How TOUGH is it? MUAY THAI camp in Thailand (We spent One Month at THE CAMP in CHIANG MAI) PART 1

Muay Thai is considered the pride of Thailand 
and it's the country's national sport it dates   back to ancient times where it was developed as 
a form of combat for soldiers and warriors crazy we have flown 700 kilometers from 
Bangkok to way up in the Northern   parts of Thailand to a place called 
Chiang Mai where we'll put our bodies   through physical exhaustion in a bit 
to learn how to fight in Muay Thai we will be spending the next few weeks 
at the camp resort in Chiang Mai where   we'll be under the guidance of some of the 
best fighters and coaches in the country okay God's help us but before we get into our first ever 
Muay Thai session let me introduce   you to our trainers who will show 
us exactly what we're in foreign Camp so we are the training to the camp okay welcome to the camp okay so we teach uh the 
best ceiling for Muay Thai standard 8 news   so first we got Jeff yeah punch okay 
hook hook upper upper elbow elbow knee kick kick push kick push kick got shot punch kick kick again now that we know all the moves it 
was time to put them into practice   this right here was our first ever Mai 
Tai session and we loved it oh my God oh my God it's like you really really have to 
think about what you're doing so yeah sometimes   it's hard like you're focusing on yourself to get 
them right and then you're not getting the the   arms right there's like so much and then you 
might bring another party into it so now you   have to remember elbows in you gotta remember 
this you gotta remember your footwork so it's   kind of like it it's added on yeah remember 
you remember one part and then you mix up the   next like so then you're like okay I had the 
legs right but now I don't have the arms yeah   yeah and it's trying to get them all together 
but yeah Nursery as well it's really good and   uh like that you have to think when you're 
working outside yeah yeah it's not like oh   my God I have to work out because you're really 
focused on I'm thinking about it aspect of it   you know it's actually great you've got to put 
our gloves on now because we're going to go into   I think a little bit of pad walk so yes instead 
of turn the camera off before I can put these on shut up thank you oh so it's day two how are you 
feeling I feel like I had 20 points honestly I   didn't even have a drink I'm so sorry my body is 
so stiff but I don't think I've watched it like   that in so long oh yeah did two sessions yesterday 
yeah we ended up doing the second one so how how   it works is you've got a search and a half feet 
half ten half tree and half five so there's two   more and two kind of afternoon evening sessions 
and you can do the four if you want but we   um we wanted to do two a day so we're doing the 
half ten and a half five so we did a bit of video   on the halftime classes I'm going to show you 
and then halfway one we just went trained for   basically two two sessions and then 90 minutes 
long so it's a tough workout isn't it tough   workout yeah we're um it's difficult again as we 
said yesterday it's like you have to really tinkle   up such a technical aspect not only physically but 
like mentally as well yeah yeah not gonna lie at   all it was gonna seem like a baby last night but 
I was tossed and turning and you were saying then   it's probably like if you're over exercise can 
happen like you feel so tired that you actually   can't sleep I know it sounds weird but there's 
been a few people that we spoke to here that   said that it's also they've struggled to sleep as 
well it's just kind of I think there's a couple   of uh things that you have to experience at the 
beginning until you get used to it like you know   so like our Knuckles are quite sore and things 
like that so I mean that's like just the initial   you know beginning of the train and like you know 
you kind of get rid of that as the weeks go on   I guess and I say sleep might be another one of 
those things I think you're probably just getting   yourself into a little routine your body will get 
used to it yeah and you know the first week Danny   uh the guy that actually owns it he was saying 
it'll take a week probably to actually get into   it and feel you know like you're getting you're 
getting properly into it yeah making progress   and stuff so just give it the week don't give up 
and then you'll start to feel better so I guess   that's the way it'll be for our sleep as well 
then yeah but happy with the fourth day yes day   by day I'm gonna take a table today and see where 
it goes and uh and yeah just try land as much as   we can and in the meantime you end up getting 
a great workout so it's like it's jackpot yeah I don't know I'll be mad time for an ice bath oh 
my God we're in pain so I'm hoping this helps oh   yeah I think I pulled my hamstring on the 
uh on my left leg so I found it a little   bit difficult when I was trying and today 
to move that leg so I think an ice bath   we'll start it out but it's got to be difficult right tag is empty right so we better 
get in while the ice is still frozen focus on the brain before we continue with our training let us give 
you a tour of this incredible facility because   we're not just training here we're also sleeping 
here so let's show you around okay so this is the   reception bye hello how are you good good yes this 
is the lovely lady again sorry friends yeah like   a friend oh friend oh okay thank you she looks 
after us so you can see then there's some little   tie shorts that you can buy some tops that you 
can buy which we've already bought you can also   rent some gloves or you can buy some gloves if you 
want as well so uh yeah this is just a reception   so let's move on so this is the little plump Cafe 
so this is where we order all of our food again   they do things like juices some yogurts what else 
to do some rice bowls so and also coffee in the   morning oh so this is like a little Garden area 
and as you can see then it's like there's loads of   rooms on top and bottom I changes 12 all together 
on the campus now we're staying on the campus but   you don't actually have to stay on the campus if 
