Israel Adesanya RESPONDS to Alex Pereira’s CALLOUT after UFC 295! Jones’ REACTION to Aspinall’s KO!

MMA news today:

TOM ASPINALL talks what’s next after UFC 295 win

JON JONES reacts to Tom Aspinall vs. Sergei Pavlovich

CHAEL SONNEN supports Matt Frevola following KO loss at UFC 295

SEAN STRICKLAND & Valentina Shevchenko go back and forth on Twitter

ISRAEL ADESANYA responds to Alex Pereira’s callout

JAMAHAL HILL reacts to Alex Pereira’s TKO win over Jiri Prochazka

00:00 Sean Strickland & Valentina Shevchenko go back and forth on Twitter
02:24 Tom Aspinall talks what’s next after UFC 295 win
04:28 Jon Jones reacts to Aspinall’s KO win over Sergei Pavlovich
05:50 Israel Adesanya responds to Alex Pereira’s callout
06:57 Jamahal Hill reacts to Alex Pereira’s TKO win over Jiri Prochazka
08:04 Chael Sonnen supports Matt Frevola following KO loss at UFC 295
08:54 TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show started Let's kick today's news off with Sean Strickland and Valentina shenko going Back and forth on Twitter Strickland Recently took some shots at Paige VanZant and women's MMA tweeting Paige VanZant said she made more on in 24 Hours than she did in the UFC let's Unpack one you're assigned because You're hot two women's MMA is lame three Men will pay more to see naked than to Watch you fight stay in school kids Fighting sucks LOL Valentina wasn't too Happy with this tweet and replied Interesting unpack here this looks more Like an offended kid who got less money In his entire fighter career than female Fighters do good try maybe the UFC will See that and add some cash to your purse Next time for how naked you are Sean Replied Valentina you lost to a girl who Pulls guard you look like you learned Striking from a YouTube video laughing My ass off female MMA it's like watching Children fight it's fun but we all know It's trash you only have a job because You know when to put heels on and take Off your clothes after reading this Valentina replied looks like you were Beaten by a girl in the gym and now you Are offended by all women in the world Poor baby boy train harder to not lose To a girl Sean concluded I just had a 10 Round death match it was glorious but

All the demons are gone and the voices In my head are giving me peace now Valentina you're right you have good Head kicks next time you're in Vegas Let's go shooting have a great day going To also posted a video where he Explained why he spars so much you guys That was a rough couple days man it's The strangest thing I don't even know What's happened to me but I don't see The world as it is right like I get in This de space where like my body just Craves murder like all I wanted to do Was just like I could homeless man with My bare hands and it would bring me joy And I don't even know what happens to me I don't even know what's happening and The moment I spar everything's clear Like I get in this space you guys where I don't even like I can interact with Somebody and it's completely different Than how it was like in my brain it's Completely different and then the moment I Spar all the demons go away Everything's good I'm happy I'm going to Go on a hike on Saturday life is you Guys remember a sparring session a day Keeps the bodies Away after his UFC 295 win Tom espanol Talks what's next as many expected Saturday's UFC 295 co-main event did not Make it out of the opening round Sergey Pavlovich landed a good right hand early That appeared to stun Aspen although the

Brick quickly answered back with a huge Punch of his own that set the Russian Crashing to the canvas after a pair of Follow-up shots pavlovich was rendered Unconscious and aspinal became the new Interim heavyweight champion after the Fight during the postf fight presser Espanol revealed that he injured his Back a few days before taking the fight And was not in good shape Overall I think this will take a while To sink in to be honest it's uh been Absolutely crazy 2 and a half weeks I've Been saying I can tell people now Um I basically didn't have any training Camp at all I wasn't really in the best Shape um I got like I got the call like 3 4 days after I pulled my back really Bad I couldn't barely even move or do Anything um And yeah it's been it's been some and I Didn't have a Visa as well it's been Some some three weeks let me tell you It's been absolutely insane espanol also Discussed what's next ured his thoughts On a potential fight with Jon Jones have You started mapping out like what you Would like to do now no I've not really Thought about that to be honest I I Didn't think about anything like that Before uh this fight at all like and I Was aware of what I was up against Tonight with Sergey this is a guy that Um I know personally because I'm

