MMA news today:
KENNY FLORIAN reacts to Francis Ngannou signing with the PFL
FRANCIS NGANNOU confronts Daniel Cormier over recent comments
FIGHTER PAY from UFC Charlotte revealed
KEVIN LEE has his first fight booked since re-signing with the UFC
BELAL MUHAMMAD shares a funny edit of a video call with Dana White about the next title shot
CONOR MCGREGOR new footage from ‘McGregor Forever’ Netflix documentary
SEAN STRICKLAND shares his thoughts on the passing of Shalie Lipp
00:00 – Kevin Lee’s UFC return finally booked for July 1st
01:14 – Sean Strickland shares his controversial take on Shalie Lipp’s tragic death
02:21 – Francis Ngannou confronts Daniel Cormier over recent comments
03:48 – The fighter salaries from UFC Charlotte have been revealed
05:19 – New footage of Conor McGregor holding back tears after loss to Khabib
06:13 – Belal Muhammad shares a hilarious edit of a video call with Dana White
06:48 – Kenny Florian reacts to Francis Ngannou’s deal with the PFL
08:25 – TOP 3 MMA memes
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All right let's get this show started In today's news Kevin Lee's UFC return Finally booked for July 1st Sean Strickland shares his controversial take On Shaylee lip's tragic death Francis Sanganu confronts Daniel Cormier over Recent comments fighter salaries from UFC Charlotte have been revealed new Footage of Conor McGregor holding back Tears after his loss to Habib Allah Mohammed she is a hilarious edit of a Video call with Dana White and Kenny Florian reacts to Francis zanganu's deal With the pfl Kevin Lee officially has his first fight But since re-signing with the UFC Scheduled for July 1st at a UFC Fight Night event in the UFC Apex Lee will Face rinat fakradinov in a welterway Bout MMA underground's John Morgan was First to report the news bakra dinov has A record of 21 wins and two losses he's Now fought twice in the UFC and defeated Both Andreas mihalidis and Brian battle Via unanimous decision as for Kevin Lee He hasn't fought since March of 2022 When he defeated Diego Sanchez by Unanimous decision at Eagle fc46 prior To that he lost 4 out of his last five Fights in the UFC and was released from The promotion shortly after Sean Strickland recently shared some Controversial thoughts on the passing of Shaylee lip the young MMA fighter that
Passed away Some space and I got some [ __ ] to say And I know I shouldn't say it but I I'm like I'm so Compelled to say it I can't stop myself That girl that died I'm tragically I Felt so bad for her family having to Wake up to that really [ __ ] up people Died all the time like that it's really [ __ ] up I'm tragic anyways we're Getting a white kid and touching found The journal books about her Okay right but all you bandwagon guys And this is where I'm gonna get a little Bit of hate for this one all you Bandwagon guys post a picture of her Saying you know I know your name I dug a Little deeper and I'm gonna tell you Guys She wasn't that good Three and two coming up a loss with 1-1 Record and this is how it sounds devil Isn't just facts if you didn't die no One would have known my [ __ ] name now That's the stuff I know you guys but you Bandwagon the book and get likes for her Post you guys are awesome Francis ingano has confronted Daniel Cormier over recent comments Cormier Recently stated that angano should just Bite the bullet and return to the UFC Now in an interview on the DC and RC Show Francis called Cormier out for These comments and then caught the
Former Champion a lie on live TV check This out This was done a long time ago we did Enjoy some sign it yet but it was done On all this time so by the time you guys Were out there making all those Speculation I wasn't worried about any Of you I was okay Yeah I I I saw I saw DC said that like I Should buy buy the bullet I'm like oh Man you don't just know what's going on I'm like you're gonna be surprised no I Didn't know just just ask everybody Just as everybody I think like uh some People think like oh it's out of option Is he doesn't know what he's doing hey Believe me man I've been working on this For the past three years And uh it's been going great you can as You can see Call you I text you you don't answer the Phone You see you didn't call me you didn't Text me I have my phone right here you want me To check Press this I'm gonna tell you right now Daniel fighter salaries from this past Saturday's UFC Charlotte have been Revealed Joelton Almeida earned 51k plus a 51 000 Win bonus totaling a hundred and two Thousand dollars for defeating gerzino Rosenstrike who made a hundred thirty
