Karate Nerd & MMA Fighter SWITCH LIFE For 1 DAY

– What happens if a
professional MMA fighter, like my brother Oliver, switches life with a
professional Karate Nerd. Let's find out. – This will be interesting. – Good luck. See you this evening. – So, I haven't trained
karate since I was a teenager. I still hope I'll remember
how to tie the belt. Looks like Jesse put a video up for me. – In the mornings, I
love to practice kata. So now, you're going to learn the kata, used by the Olympic gold
medalist from Japan. And this evening you're
going to teach it, in class. But first, warm up with some traditional
strength training tools from Okinawa. – Yeah, yeah. Looks like a jar of protein powder to me. Am I supposed to grab these? Oh, I've seen this before. I don't know if this is how
you're supposed to use them, but it feels pretty good.

Feels like it's a good
tool for your forearm. Let's try the jars instead. This is probably not what
Jesse is using them for. These are called burpees. Okinawa style. Yeah. I wonder what Jesse is doing? – I am in a tunnel somewhere, going to a secret location, where Oliver apparently practices MMA. Right, should be here somewhere. It is so cold outside. Now it's time to watch
Oliver's instructions. – Today you're going to train with my head coach, Omar Bouiche. It's a striking class. – All right. Striking class. – Pay close attention because this evening you're
also teaching my MMA class. So, good luck. – This is exactly what I imagine an MMA gym to look like, a dark dungeon.

I'm literally expecting a dragon to be down here guarding his money. There are two types of people who wear shirts with
their own names on them. Rock stars and psychopaths,
and apparently MMA fighters. I'm excited and a little bit scared. – The class has barely started and I'm already making mistakes, and they're not really explaining things because this is an advanced
class for pro fighters. Not newbies like me. Performing these is one thing, but I also have to memorize everything because tonight I'm going to teach this. – I'm trying to focus
in on all the details. Which foot goes first, which hand goes first, open or closed fists, and I want to make it
as detailed as possible when I teach it later this evening. I'm thinking about the
practical applications to some of the techniques. Boom! Jesse makes it look easy
on the computer screen. But then again, he's been
in two national teams and competing in the World
Championships and stuff. So, believe me, it's harder than it looks. I can't believe I'm going
to teach this tonight.

– Okay, everything just
looked like this to me. So, let's see how this goes. At this point, we've done
like 50 different exercises and I'm never going to be
able to remember all of that. So, I'm focusing on
remembering five or six of them that I can teach later this evening. My leg is hurting so bad
from all these kicks. – I would love to see
the old Japanese master who actually pulled this
off in a real fight. I can see this kata is very different from the ones I did when I was younger. So, a lot of new moves
that I'm not familiar with. Same move, and then this little
sneaky bastard to the ribs. One Two. And then…

Punch? Now I just need to practice,
practice and remember. – Okay, so now we're doing sparring. Luckily I have big gloves
so I'm well protected. Luckily, everybody is very patient and understanding with me. I am done. I don't have the physical capacity to just push like this for two hours. I got lactic acid in
every muscle of my body. I can't see myself doing
this on a daily basis. Guess I just like my brain cells too much. – Workout complete. If you can call it a workout.

I know Jesse is a health nut. I wonder what Jesse thinks of my food? – What the heck? It smells like fart. This looks like dog poop. – Let's see what's next. – After lunch, I love to take an ice bath. So, grab your swimming
trunks and head to the lake. Focus on your breathing. And it's not about
controlling your emotions but rather to not let
your emotions control you. – It's almost time for lunch, but before that- – I already had lunch. Okay. So, I've already messed up. (laughs) – Take my dog Izzy out for a walk. There's a big hill right next to my house so you can just put a
leash on and follow her. – So, I'm going hill sprinting
with Oliver's dog, Izzy. – Here's the frozen lake. Ice cold. Is this really what Jesse does? – Don't escape now. Izzy. Izzy. Izzy. Come here. This is for you Izzy. Izzy. Come here. This is for you. Now we're ready to go for a run.

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– All right, here we go. It's all in the head. And in the body, a lot. A secret… I don't know if Jesse knows but you can pee to keep yourself warm. – This is the killer hill
where Oliver does his sprints and now it's time for me. ♪ Run for your life ♪ ♪ Run to the hills ♪ – The Karate Nerd has arrived. Now it's my turn to teach
this kata to the students. We're starting with a simple warm up to get the blood flowing and also the brain working. – Meanwhile, I'm downstairs
with the MMA class. Things are not going like expected. They're not picking things up as quickly as I did this morning, but then again they're
not professional fighters and neither am I. So, I need to use some
karate teaching methods. – I don't know who feels more
awkward in this position, me trying to show these
karate moves in my gi or the students that are
used to seeing me in the cage with a mouth guard and two MMA gloves.

Yeah. Nice. Instead of just teaching
them the whole choreography we're just picking out one
part and we try that out with a partner so they
know what they're doing. Then we take the next part and so on and so forth
until we get to the end. – Cross. Hook. Cross. I asked everyone to face the mirror and we start punching, blocking,
ducking and dodging solo. And then we reintroduce the training partner.

Yes. By removing the partner,
we get rid of a distraction which means that everyone can focus on their own body mechanics and suddenly everything makes sense. Yes, yes. – This is the last technique of the kata and I want them to use their
imagination all by themselves. So, I didn't show any example of what the technique could have been. I don't think you have
to make it too advanced. What you see is what
you get, a lot of times but there's also the saying; a block is a lock, is a blow is a throw. I don't think the students
will remember the whole kata and all the applications
in one training session. But I'm trying to give them a framework to think when they learn a
new set of movement patterns. That is, what's the
practical application to this and visualizing their
opponents straight away when they're doing the
techniques in thin air. That was actually really fun for me. But right now I just want to get out of this gi and back into the cage. – At this point, I can sense that people are overwhelmed, just like I was this morning.

So I decided to just hold back
on a couple of more exercises and go straight into sparring. (clapping) – They actually gave
me a round of applause and I don't think they've
ever done that for Oliver. So, that probably means I'm
a better teacher than him. – Actually, I just think they were happy the class was finally over. – You're just jealous because your dog loves me more than you.


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