For 10 Years, He Ties His Hands To 40Kg Elephant Bones, One Punch Can Knock Anyone Down

[Music] at the start of the movie a man talks about the chaturanga bart people a group of ferocious warriors whose courage and valor were admired by people from all over he further explains that the first chaturanka bart warriors were formed in 1605 after the thai army suffered mass elephant casualties during war their only purpose was to protect the elephants and take good care of them for this they developed a brutal form of martial art called muay thai hearing this his son khan becomes intrigued and expresses his desire to become one of them he then forms an inseparable bond with a male elephant named poor eye in the next scene horyi wanders into the woods with a female elephant this worries calm as he assumes his friend is leaving him but his father calms him down mentioning that poor yai will come back the movie then cuts to a few years later where poryai and the female elephant cup have given birth to a healthy calf named corn com has also grown up to become a deadly chaturanga bart warrior one day as corn is grazing in the field some poachers suddenly surround him but before they can take him away his parents rush to rescue him as the poachers begin to flee one of them accidentally fires his gun and it hits cop unfortunately she passes away and little corn is left without a mother calm is devastated by this but he vows to protect poor eye and corn at any cost a few weeks later while calm is out with corn his father approaches them and mentions the importance of strong elephants he reveals that the best elephants in the country are selected for the royal king for this a very intense selection process is conducted and only the mightiest of elephants can pass in the next scene comms village starts preparing for an annual festival named songkran water festival meanwhile mr suthep a local mp is throwing a huge party to celebrate him becoming a member of the new thai government it's rumored that they are going to check the elephants for royal status a local lady encourages com to take his elephants to participate in the competition com reluctantly agrees to take part because he doesn't want to get separated from his beloved elephant but also knows that it's the right thing to do he apologizes to poryai in advance if he's not able to see his calf corn again on the day of the festival khan and his father take poor eye to mr suthep and his son coy strangely coy tells calm to wait outside and takes the elephant and comes father inside the park where they have kept other elephants meanwhile khan wanders around the market with the baby elephant and buys him a bell the man animal duo then enjoy blind boxing however calm gets engrossed in the game and the baby elephant wanders out on his own following a group of mischievous children at the park one of suthep's men makes calm's father sign some papers that he can't read and then asks him to go back home sensing that he's being fooled calm's father protests and attacks the mp's son however the latter becomes enraged and shoots the old man this in turn angers the elephant and he starts chasing the man and his henchmen amidst the chaos a group of men kidnap the baby elephant wandering outside and take off com eventually locates his father and before he passes out he tells calm about poor eye meanwhile the giant elephant spots the kidnappers and chases them throughout the city however the poachers dart the elephant and disappear with both the animals a few days later calm's father eventually recovers and they perform a traditional oracle ceremony which is done to find lost souls in the next scene com somehow learns about koi's whereabouts and raids his boathouse the poachers attack him and a long struggle follows calm is severely outnumbered but he manages to beat up the bad guys at last coy tries to shoot him but com effortlessly confiscates his gun and intimidates him into revealing that the elephants are in the hands of johnny a vietnamese gangster johnny works for the owner of a thai restaurant named tom yum goong in sydney australia before calm could leave mr suthep arrives and sends his goons after him both via air and water however calm somehow evades all the guys and even manages to crash one of the enemy boats into the chopper let's see bruce willis do that two weeks pass by and the news of the transfer of the elephants to australia spreads throughout the country inviting protests from animal activists meanwhile mr witaya samarat owner of the thai restaurant tom young gets killed it is believed that the motive of murder was wataya's involvement with a chinese mafia gang and many illegal activities that could lead to business conflict between them the movie then cuts to sydney where police officers mark a thai australian and his partner rick are being filmed for a documentary mark is stationed in the asian neighborhood of sydney where he knows everyone including the thieves elsewhere a thai student named pia is seen being threatened by a bunch of goons it's revealed that pia is the girlfriend of the late mr wataya and the goons are forcing her to be a call girl to pay her lover's debt next a transgender member of the chinese gang named madame rose is seen at a meeting with the gang's leader and her uncle mr sim it becomes clear that she wants to become the head of security of the gang however mr sim feels that she can't shoulder the responsibility and tells her to manage the restaurant instead much to her dismay com eventually arrives in sydney however when he hails a cab and asks the driver jimmy to take him to tom yung goong a couple of police cars suddenly start chasing jimmy's car it turns out jimmy is a wanted thief posing as a taxi driver mark and his partner rick also join the chase and eventually corner the thief but he holds calm at gunpoint however without the police's assistance com confiscates jimmy's god and frees himself out of nowhere a third policeman inspector vincent shows up and shoots the thief dead it turns out vincent has been following calm since he left the airport after the thief drops dead he tries to shoot it calm however he misses the shot and calm runs for his life puzzled by vincent's actions mark questions him but he argues that com was not a hostage and orders mark and rick to catch him the duo oblige and start chasing calm eventually they capture him and drive towards the police station in the car com tells mark that he is searching for his relatives without revealing that the said relatives are actually elephants mark stops at the tom yum goong restaurant to meet an acquaintance there com spots johnny from inside the car and becomes erratic he urges mark and rick to arrest johnny but mark argues that he cannot because com is offering no proof of a crime left with no choice calm causes the car to crash and he escapes he then follows johnny to a bridge where the latter was set to meet pia com confronts jonny and demands his elephants back however johnny brushes him aside and orders his henchmen to take care of calm before leaving a battle ensues and calm easily overpowers the henchmen