MMA news today:
MICHAEL BISPING reacts to Luke Rockhold & Mike Perry’s trash talk
COLBY COVINGTON partying with Dillon Danis
BELAL MUHAMMAD changes his tune on Colby Covington’s title shot
CONOR MCGREGOR shares beautiful view from top of the Bel Air mountains
LAURA SANKO shares a new beach photo – fighters react
LUKE ROCKHOLD praises Francis Ngannou for parting ways with the UFC
00:00 – Conor McGregor shares jaw-dropping view from top of the Bel-Air mountains
01:10 – Bisping reacts to Luke Rockhold & Mike Perry’s trash talk
02:51 – Luke Rockhold praises Francis Ngannou for parting ways w/ the UFC
04:02 – Footage of Colby Covington partying w/ Dillon Danis
05:04 – Fighters react to Laura Sanko’s beach photo
05:53 – Belal Muhammad changes his tune on Colby Covington’s title shot07:57 – TOP 3 MMA memes
07:39- TOP 3 MMA Memes
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All right let's get this show started In today's video Conor McGregor shares a Jaw-dropping view from the top of the Bel Air mountains baseball reacts to Luke rockhold and Mike Perry's Trash Talk Luke rockhold Praises Francis ganu For parting ways with the UFC footage of Colby Covington partying with Dylan Danis Fighters react to Laura senko's Beach photo and balama changes his tune Regarding Kobe Covington's title shot Conor McGregor took to social media to Share a stunning view from the top of The Bel Air mountains here's the clip Top of the Bel Air mountains Ours is down there on jumps Look at that During a recent episode of his podcast Believe you me Michael Bisping shared His thoughts on the exchange between Mike Perry and Lou groggle that took Place on the MMA hour Perry had made fun Of rockhold by claiming that Luke's own Mother was rooting for him which Prompted a reaction from missping all Right listen I've got no beef with Luke Rockhold these days whatsoever and I Wish him the best this weekend but he Just can't do it can he you know what I Mean I am no trash talking Mastermind But I look like one when I went up Against Luke rockhold I mean there he is Uh Perry's giving him a hard time and He's saying the best they can come up
With is I made my own bed Pro tip when somebody starts [ __ ] on You you don't defend yourself you [ __ ] Back on Exactly there you go Brian that's the Whole thing you don't go whoa whoa whoa No I made my own bet this morning about 20 years I don't even like apple juice What are you talking about Mike you're Out of your mind I haven't had carrot Apple juice since I was a kid oh dear oh Dear blast blast well Perry's certainly Making it interesting and exciting and So as we rock up with once again the Choice of fashion now I know that in Colorado A Little Rock called's a Fashionable guy and maybe it's Me Maybe I'm Wrong you know what I mean he's the Model he's the Ralph Lauren guy I'm Certainly not but last time he had that Crazy jacket and this time I know he's In Colorado But he's not on the slopes You're doing an interview you know oh Bloody hell it's hilarious Luke rockhold believes the UFC is Successful because all the fighters are Yes men in an interview on The Fighter Versus the writer Luke said being locked In with them the UFC and what they were Offering and what was on the table and Having to work back through their ranks
On their terms I didn't want to do that That's not fun for me I've already been There I've been the UFC champion I've Been the strike force Champion what the What's next I could go back there as Long as it was on my terms but Conquering another world right now is What I'm looking for more Mountains to Climb more things to do this is what I'm Here for I like fighting fighting gives Me life Luke also waited on the Francis and ganu Situation saying I'm [ __ ] stoked for Francis Francis he's a real man with Balls and he can make a decision there's Too many yes men in the world the UFC is Where it is today because all those [ __ ] are yes men and they're Just playing their games so the UFC is Going to keep playing their game and Keep controlling the fighters if there Weren't as many ass men if there were More Francis inganus and Luke rockholds And people that had [ __ ] pair of Balls we haven't even [ __ ] playing Field but there's too many [ __ ] in The world Recently took to Instagram to share a Video of himself partying with Kobe Covington the footage is believed to Have been taken last year when the two Cross passed at a Miami Club in the Caption of the post Dennis wrote fan Love
[Music] In an interview with Helen Yee Covington Commented on the meet with Dennis he Said yeah I was down in Miami I was in This establishment VIP and somehow you Know Dennis came down there and we're at The same table together so you know That's how that picture went out he Wanted to get a picture he asked for me For a picture so I wasn't going to turn Down a Fan's picture When asked whether Dan is had to wait in Line to get a picture Kobe said of Course Dylan had to wait in line there's Always a big weight you know I'm America's champ Donald Trump's favorite Fighter all of the fine Mamacitas are Waiting to get a picture so I gotta Handle them first UFC commentator Laura senko recently Shared a photo of herself on a Sandy Beach wearing an eye-catching orange Bikini in the caption she humorously Referred to it as her quarterly thirst Trap to get the attention of the Instagram algorithm the post quickly Caught the attention of many fighters Including Jimmy Pickett who commented Father God Juan Adams wrote they altered the Algorithm again gotta do it every third Week now to show up and discover and he Gotta hashtag it with all the Pseudo-spiritual hot words now hashtag
Living free My Truth abundance Acceptance I am soltis Um Peace Atomax LPS Kevin Holland you see this to Which Holland replied no And Juliana Miller said gorgeous In an interview with Brendan Shaw balat Muhammad explained how Colby Covington Getting the next title shot has actually Worked out quite well for him them Giving the shot to Kobe I think it like Worked out better for me because that's When the fans started to be like all Right well bro that doesn't make any Sense at all this guy's an A5 winning Streak he has history with Leon you know What else does he need to do so it's Cool to see those fans even the haters That were coming alive like I was like Getting so many messages like I hate you But Yeah it's undeniable it's it's like Undeniable well also believes that it's Undeniable he'll get the next tunnel Shot if he beats Gilbert Burns next Weekend no matter what it was it was Always Gonna Be Me still having a claw And you know get to the top any way Possible and even when I got to the top I was still gonna have to hold my breath Because regardless of how I finished my Last fight or who I beat there's always An excuse of oh you beat this guy Because of this this guy because of this
John Brady 15-0 undefeated young guy Beast oh he sucks he's not that good and There's always like a reason and like if Excuses for everything so for this one It's like when this opportunity popped Up it was like all right well Gilbert Byrne has the hike he'd just be Mazda he Just be magnet he's coming off a camp I've got off the couch after Ramadan I'm Like beating him now there's no excuse There there's no excuse they could go Against me now it's like I'm the one who Just popped up and I was like all right Well let me fight the guy that just came Off the camp a guy that's already close To wait uh a guy that's just one and has The momentum going in his way Um and I go out there I finish him I Dominate him There's there's literally nothing you Can say or do to denying Here are the top three funniest memes we Found on the internet today third place Was found over Facebook and was posted By a user named UFC news and memes our Second place meme was found over Reddit And was posted by a username celebration Nice 5172 And our top pick of the day was found Over Reddit and was posted by a user Named big luji Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with
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