Thousand dollars despite the loss Johnny Walker 90k plus 90k win bonus totaling 180k for his victory over Anthony Smith Who earned two hundred thousand dollars Ian Machado Gary made twenty eight Thousand dollars plus a 28k win bonus Totaling 56 000 for defeating Daniel Rodriguez who earned 78k Carlos oberg Made 33 000 plus a 33k win bonus Totaling 66 000 for defeating ihor Patera who earned twelve thousand Dollars Alex morono or 90k plus a 90k Win bonus totaling 180 000 poor Defeating Tim Means who made 90k to show On the UFC Charlotte prelims card Matt Brown made 125 000 plus 125k win bonus Totaling 250 000 dollars for defeating Court McGee who earned 60k Carl Williams Made twelve thousand dollars plus a Twelve thousand dollar win bonus Totaling 24K for defeating Chase Sherman Who earned 33k and Douglas Silva de Andrage made 50k to show 50k win bonus Totally 100K versus Cody stamen who made 78 000 what do you guys think of these Digits drop your thoughts in the Comments below Netflix released McGregor forever Yesterday in which the first episode Features Conor McGregor's intense Training camp in preparation for his Fight against Habib unfortunately for Connor fans McGregor lost the fight by Fourth round submission and a brawl
Broke out afterward the documentary Includes a heart-wrenching scene where McGregor returns to his locker room Visibly upset by the loss in a Conversation with UFC president Dana White McGregor acknowledges his defeat And holds back tears throughout the Exchange while we can't share the clip Due to copyright restrictions we can Share some of the conversation between The two Dana White brings up the shots Connor Took during the brawl that filed the Fight McGregor responds by saying he Doesn't care about that as they were Just handbags wait then mentions Habib Jumping over but McGregor dismisses it Is unimportant Gregor finally Acknowledges that he was beaten where it Mattered and that's all that matters While Muhammad has just shared a funny Edit of a video call with Dana White Asking about his next total shot check This hey Yo yo Cordina it's your boy bully be Here I uh Earnest title shot it's uh Checking in what's good Hasn't been no news about the wealth Rate title Leon's talking about Abu Dhabi You know I love you and Abu Dhabi loves Bullies always open You're not gonna tell us who that was
Dana whilst began unlocking the cage Kenny Florian who's a current pfl Commentator and a former UFC fighter Discussed how Francis ingano's deal with The pfl is great news for MMA fighters Across all MMA organizations if you want To be a successful pay-per-view business Then you're gonna have to have big names And it starts with getting guys like a Francis manganu a guy who left you know The UFC as the champion no one was able To beat him you know I think that was a Big a big deal for them and um and I Think that's just the beginning in a lot Of ways right it's not going to be Franciscano alone that does that they're Gonna have to have other stars obviously They have kale Harrison on the roster as Well Um so I'm looking forward to seeing who Else they bring over and I think more Importantly if if people are thinking About this especially Fighters and Managers they're going to start Scratching their heads they're going to Go well wait a sec you know I went to The UFC because they're the biggest deal Now everyone fights for different Reasons most because you know they want Uh money Um and then of course secondly Um and maybe firstly for some people They want the competition right Um and I think for people that are
Looking at their careers and where They're at they're going to start going Well wait a sec I can make more money Um fighting somewhere else I always Thought it was the UFC and if Francis And gano's coming over then why Shouldn't I make that move as well so I Think I think this is the kind of um Deal or signing that's going to get Other people to maybe make that ship to Start thinking about making that shift And here are the top three funniest Memes we found on the internet today Third place was found over Reddit and Was posted by a username diesel bus the Fifth Our second place meme was found over Twitter and was posted by a username Beaver Smash TV And her top pick of the day was found Over Instagram and was posted by a user Named as shopped As It Gets Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News Foreign