prompting them to run away as calm goes after them pia warns him that he shouldn't mess with johnny and his men however he ignores her advice and goes after one of johnny's henchmen he coerces him into leading him to johnny's hideout interrupting a drug deal outraged johnny summons countless extreme sports enthusiasts who arrive to fight calm they outnumber him and surround him on all sides a long battle follows but calm once again triumphs he then tries pursuing johnny but falls asleep in the alley due to extreme fatigue fortunately pia who happens to pass by notices him on the street and brings him to her apartment meanwhile mark and rick are taken off the case for letting calm escape from a police car instead they are reassigned to help vincent provide security for the police commissioner's meeting with mr sim elsewhere in his sleep com dreams of an epic battle involving war elephants and the jataranka bart the elephant protectors just then pia gets a call from the goons she owes money and decides to head out after she leaves com wakes up from his dream he looks around pia's apartment and notices her pictures with johnny meanwhile the local news starts reporting that com was involved in a drug deal in sydney and he is wanted by the police pia hears the news on the street and proceeds to return back to her apartment but she stops and watches from afar when she notices the cops arriving outside her place com also notices the police from inside the apartment and climbs down the walls to escape in the next scene it's revealed that pia is one of the dancers at the police commissioner's meeting with mr sim while mark and rick provides security outside the building unaware of what's going on inside as pia is dancing the commissioner gets over excited and is compelled to seek his medicine to calm his heartbeat when pia goes to fetch the medicine an armed assailant appears and shoots everyone dead except pia upon hearing the gunshots mark and rick immediately storm in and confront the man but vincent appears and takes down the killer before he can reveal anything suddenly vincent shoots rick dead and frames mark for the murder he then orders his men to arrest mark but mark manages to flee the murder is caught on the commissioner's camera and after vincent and his men go after mark pia grabs the camera and runs away vincent eventually captures mark by luring him to an abandoned building using a woman from his neighborhood however vincent realizes that his men failed to take pia out and she has the commissioner's camera after a bit of chasing they eventually arrest her but as they are about to take her to the police station com comes to her rescue and saves her from the corrupt police after being rescued pia tells calm about the vip area inside the tom yum goong and soon he reaches the place he fights his way into the vip area and reaches the dining hall at the top there com demands his elephants but he is only met with the laughter of johnny and his men who also taunt him with corn's bell when com looks around he notices bodies of several exotic animals and realizes that vincent probably killed the elephants and served them to his customers this enrages calm and he attacks vincent and his men a long battle follows but just like always com turns out victorious he then enters the storage area of the restaurant and comes across various exotic animals ready to be butchered and eaten seeing this com loses all hope but just then he finds mark tied inside a room as he looks to escort his friend outside he suddenly comes across his old friend corn seeing him calm gets ecstatic and the trio soon leave the place in a truck just before the police arrive meanwhile pia watches them leave from afar but doesn't go after them elsewhere during the announcement of the new leader of the chinese gang madam rose poisons the two other possible successors making way for her ascent to the leadership position meanwhile the news about the restaurant serving meat of endangered animals spreads like wildfire and the police are forced to close the place after being let down by johnny once again inspector vincent initiates a search for calm and mark who are hiding in a buddhist monastery they eventually decide to leave the monastery to keep the goons from attacking it however soon after their departure the monastery is set on fire by vincent and his men believing that the temple and its inhabitants might be in danger mark and calm decide to turn around and come back when they arrive com is confronted by three assassins a fierce capoeirista a sword-wielding wushu expert and tk a giant wrestler com somehow defeats the caparista and the wushu expert but tk proves too strong for calm as the giant is about to eliminate calm the police arrive and mark comes to help him flee meanwhile pia goes to the police and shows mark's boss the video proof which shows that it was vincent and his men who killed the police commissioner and the other people the next morning com heads out with corn while mark is discovered by several policemen and sent a deal with inspector vincent soon khan arrives at a hall where madame rose is having a press conference just then corn runs in scaring off the crowd and calm starts engaging the gangsters elsewhere mark apprehends vincent and just as he is about to arrest him johnny arrives and fatally shoots vincent mark is left stunned by the incident but johnny reveals that it was an act of a revenge for something personal in the next scene calm finds himself with corn in a huge room and he has shown the skeleton of poor yai encrusted with jewels as a gift to madame rose this devastates calm and he starts having flashbacks of his time with the beloved elephant however he doesn't get much time to grieve as madame rose's men attack him filled with vengeance com attacks them more brutally than previously seen by breaking many of the men's arms and legs sensing the danger madame rose summons tk from the monastery along with three other fighters although com tries his best to match the goons he is easily outnumbered and subdued soon tk throws corn through a glass wall while calm is knocked into the elephant ornament causing two leg bones to fall off calm realizes that the tendons are the most vulnerable and important part of an elephant to protect and with this knowledge he defeats the four brute wrestlers by using the sharp ends of the elephant bones to slice their tendons he also stops madame rose before she can escape in a helicopter and they both crash into the room below fortunately comes fall is cushioned by pory's tusks back in the lobby mark meets his boss inspector lamonde and gets forgiven by him he is then given a new partner who speaks tai in the last scene of the movie a narration from mark is heard with scenes of calm's childhood shown mark explains that thai people treat elephants like they are their brothers and they hate people who hurt them thais love peace but dislike people who take liberties the movie ends as calm finally embraces his best friend corn subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching

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