JKD Challenges Boxer To Kickboxing Match AND STILL LOSES

Fight Commentary Breakdowns, I'm here with Danielle The guy on the left here, Feng Shaoxia He's apparently, a guy who trains in JKD Claims Bruce Lee lineage This guy on the right is a professional boxer So it's a JKD influencer vs a boxer They're in a kickboxing match, so he's going to have a kick advantage. So let's see if this works out in his favor The cameraperson also leaves too much negative space up there, but… So he does a side…WOOOOOOOO Woooo Man….heh… The…the level of intensity, man… He immediately goes into what's called "Wangbaquan" in Chinese Which means like fighting like in a bar
That was a good front kick Notice the boxer hasn't done any kicks man
-OOOH! That was
-That was good! Um…I will say that if you keep spinning, the boxer's going to figure you out.

I will guarantee
-Yeah You can only…you got to do that right away
-Yeah Once or twice
-Yeah Wow OOOH
-Oh! Man!! Oooof knock down knock down Wow…um… He had a good combo with sidekick and spinning backfist Because when you throw a sidekick you give your back, right? So your spinning backfist prevents you from giving your back…but…I think… That's only on trick type of thing. Going right in there hot again. Look at this boxer Oooh!
-Ah, yeah! See, boxer…boxer raised his right hand, blocked it that time! See….see….figured him out
-Yeah, yeah Stop….one
-Oof -Oooh Two So that's another knockdown
-Yeah Four He's kind of…he doesn't look like he's hurt though…he's just kind of like Seven

Taking me out here
-Yeah Box Okay, let's see if he adjusts Always keeps doing that
-Yeah, keeps doing that. Huh… Oh no….that was tooo He…he gave his back for too long Feel like he's getting tired….
-Yeah Is that it…or….? Wow See if that's it Oh, they might go one more time Okay, they're going to go one more time
-Box Um…. Your face is open for that hook, man! Yeah, his arms are….low
-Yeah See the boxer Is very tight He's only got a few moves Yep
-Yeah…ooh. Yeah He only got a few moves, like Danielle said And he only had one combo Yeah
-So… Nothing crazy Yeah Definitely lost that fight Yeah, definitely lost and… He thought he had an advantage because he's challenging a puncher to a kickboxing match, right? Yeah

What we saw earlier here with this sidekick That spinning backfist didn't even BTW, that's Rufus This is Rufus This doggie Umm
[Rufus growls] The spinning backfist didn't even hit the first time. So
[Rufus growls] So….uh…. He almost tried to do like a crescent kick Yeah…OOOH
-So… Way…
-Wide haymaker right over here. And also look how he dips his head That's a bad attempt at Mike Tyson Really
-Yeah So…um…Danielle wasn't here for the last video We saw him before, he was trying to mimic Mike Tyson He challenged a Muay Thai guy to a boxing match and lost very badly.


[Laugh] And it seems like there's elements of that here, he still sometimes trying to do the Mike Tyson peekaboo, but… Badly
-Yeah See.
-Why's he so confident? -Yeah, I don't know The…the boxer… The boxer just very simple basic combos Yeah This is interesting, it's like… Train basic boxing combos, much more effective than combining kicks and punches At a certain level Of course, you know Lyoto Machido would be able to pull off like really cool kick punch combos And then we also know, so…. He seems… He seems mostly Southpaw, right? His…his right foot's in front But his right hand is so low I know…especially towards the end. He definitely just gets tired. -Yeah Has his hands low Like moving slow Yeah And that's why the boxer keeps hitting him with hooks. I know Especially that lead left hook But like you said It almost feels like… He's not being tagged too hard He's almost like, "I just don't know what to do." Like what you said. See…look at that…the right hand is still low.

Huh… Right there…the lead hook by the boxer I guess what's preventing the boxer from… Um… [Rufus growls] Is just that sidekick by the Jeet Kune Do guy No… [laughter] [Rufus growls]
No That was second lockdown. Sorry
-It's all good It's all good. You know you guys will meet Rufus soon. So then this is the last part This is when we saw again. Look at that…look at that chin all out…again
-Yeah This is….
-Probably more tired. Really bad [laughter] Wooof, he ducked that but that wasn't enough
-Yeah Ooof
-oooh. So… Give him credit, he did duck that one lead hook. Right there…he ducks this lead hook Yeah, but that's like Doesn't get back up either
-Yeah, yeah Just like Stays hunched over…
-Yeah Yeah Which is a good lesson You duck one, make sure to get back and keep scrapping.

-Yeah This video is brought to you by Potion Energy Drink. A zero calorie drink filled with Vitamin B and Taurine Coming soon to the US Drink your potion [Generic rock background music] Coming soon to the US Drink your potion [laughter]
Sorry Sorry Okay, go again
-Okay Come on You're going to go right into it…yeah…so…. Okay Yeah, that's a…maybe…maybe I'll pause Pause for a second
-Coming soon to the US Like pause Drink Your Potion
-Yeah…yeah Like…okay…. Three two one This video is brought to you by Potion Energy Drink A zero calorie driin…lalala Drink your potion [laughter] Drink your potion Drink your potion Drink your potion

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