breaks silence following UFC 281 loss

ISRAEL ADESANYA freed and charges dismissed

ALEX PEREIRA gets roasted after receiving BJJ brown belt

KAMARU USMAN sends a message of support to Adesanya

SEAN STRICKLAND reacts to Adesanya’s loss to Pereira

MICHAEL BISPING talks what’s next for Adesanya after UFC 281 loss

ANTHONY SMITH says Robert Whittaker will beat Alex Pereira

00:27 – Frankie Edgar breaks silence following UFC 281 loss
01:55 – Manager reveals charges against Israel Adesanya have been dismissed
03:09 – MMA fans roast Alex Pereira for receiving BJJ brown belt
06:00 – Sean Strickland reacts to Adesanya’s loss to Pereira
07:13 – Kamaru Usman sends a message of support to Adesanya
07:38 – Michael Bisping talks what’s next for Adesanya after UFC 281 loss
08:55 – Anthony Smith says Robert Whittaker will beat Alex Pereira
09:53 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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Today's video Frankie Edgar breaks Silence following UFC 281 loss manager Reveals charges against Israel Asana Have been dismissed MMA fans Rose Alex Pereira for receiving a BJJ brown belt Sean Strickland reacts to how to sign His loss to Pereira maruisman sends a Message of support to arasania Michael Bisping talks what snacks for out of Signing after UFC 281 loss and Anthony Smith says Robert Whittaker will beat Alex Pereira Pinky Edgar breaks silence following KO Lost some retirement fight at UFC 281 Last Saturday Edgar was brutally Finished with a knee by Chris Gutierrez Early in their main card bout gave a Brief post-fight interview in the cage But was not medically cleared to speak To reporters after the event Tuesday Edgar discussed his loss in depth for The first time on his podcast the champ And the [ __ ] clearly emotionally Distressed by the loss Edgar tried to Put into words the mix of emotions he Feels days later he said obviously I'm Heartbroken that's not the way I wanted It to go but that's the way it goes I Had a great week awesome week out there It was incredible the love I got from Everybody the UFC gave me love the Little video that they did for my peers My peers are the most important Was zooming in the back I felt like I

Was on in the back I got out there and Boom obviously you saw it everybody saw It Frankie continued it sucks but how Can I complain to be honest people were Cheering my name the whole time before During after I worked hard to get where I got like hard very hard I sacrificed a Lot in my life but I all into my Athletic career since day one but who am I to complain there are people out there Who work hard and they just make you buy I know both sides of that I'm just Trying to be grateful for what I Accomplished for the ride I had Is rad assign his manager Tim Simpson Has released a statement about the last Style Bender being arrested at JFK Airport in New York aresania was Arrested on Wednesday for alleged Criminal possession of a weapon at JFK Airport the former middleweight champion Was apparently busted while going Through security with Metal Knuckles Ayazani's manager later released the Statement to Hero hawani to provide Context on the situation he also Revealed that the charges have been Dismissed and the former champ is free And on his way back home Statement right Israel was handed a gift By a fan which he put in his luggage When flagged at the airport Israel Quickly disposed of the item and Cooperated with authorities he has

Complied accordingly with that the Matter was dismissed and he is on his Way home Is he also received an unexpected gift From Muhammad Ali's team clearly Exhilarated by the pleasant gesture Izzy Wrote this in an Instagram post S can be a great teacher Aang got this Gift from the greatest of all times team The compliments I got from them about Dealing with this weekend filled me with Pride thank you for this gift oh great One I will always be inspired by your Spirit forever hashtag Muhammad Ali Alex Pereira has received a lot of Criticism after being awarded a BJJ Brown belt by his coach Plano Cruz Following his UFC 281 Victory so with That stage you guys see the fight Saturday Take Downs Sweeps Leg locks Almost like a real jiu jitsu guy but the Main part of Jiu-Jitsu is not about Submitting brought about winning it's About surviving and none of the most Hard circumstance He used Jesus to survive And he survived then on the end he still He's feeling knocked the guy out that Takes a very high level guy in the head In the heart and in the technique And because of that

