How to Do Kickboxing Drills | Muay Thai

Now we're going to touch on some drills. Now one of the drills I like to do in order
to help with my balance and my kicking is rapid fire kicks. Okay? So, you can start off with five kicks, go
to 10, go to 15, go to 20. Okay? Or you can start 10, 15, 20. Now, one of the good things about this drill
when you have a partner as opposed to the bag is every time you throw a kick the pad
holder moves. By him moving, he's simulating that actual
person in the ring that you're competing against. When you kick, they move that you might want
to kick them again. So now you're having to move your body at
the same time as you're trying to fire the kick. All right? So, we're going to start from over here. Now, five kicks. I'm going to cross the floor each time as
I throw the kick. All right? So we go ready up, one, two, three, four,
five. Okay? Back down. Okay? Left leg. Now, with the left leg in the rapid fire,
once you switch the first one, you don't need to switch each time.


Okay? You just kick with the first one, bring the
left leg behind, and you're going to advance across the floor that way. So, we start with the first one up, one, two,
three, four, five. Okay? Come back down in the middle. Another one we can do rapid fire, two kicks
at a time. So you're going to come up, one, two. Make sure you come back, get your balance. Come in the middle again, two. One, two. Again, back in the middle. Get your balance again. So, again you can do that drill on the bag,
but it's a lot better if you have a partner that you can get the actual movement across
the floor to help you get your balance a little bit more. So that was a just a quick, you know, rapid
fire drill to help build your balance and strengthen up your kicks..

As found on YouTube

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