MMA Community PREDICT Israel Adesanya vs. Alex Pereira 2!(GSP,Bisping,Jiri,Hill,Till,Oliveira &more)

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UFC FIGHTERS give final prediction for UFC 287 – Israel Adesnaya vs. Alex Pereira 2













00:00 – Darren Till
00:33 – Sean O’Malley
01:24 – Jamahal Hill
02:08 – Michael Bisping
03:25 – Charles Oliviera
03:44 – Jiri Prochazka
03:55 – Brendan Schaub
05:07 – Anthony Smith
05:55 – Georges St-Pierre
06:04 – Chris Weidman
06:33 – Vitor Belfort
07:26 – Lyoto Machida

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Background music: beatsbyNeVs – Bang Bang



All right let's get this show started [Music] Hello my name is The block X6 I'm going to pick Alex peretta I'm gonna pick over fans Kevin Holland Rob fonts Michelle Waterson And Ral roses Jr let's go guys But how much weight is he cutting is he He really only has to he doesn't have to Land clean too many times if he's Cutting that much weight if that Motherfucker's cutting 20 pounds 25 Pounds fight week that [ __ ] your Chin go your brain fluids so 10 Stacks Who you picking Izzy Why let's get it Izzy Um Finish baby Oh let me I think you could come out and wrestle I Feel like he's gonna come out he's got a Couple maybe good takedowns come out Wrestle put him on his back really get Him thinking maybe he won't be able to March forward as much if he does have a Some kind of who knows you never know Like some people have really good little Things that they show in the gym it's Never been really done in a fight They're really good at the gym they hit It they hit it a lot they've never done It fight and then how sweet what's up

Everybody it's UFC light heavyweight Champion Jamal sweet dreams Hill I'm Here in South Beach Miami I'm here for UFC 287 Alex Ryan University it's a hell Of a car it's lit and it's fired and I'm Gonna drop three of my pics on y'all in The main event I'm gonna go with out of Science I think I now at the fourth time I think he gets it done this time you Know uh last time I think he was real on His way to getting it done and uh made a Mistake Um for the co-main event I'm gonna go With Gilbert Burns over miles Vidal I Think Gilbert is just that guy like that Uh and his he's just on another level Um And my third pick is of course I'm going With the blunt bro Kevin howling you Know um I just feel Also I feel both of these things but Poets on every time we see him I think He is going to be improving and he's got A blockbuster camp and he's got a glove To share at the helm who's a great guy And I feel that you know fight IQ is a Big part of this they're going to look Back at that last fight they're going to See some issues you're not going to look At the takedown side of things and They're also going to address the fact That Part of the reason why Izzy was ahead so

Much is because the output from bahara Was so low There was low output I don't know what The numbers are the strike number Significant strikes but it was I just Remember at the time we've been very Very low so higher pressure more volume From both men which I think sets it out To be one hell of a goddamn tribe you Know so I'm gonna say I'm still I'm Gonna say pahada although I was up until This morning because I was like Obviously we've got to give a prediction You know what I mean who am I going to Say and I'm sitting on the Peloton Sweating my balls off and going Because I can make a case for is it I Can make a case for pajera uh history Has shown us three times so far for how To does it And I like is it a lot I'm a big fan Foreign Hello everyone it's UFC 287 fight week And dual bits is boosting my arts and I Believe in this week I decided I will Handle that Well again to to kind of ride on Izzy's Nuts here if you look at the fights I Know he lost but if he didn't get Clipped if you didn't get finished he Wins those fights he's won more rounds He's be he's had more rounds one than Alex Piera when they fought you know These gentlemen have spent numerous

Times inside a ring and octagon and for The majority of the time that they've Spent inside a ringer cage Is he's winning Is he's winning and then Alex Pierre who Could probably find it heavyweight Connects with that Brazilian bomb and The fight's over So if you're a betting man which I am if You're a betting man do you think Izzy Who's been unsuccessful at doing this For what three fights now especially in The last one well in MMA he's been Unsuccessful so he's on one do you think That Izzy can do what he's been doing And not get clipped The history would say no I'll take Izzy Via decision And I think I'm gonna go out of Sonya I Just it's it's just there's so many more Reasons why he should why why he Probably will win versus why he won't You know Um yeah Again I can make the same argument for Pereira too and so it's this is one of Those tough ones but I just feel like I Liked Izzy's mindset I when he all all The skills we see all their skills we See the abilities we already seen them Fight a bunch of times we kind of know What we're getting into there kind of Know what they're bringing to the table For the most part are they gonna make

Adjustments and get better in some Places absolutely but I I just like Izzy's mentality it seems Like Pereira is not really getting to Him he's seemingly even before the last Fight doesn't seem like Alex really gets Under Izzy skin too much I I am biased I'm I'm friend with a Designer and I and I think this time He's gonna get it Man is Probably the worst matchup for Addison But Addison is the better mixed martial Artist on paper you got to go at a Sonya Just based on I think he's better in Every category of mixed martial arts but The power of Pereira is insane bro his Left hook is crazy But I think about his son is able to Keep that distance you know just hit him And keep his feet moving I think he got This fight Styles are very com so I I just feel Like Arizona is the better mixed martial Artist but periodic come in as such a Incredible preparation he has go over to Shira with him a guy who knows Jujitsu Boxing And I feel like he got in the head a Little bit of Arizona and it's gonna be An emotion fight but I mean period is so Cold like it's so like a killer and if The fight the chance for a sign is on The ground standing up I don't see a

Chance so it's gonna be a very interest But I mean with little gloves you get Hit right here on the tempo it's hard to Recover so spirita can put his punching Combination together I think it'll be a Tough fight for his son but I mean both Guys are tough it's 50 50. yeah but That's my prediction so I don't want to Be biased even though I'm Brazilian and I'm a friend of Pereira but I put all my Man operator because I already trained So many times with him and I know how Difficult he is he so he knows the Jason's really good and everything that He does is through conscious No no just by Instinct because who knows Pereira knows that he does everything if He moved to the side he knows why he's Moving to the side it's not randomly Moving Then I put on my manual Pereira for sure Man Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News

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