makura-kesa-gatame makura means the pillow once you have control
here this right leg is going to come way up here now I have a pillow you could switch from
kesa-gatame here he starts moving right you move up just that quick little move like
that you notice he's already turning red because what this does elevates it bends it and
when I grab up here and I lift up and push down it actually begins to shorten his breath begins
to reduce blood flow this comes all the way around I like to grab the inside of my knee some will
say keep your leg back grab the pants here but you notice there I don't get the elevation when
I bring way up here notice I have the elevation and then I'm really not so concerned with this
hand anymore moving around and everything I don't worry about trying to come around it
I just do this I don't have this intertwined but I have control of it you want to scooch up a
little further so that you can bring that leg up so that the right hand or the left if you're on
that side so that your fingers are on the inside that's the best grip in my opinion some will
say to grab the pants well look at all the play there is in the pants but when you're here there's
not a lot of play plus there's a little pressure point you know now I got a good grip as long as I
got that pressure point I'm not pushing this way but I'm turning my shoulders see how I turn
my shoulders see how it cranks a little bit you might wake up tomorrow with a sore neck but be
very careful don't try and crank it on just put it on and then let it go when you come in you come
around here like this boom now you have it now just let go don't hold it and for god's sake don't
try and escape because then you will hurt your neck I'll show you the escapes later this is just
to get you your mind and body to work together so that you understand the technique and it
does the technique okay makura-kesa-gatame pillow scarf hold