Let's break down King's jump back kick from Tekken: Bloodline (2022). Paul Phoenix is rushing King and King hits him with a beautiful counter jump back kick. Now the jump back kick is a devastating and powerful kick popular in Taekwondo, and it's effective as a counter against an opponent's
forward momentum. To do the jump back kick, first, let's look at what
you don't want to do. You don't want to have a traditional
Muay Thai or MMA stance, where you're square
with your opponent because it affects your accuracy. In a square stance, when I turn and I kick out, it comes off way at an angle, effectively missing my target and I'm exposing my back. What you want to do
is stand bladed. I'm going to pivot, turn 180 degrees, as I turn, I'm going to raise my knee up, and kick straight out. Now the jump back kick, is all those steps, but just adding a jump. Let's see that at full speed!.