you want to train you can just book in for your   classes and you can stay around the area or we'd 
recommend staying on the campus Because that's a   room right over there number one you can't get any 
closer to where we're trying so we do no excuses   at all right so as we can see continue around 
this is actually gorgeous this is the Garden   area it's really really peaceful there's a couple 
of tables laid out as well so I'll give you a bit   of work to do you can come out and chill out on 
the laptop or just chill out in the sun there's   some some loungers there as well we also have 
a place to order a laundry which is excellent   yeah absolutely love that especially when we're 
traveling so we have a big washing machine and   there's also a dryer there's also a clothesline 
inside them if you don't want to use the dryer   and you want to just hang yourself up to dry our 
sun trucks I think we'll be following them soon   so like I said we're so close to the gym we've 
absolutely no excuses so let me show you a room baby baby all right so I know that I've showed 
you the room outside the room everyone   has these little benches they're just 
really really handy because you can just   leave your gloves and your hand wraps on 
them and then you're ready to go on train   all right so this is where we train look at 
the size but I can't believe it that was the   first thing when we got here and we looked at 
I was like oh my God it's absolutely massive   never trained anything like this before it's 
a big Open Mat area so obviously doing multi   you're trying in your bare feet and the mats are 
so spongy they're actually lovely it's really nice   right near Murphy and then surrounding in the big 
map area is uh some boxing bags and then we also   have there's four boxing Rings oh that's nice now 
we're in the shades that's one thing it's nice and   shaded you do get a bit of sun coming in because 
we've obviously walked around it so it's covered   from the top but with the big open sides then you 
get a breeze coming true which is always lovely   when you're trying especially in a hot country 
like Thailand there's our friend right there dreaded weigh in Scales we have to weigh 
ourselves in in the morning and track it   from there yes that's the dreaded parts okay 87.

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It's the heaviest I've ever been 14 Stone 
seven that's crazy I wouldn't use it walking   around that way oh you better get to walk so 
there's the boxing bags I was talking about   if you also have a water dispenser here which is 
great because we could just top up our bottles   with fresh water it's always a place called as 
well there's actually a class start and now we're   doing the next class there's some trainers they're 
just doing they're stretching and warming up and   we also have a gym which is absolutely great so 
if we're not doing our move toy you can come down   and do our own little workout there's plenty 
of machines dumbbells there's also some more   um boxing bags down here so and big mirrors as 
well so if you want to come down and sort of   practice our technique because I presume we're 
going to be learning a lot of new things we   can sort of practice in the mirror then sometimes 
that's better to actually watch yourself doing it   so again it's padded so everything is beautiful 
so more machines we also have a treadmill so if   you want to keep your cardio up it's also lovely 
as I said it's like a mountainous area so you can   also go for a walk outside I think there's a park 
close by yeah we've been told about 10 minutes so   we will go up one of the days as well just to 
get our steps in and just keep up the exercise get in there right oh my God again it's so nice on 
your feet yeah there's something really   cool about training in your birthday I know 
it's like free you feel free yeah yeah hey daddy isn't it it's so cute and it's foreign God I can't believe how big it is when you're 
actually in it it's massive it's like the way   you see it on telly yeah yeah I was really cool 
like it has the camp logo the camp they come   okay already and like I said the setup here 
is just amazing honestly it's just brilliant thank you the last the last I'm warm already I'm not gonna lie so we just 
started off with some stretches and then just   did a bit of a warm-up so it depends sometimes 
we sort of do a circuit around the mats or   sometimes it's just a little bit of skipping 
so it was skipping today I need some more just like footwork trails and kind of basic 
kind of warmer Parts like the job and things   of that but it's funny like because you stay 
basic but they are actually very difficult   because there's just so much to think about and 
now yeah that's what it is and then you focus on   one and then you get the other on like you're 
either like getting feet right and then you're   like leaving your arms out chicken wings they 
call it like you keep your arms stiff so just   remember it all yeah and then you get a little 
rhythm I think got it yeah and then you're   getting it and then you feel really motivated 
because I'm like yes you have it you have it   oh ah yes I finally got it you don't want to 
lose it then exactly yeah but uh yeah that's   what they do at the beginning of the class to 
go through those type of things so that when   we come into working the pads and stuff that you 
know we're well and truly warmed up like yeah if   that's what it is like do you know that way and 
then like that you're ready for it just to like   uh for you to remember I suppose the technique 
from the last day yeah they go through and then   you're ready to sort of do the pad work but uh 
yeah it's cool I like that as you can see we're   only like a couple of minutes into it and I'm 
sweating so it's absolutely amazing cardio once nice yes it takes a bit of time to perfect it well 
done that's great okay here we go gloves   are on gloves are on time for some pad 
work I'm not gonna lie this is actually   some of my favorite parts of the technique 
like it's obviously go down the technique   because you need to know a lot to do 
