How to Toughen Up Legs for Kickboxing | Muay Thai

Conditioning your shins. A lot of you may have seen on YouTube Thai
guys kicking bamboo trees in order to condition their shins. That's all well and good. If you have a coconut tree or a bamboo tree
near you, please feel free to go ahead and kick that. If you don't have a coconut tree,some of the
Thai pads that we use, when they're very new, the leather is extremely stiff, very hard.

That's one way of conditioning the shins is
like repetitive kicking, kicking, kicking. Another way of conditioning the shins is a
heavy bag. Some heavy bags, brand new, are very solid. It almost seems like there's cement in the
bottom of the bag. Again, that's another great way of conditioning
the shins. One of the last ways, again, is actually sparring. The more you kick your mate, kick into blocks
where the person blocks with their knee, you're going to pick up bruising, your shin starts
to callous up.


Again, you start to condition your shins..

As found on YouTube

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