Jak vázat bandáže na Box, Kickbox, Muaythai, MMA.

You can wrap you wrist in many ways, none of them are wrong but the good kinds have some similar rules A) you always want to have this stitched part into your wrist otherwise the velcro will be wrong way at the end and you will have to twist the bandage. B) try to bandage with your fingers stretched apart so you dont end up with a cut off bloodflow when you are done another important part is the wrist itself you can do it twice, three times, or more ther is never enough wrist strenghtening. with the longer bandages, it is better to wrap them in between the fingers otherwise there will be too much of the leftover bandage at the end and you would have to make a bulk somewhere when bandaging the fingers, do them separately. definitely not all at once, you would end up with broken fingers we will go one finger after the other first finger, then wrist another one return to the wrist another finger back again and after the last finger we are done with them and we should have such a nice mozaic as this when i make a fist i should feel how hard my fist gets now we again return to the wrist then make a turn around the thumb, so the hand is complete and after that its only about knuckles which are very important and wrist again since i still have a lot of material to strenghten both areas as you can see at all times my fingers are stretched apart so when i release the tension the bloodflow is okay and my fingers are not blue we use the rest of the bandages freely we focus on the knuckles and at the end since we started right, the ziplock fits on the bandage this is approximately how it should look tough enough wrist safe and not afraid of injury when punchung a hard surface


As found on YouTube

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