Involved in these circles kind of at the Top of the division nobody wants to Fight that guy I cut all [ __ ] aside Nobody wants to fight that guy this There Champions turning him down so um I I knew what I was up against tonight and I couldn't think past Sergey so um the Guy's an absolute machine and right now I just got to I just want to chill for a Bit man to be honest I I will see we'll See what happens but ultimately I want To fight Jon Jones which seg weighs Nicely into how Jon Jones reacted to Tom Aspen's KO win over Sergey pavlovich Shortly found the conclusion of Saturday's UFC 295 event Jones took to Twitter where he congratulated Tom on His awesome performance writing Tom Congratulations on the interim Heavyweight championship belt that was An awesome performance despite aspon Capturing the interim title in Spectacular fashion Dana wi confirmed That the promotion still plans to have Jon Jones fight Stipe miic next we we Saw Stipe tonight and obviously we Wanted to have Stipe and John is that Still the fight to make or do you feel Like maybe Tom deserves to fight John or Deserves to fight stpe or maybe that's a Better fight no you do you do those two Right uh th those two both deserve that Fight that's the fight they want uh what I love is that Jon Jones you know as

Soon as he heard that he was injured and He knew how bad it was went right to La Got the surgery and he's always he's Already in in re so Um physical therapy I should say he's in Physical Therapist Um yeah Jones will likely not be able to Compete until at least the summer of 2024 so it remains to be seen if Aspen Will receive another opponent before That bout takes Place Alex perea responds to israad Asan's comments after becoming the ninth Fighter in UFC history turn titles in Two different divisions Alex P turned His attention to his longtime rival Isrna in his postf fight interview the Brazilian seemingly dared Izzy to come Meet him at 205 Izzy reacted posting This photo captioned Let It Go LOL Rentree I sleep good Iz he also took to Threads writing I he put him to sleep Jamal G to give him sweet dreams David a Laughing him out later at UFC 295 post F Press conference Pera was asked about Izzy's tweet here's his real action Israel actually tweeted uh about right After your interview he posted a photo Of you knocked out with a wig from the Movie FR Frozen and he said let it go so I'm curious if you see this and you have A response to Him regardless what he say I'm I was

Respectful and I mean what I say in know To me I give him a chance I think he's Not M he doesn't seem motivated and I Think there's a fight that everybody Would like to see so try to boost him to Come back Jamal Hill has reacted to Alex P's TKO win over Yuri Pro HOSA ESPN MMA Has posted a video of Jamal Hills live Reaction to Alex poas TKO win over [Applause] Yi don't whoever it is y know where the Crown really is it's right here Bang and here's what the former champ Had to say about pera's win over Prasa um I thought I thought it ended a Little early but um all in all I was Just thinking like neither one of these Dudes are on my level like neither one Of them I don't I don't think they are In any facet of the game and I can't Wait to get back in full health and be Able to show that I think he did well I Think he came out and he uh he chopped The leg he got busy on it early you know And um he stayed patient he showed that You can't just come out and grab him and And take him down and just have that be A easy road to Victory I hean show he Showed he showed a lot of things he Showed he can do what he did at Middleweight at uh at light heavyweight Essentially so um yeah it's excited he Made me really excited to get back chill Sunon has sent a message to Matt fola

Falling UFC 295s loss last night the Lightweight suffered a nasty head kick KO delivered by Ben Wa s after the loss Forol took to Twitter releasing a Statement that said highest of highs Lowest of lows that's the fight game Congrats to benoa on the win was an Honor to share the octagon with him love You all I'll be back after reading this Chill sun and repli with a message of Support writing you just competed Professionally at the Garden you had 15,000 fans that cared about you not the Result as you walk back to your hotel And you pass the woman on the street who Has mental DEC capacity clutching a cart With all her world belongings come back To this thread and tell me what the low Was you brought honor to your team to Your city and protection to your country You think we're going to abandon you Now and here are the top three memes Found on the internet today third place Was found found over Reddit and was Posted by username the real Harry Yeti second place meme was found over Instagram and was posted by a username As shopped as it Gets and the top picked meme was found Over Facebook and was posted by a usern Named Robert Nell thanks for watching if you like the Content smash that like button and don't Forget to subscribe to stay in the
