Joe Rogan TELLS ‘The Rock’ to admit to STER0ID use! Kevin Holland needs HAND SURGERY! Pimblett sparr

MMA news today:

ISRAEL ADESANYA starts surfing under pro surfer Raimana Van Bastolaer

KEVIN HOLLAND needs surgery after breaking hand at UFC Orlando

RAFAEL DOS ANJOS continues to call out Conor McGregor

FRANKIE EDGAR makes pro wrestling debut

PADDY PIMBLETT looking sharp ahead of UFC 282 fight with Jared Gordon

JOE ROGAN tells Dwayne Johnson to admit to STER0ID use

00:00 – Paddy Pimblett looking sharp ahead of UFC 282 fight
01:32 – Kevin Holland needs surgery after breaking three knuckles
02:33 – Joe Rogan tells The Rock to admit to ster0|d use
04:20 – Israel Adesanya starts surfing under pro surfer Raimana Van Bastolaer
05:52 – Frankie Edgar enters pro wrestling match less than one month after MMA retirement
07:31 – Rafael dos Anjos continues to call out Conor McGregor
08:35 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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Background music: beatsbyNeVs – Bang Bang



In today's video Patty pimla is seen Looking sharp ahead of UFC 282 fight Kevin holla needs surgery after breaking Three Knuckles Joe Rogan tells the rock To admit to steroid use Israel design Instead surfing on the pro Surfer Raymana van bastelier Frankie Edgar and His pro wrestling match less than one Month after retiring from MMA and Raphael dosanos continues to call out Conor McGregor Patty the batty pimlet posts new Training clip says he finishes his Training camp for the Jared Gordon fight At UFC 282 on December 10th Come on Patty also posted this sparring video [Music] Okay As I say it's always been getting around Someone new someone that you don't know It's an inspiration love Manager Oren hodak told ESPN's Mark Remindy that Kevin Holland will need Surgery after breaking bones in his Right hand Saturday night against Stephen Thompson Holland also posted a photo of his Broken hand and wrote It's a balloon Logging off for a while send me good Memes in a week or so Before logging off Holland also fired Back at Derek Brunson who took some Shots at the Trailblazer following UFC

Orlando's loss Brunson tweeted Kevin Holland the type of guy who tried to out Moonwalk Michael Jackson Kevin Holland The type of guy who'd try to out sing Beyonce Kevin Holland the type of guy Who tried to out eat Joey Chestnut Kevin Holland the type of guy who tried to out Kickbox a 50-0 kickboxer Holland fired back with yes yes and yes First good tweet you ever made also the Type of guy to come back up a weight Class and smack that blonde head around I'd be doing it just for the fans though Like always Joe Rogan is certain that Dwayne Johnson's body is not natural Rogan Recently made the strong claims during An episode of the JRE podcast featuring Derek the fitness educator who exposed The liver King Rogan jokingly claimed That The Rock like clever King should Come clean right now admit to steroid Use Joe believes it is humanly Impossible to maintain the size and Physique that The Rock has at the age of 50. here's the clip The Rock should come Clean right now you should make a video In response to the liver King video I Need to talk to you because the Rock's Been lying yeah no yeah the there's not A [ __ ] chance in hell he's clean no Not a chance in hell as big as the rock Is at 50. well we're not when you're Looking at a physique let's look at a

Physique of the rock like a full jacked Rock find find the Rock at his most Jackety jacked he's like pretty Peaked in terms of like the last few Years he's definitely like turned it up A notch that's 50. yeah that's natural Bro Yeah how could you think otherwise it's A lot of sushi yeah You know there's a responsibility that You have to people that are listening to You now if you don't want to talk about It that's one thing yeah but if you do Talk about it there's a responsibility That you have to people that are Listening to you and I think you have to Be honest yeah which is why I'm honest About it I just I don't think there's Anything wrong with taking hormone Replacement I think it's actually wise I Think it's healthier I feel way better Than I did before I was doing it what do You guys think of these comments from Joe Rogan should the rock admit that He's using Peds share your thoughts in The comments below former UFC Middleweight champion Israel asania has Been using his spare time in Tahiti Island to learn surfing under the expert Eye of rahmana van bastelier [Music] Foreign [Music] Relax

[Music] Relax [Music] Forward go all the way all the way relax Relax [Music] Yeah [Music] Izzy had this to say about his surfing Experience when life gives you waves Last day tired from the day and night Before but the chance to be coached by Raimana World on surfing is another one Of those experiences you don't say no to Ended up catching a few waves and Learned a lot about reading the ocean Coral reefs and being patient surfing in Tahiti just living your dream life in my Reality more blessings upon you Former UFC lightweight champion Frankie Edgar has entered a pro wrestling match Less than one month after MMA retirement In a recent Instagram post Edgar is seen Stomping and slamming his opponents from Inside the wrestling ring and judging by Appearances it even looks like it Wouldn't be a bad potential new career Path To Instagram Frankie Rowe I had an Absolute blast last night in the squared Circle for Toms River's own Nova's Retirement match it was great mixing it Up with the guys and putting on a show For a great charity the 200 Club

Foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] All right [Music] Now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Rafael dos años continues to call out Conor McGregor following his submission Win over Brian barbarino at UFC Orlando RDA set in a post fight scrum that he Feels he's done enough to deserve a Fight of that magnitude and will wait For the Irishman to get into the usada Pool look at my resume I fought Everybody I need to find somebody that I Think I earned this fight uh I would Like to I I don't wanna I I will not Accept you for extra crazy paydays and I Just want to have that fight and uh Uh yeah July works perfect for me we'll See what happens you said you want them To get all that stuff out of his body I'm sure you've seen the photos of what He looks like now do you think he's on He's on something right now now that When he's out of usada yeah yeah he's Out of his other why why he's out of the

Pool so it looks like he's His body looks so different but I I gave Him some time to get clear and you will Want to find him at 170 I would imagine Yeah definitely I'll stay around 170. Here are the top three funniest memes we Found on the internet today Third place was found over Instagram and Was posted by a user named McGregor Rousey Second place was found over Reddit and Was posted by a user named wow Bob wow And our top pick was found over Instagram and was posted by a user named MMA Island Foreign Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News

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