with hard work then but when you get   really into this and they do all the calls and 
you're flying along with I love it it's great knee time for one more round before we finish up but 
uh yeah so it's basically just doing some hard   work and then some cakes as well which are quite 
difficult I think I'm getting a little bit better   the more you do them again as I said like you 
get more confident as well sometimes it's hard   you have to keep with your shame and sometimes 
I find that I keep it in toe and I'm like oh God   and then I'm afraid that I'm gonna break Muto I 
know you can actually get the foot straps as well   I don't know if that helps but we're not using 
them at the moment so hopefully I can just get   the technique get the technique and actually 
kick with motion yeah anyway last rounds yep one more one more [ __ ] what's up John finally finish I'm tired now 
towards Daniel I'm not gonna lie again yeah you've like so much energy from 
the beginning by the end and you're   like right yeah so background doing 
stretches now I'm not too sore tomorrow foreign 's gone for his oats and I go for my shake so 
this is the menu here so you can get homemade   Georgian yogurt this that's the one that you're 
gonna get yeah it's lovely it has berries and   all inside and honey smoothie I think so super 
fruits from Amazon Brazil 100 pure I'd say that's   a little baby I haven't actually tried that but 
usually stick to the same thing banana yogurt   smoothie I'd say that's lovely child support or 
honey and you haven't had that probably Breads   and we haven't had that now I go for the moist 
Moody's not actually on that one but uh oh there   it is there yeah yeah the cold pressed juice 
it's a carrot apple and lemon so it's supposed   to be really really good for you and then like it 
detoxes the body as well but I use use it as like   a tie over and so like after I train I might have 
a juice then just to tie me over before I actually   have my big meal because we're eating less so 
it's grounded slow it's actually really tasty   it's nice yeah there's a certain way they make it 
um I'm not 100 sure over here now but like when I   scanned you can actually scan the tips for a dive 
and it actually tells you all about the different   foods that they do and I think it's the juice it's 
made it's either Blended slowly or fastly there's   something to do with it it's a slow squeezed 
organic vegetable juice yes yes that's the   secret yeah it's the way Blended and then lastly 
while we're here they also have like a QR code so   you can scan on your phone then and it's an e-map 
so it just shows you um loads of good restaurants   around the area we're going to take a little peep 
into the kitchen and see how the oats are made oh okay so that's honey yogurt Georgie Georgie yes what's up this keeps me full six seven o'clock this 
evening I'm looking forward to it more now   that I know it's been how it's been made 
watching it being made making you hungry thank you thank you foreign if you've seen a couple of minutes ago one 
of our coaches said I was fighting tomorrow obviously that was a joke bought another one 
of our coaches Joe is actually fighting in a   local event not too far from the camp and we were 
kindly invited along to see exactly what a local   Muay Thai event is like this promised to be one of 
the most authentic Thai experiences we could have   wow bye-bye thank you brilliant lovely thank you are y'all 
ready for your fight yeah um foreign trainers are fighting tonight and they invite 
us to come along and just to get the local   experience check up at all they're like the 
last two fights I think I think there's like   seven fights are I don't know much it's been 
a couple already the whole experience is just   it's deadly honestly I mean to see how local 
this thing is because we were only talking like   we've seen a little bit of it in Bangkok but 
uh it was great in Bangkok don't get me wrong   but this is just so so I tend to Consulting 
we're so local it's like a yard behind us in   the middle of it is the is the ring and then 
there's some sort of Street vendors or stalls   around it so people can have like something to 
eat and a drink or so there's a social element   to it as well everybody is toy means man are 
the only foreigners they take it so seriously yeah it is yeah years ago there on the way in 
as well and we got talking to one of the girls   at the game she speaks really good English and 
she would tell us that I was asking is this like   a weekly event yeah and she said tonight is like 
a special event so basically they charge so just   tickets a ticket fee on the way in and then 
they're collecting money to raise money for   like a local uh school to build dormitories in 
the village that's really cool so we don't know   how often we actually we're not too sure how 
often yeah yeah it's really cool and we were   chatting to uh to our coaches uh boom and Joe 
and like I was asking about you and they were   quite calm in the car on the way here and 
I was like are you nervous they were like   no never they're very very confident boom was 
saying he's he's gonna end in a fourth round   knockout yeah so his name is Boom so I I'm 
I'm gonna believe him I'm gonna believe him   when he says he's gonna knock somebody out on 
one in one round but yeah we're interested to   see uh just exactly because they're coaching us 
and able to see them actually do it themselves   oh yeah yeah they're really really they're 
excellent coaches all them in the camper like   that these are the only two as far as I know 
yeah they can see they usually give up around   29 to 30 years what we've been told and these 
two uh it's boom and Joe and they're in their   early 20s so yeah I'm excited to see them for 
you I know yeah the fact that they're Terrain foreign and just as Joe promised he got his knockout s it's amazing when you see that clip with 
Samantha there you can see that the the   power and the force in her punches 
and her knees now did you get halfway   and then you just go in the panic and 
you're like you just try on any punch yeah okay do it again

As found on YouTube

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