‘He was still on the straight and narrow’ – WWE star says Jon Jones was PED-free in HS wrestling


Jon Jones’ dominant run in the UFC was unfortunately marred by performance enhancing drugs. “Bones” popped twice, for clomiphene and letrozole then again for the anabolic steroid turinabol, which led to a main event cancellation and the stripping of his title.

These failed drug tests will be forever tied to Jones’ legacy. Although, if you ask WWE star and former UFC fighter Matt Riddle, the former perennial light heavyweight champion followed a “straight and narrow” path at one point in his life.

Speaking on the recent episode of ESPN’s DC & RC Show, Riddle shared his experiences with Jones during their days as high school wrestling competitors.

“Jon Jones has, like it or not, he’s always been a top-tier competitor since I’ve known him in high school and throughout his UFC career and etc. I’m not gonna get into anything else, but I don’t think when I beat him he was cheating yet.

Jon Jones Matt Riddle high school wrestling

Matt Riddle and Jones as high school wrestling competitors
YouTube screenshot

“I don’t think he used any PEDs or was on any stimulants or anything like that. I think he was young, I remember his family was always there. It was a very family-oriented environment and (it was) nice.

“Jon was always super kind to me and everything else, and so was his whole family. I think he was still on the straight and narrow (path). And I think that helped.”

Riddle himself was involved in a drug test failure in 2013 when he tested positive for cannabis, which led to his UFC release. Because of his own situation, he refuses to chastise Jones and his PED infraction.

“I’ve heard some stories about (Jones) hiding under the ring and stuff like that, but I don’t know if they’re factual or fiction. A lot of people say crazy things. He’s failed some tests. I’m not gonna say anything because I failed some tests, too. I don’t want to go there. I don’t throw rocks, I live in a glass house.

“All I know is I think he was young, he was still just working his way up.”

Since leaving the UFC, the 36-year-old Riddle has since transitioned to pro wrestling and is currently signed with the WWE. Jones, on the other hand, has yet to make his heavyweight debut, something he’s been preparing hard for in the last two years.


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