HIIT| Anfänger | Fett verbrennen |Grundkondition | Ausdauer | Muay Thai | Thaiboxen | Dein Training

High intensity interval training. And with that, welcome to your training channel. Today I have a HIIT
workout for you, with martial arts elements in it. I'll show you a few exercises
and you can easily imitate them at home
. We will work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. And have the following exercises. There are 4 exercises each with
2 passes and 2 sections. Between sections
, we rest for 1 minute. In the first
section we do upper body exercises. In the second
section we do leg exercises. But before we start the
workout , it's important to warm up and get our body up to
"operating temperature" to get the maximum
effect. Now again. *PEW* Alignment for the…. Two cameras. Whoo, my hands are shaking recording is
going to be difficult. OK, LET'S GO! Give everything. More quickly. Faster burpees yes? Now it's time for burpees. Come on, come on. Push-ups, right. Dawei, Dawei, Dawei, Dawei. Come on, pull through,
pull through Walde. Now comes the second round. Come on, give it your all! The first round is okay, the second round is really

This is what it looks like. And give it all COME COME COME COME COME COME COME Give it all. And now the burpees. And off we go. hit the gas, come come, come and push ups. WHOOO Always the fourth out. 1,2,3,4…
come on, come on, come on. Finish it up. WHOO CONCLUSION? oh guys Good training! Okay, now it's about
the legs. Give him! Good you do that. Now jump. *Motivational words. Oh [ __ ]* That's what I meant. Come on, last round. WHOO penultimate exercise! now give it your all Give everything. *Motivational words. *Motivational words. And now the last exercise. *Motivational words. Oh yes, depending on how fit you are,
you can end the workout now or
repeat sections 1 and 2 again. I hope I was able to show you
something new today. I would appreciate a
thumbs up from you.

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and see you next time.

As found on YouTube

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