I believe our coach believed and I spoke With his culture of death So we want to reward him With the brown belts There are some reactions from fans Alexandre pitaro stopped messing around With Jiu Jitsu the guy doesn't know Anything about Jiu Jitsu how did you Promote him to brown belt man with all Due respect to poeton I wouldn't have The courage to wear that belt train Jiu Jitsu evolve and then if your master Sees that you're evolving he will Graduate you your last fight it was Clear that you didn't know anything About the ground game trainers need to Stop getting emotional about MMA fights Being an MMA champion doesn't qualify You to major in every sport I find this Disrespectful to Combat Sports Laughing emo face palm Tyrese Bennett said man got out wrestled By a kickboxer and then gets a brown Belt shaking my head Hannah morety wrote knockout Izzy get a Brown belt makes sense Roman the writer wrote mad respect to Alex but his grappling in that fight was No bueno Bram's touch said this is a joke right Peter Byers said brown belt dude got Whipped On The Ground by a purple belt Jay my name said gets brown belt after Being held on the ground by a dude half

His size Islam was 110 right the Integrity of These belts mean nothing if Alex is a Brown belt Eohomi said brown belt better give him a Stripe on his white belt What do you guys think of Alex Pereira Receiving a BJJ brown belt let us know In the comments below On Strickland has some belated advice For Israel to Sanyo following UFC 281's Loss during an interview with the Schmo Strickland who fought and lost sales Pereira shared his thoughts on arasani's UFC 281 loss by saying He's a [ __ ] badass big [ __ ] Brazilian and he touches you and you go To sleep it's the weirdest thing but I Was not expecting that I was a little Surprised No Izzy was gonna be a twinkle toes and Dance around and I'll Point him but [ __ ] That's off to you Alex and big ass [ __ ] Scary Brazilian you go out there and do It Brooklyn also believes that Izzy should Have wrestled more He said is it you should have wrestled What happened man why didn't you Russell Now you're getting the same speech I got From everybody Strickland also hit back at the idea That arasanian deserves a title shot Next

They shouldn't have an immediate rematch You should give the next guy in line a Shot but in UFC does what UFC does I Mean it's all about money bro they look At that as Izzy is the most marketable To fight but yeah that's not right he Shouldn't get the rematch Our uzman has sent a message of support To Israel to Sanya following UFC 281's Loss he tweeted there's always Turbulence Before the Breakthrough this Makes success so much sweeter Champions Never stay down we always find a way to The top an amazing weekend with even More amazing people and energies hashtag Blessed hashtag UFC 281 while speaking On his believe you me podcast Michael Bisby discuss what's next for Israel Dasania after UFC 281's lost and advised Izzy to take a break from fighting for Some time and just enjoy his life here's The clip but is it I don't think Izzy Wants anyone else to fight him because If anyone else beats Pereira right then He doesn't get back to him and then and Then as he comes back and beats the Current champ They'll always be the narrative that is Sidesteps per rare and I think listen You can say whatever you want about Izzy Right the man's a fire the man's great The man's so skillful and he is now Gonna be on a mission to write and he'll Or he'll be obsessing

I'm hungry I'm gonna beat that [ __ ] right because not once not Twice three times so if I'm Izzy I'll Say yeah I'll do a rematch In six months or or four or five months At least let me have a let me go and Enjoy my spoils let me go enjoy my hard Work my millions of dollars in the bank Can't lie on a beach or do whatever he Likes to do to relax take some time Forget about fighting heal up get hungry And then have the rematch and I'm sure Pereira wouldn't mind that either Smith still believes Robert Whitaker is The best 185er in the world while Speaking on SiriusXM the UFC late Heavyweight Contender said that he Thinks that if Israel adesanya doesn't Rematch Alex Pereira Whitaker is going To be the middleweight champion again Here's the clip do you remember what I Said about Robert Whittaker Oh that he's the best middleweight in The world Best middleweight in the world Possibly and and you said this you said This as Israel adesanya was Champion Right and Robert Whittaker had lost to Him yeah I still believe it I still Believe it I think Robert Whittaker Pitches a shutout with Alex Bahia wow I I I would I would go as far to say If Israel to Sanya isn't Alex

Next fight Robert Whittaker is going to Be the champion of the world Here are the top three funniest memes we Found on the internet Third place was found over Facebook and Was posted by a user named Kyle Michael Potter Second place was found over Twitter and Was posted by a username McGregor Rousey And our top pick was also found over Facebook and was posted by a user named Inura swad Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News Foreign

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