Jeremy Dave from Germany whereabouts in Germany huh where it where in Germany Frankfurt Wiesbaden okay so if you're from Frankfurt or nearby Reese pardon Reese pardon should they come here and train yeah they should yeah very cool [Music] good morning guys 24th of October 2019 welcome back to the fitness street series but specifically target I'm beachside which is a bit of a contaminant motorbike ride from Fitness streets so just waking up here 7:30 in the morning this is where we're staying if you haven't seen the previous videos just walking down stairs walk down this ramp brother this is the hope is or throat I think I'm coming down with something actually this is the hype tool and this is it's really really peaceful there's actually no one really staying here as I've already mentioned I'm just waking up now and this is exactly what you'll wake up to if you decide to stay here 7:30 in the morning at the training day first of all good morning first training day start sorry first training session starts at 8 o'clock this morning so anyway this is just a quick introduction into a daily video series and we were going to do some training this morning and film it for you but Robert I were not feeling too too good so we're just slowing it down this morning it was an incredible thunderstorm last night it was just insane lightning thunder it was intense and it was really really cool so if you love thunderstorms you're definitely getting your fair share of thunderstorm experiences out here so this is uh that's the mascot here the dog and then obviously the training floor for more tires just over there but here those roosters the pool it's about to fill my water pool up anyway so without rambling on too much not sure exactly we want to give you today in terms of content but we are gonna have breakfast downstairs here as per usual 150 baht per person for a buffet breakfast downstairs here at the hive towel we'll just you know what I when I say buffet I'm not a big buffet person it just happened to be a buffet but I usually get like you know three eggs and you know slice the toast you know coffee and that's I don't know I'm happy with that I'm filling up my water bottle here so anyway and then after that we'll head over to Fitness Street which is about a 10-minute ride from here 20 15 20 minutes on the bicycle and then we'll go and show you some more stuff anyway just stick around guys this afternoon should be more interesting but we're just waking up I'm pretty tired so apologize for the poor energy but sometimes you know end of the week it's Thursday from tired just training all week and you just you know so it's time to back it off a little bit you know season oh man you just headbutt you so stay there stay there you just hit but yourself why would you do that [Music] she begged ahead it was funny run down run down breakfast restaurant here the restaurant it's all steamed up yeah I reckon we should get I do it what are you running to be love being our beam of Fred loves Robin clearly Robin doesn't love Brad how come it's only one wait there we go the ice city it's pretty funny actually my website potential plug thanks Rob space the figure of a breakfast the hive talk it changes every morning it's fruit dose anyway we are dragging for it this morning on the menu book forget that yes we're gonna eat all of that too and of course it's time for colorful the my favorite my favorite part of this breakfast area is the coffee machine come on you guys is 10:30 in the morning I'm at Tiger more type beachside right now there is a big class happening at the moments here with MFT Marshall fitness training all these guys have come from China it headed to a Muay Thai class there's a team of videographers here this man named and from name and from Jeremy Dave from Germany whereabouts in Germany huh we're at we're in Germany Frankfurt Wiesbaden okay so if you're from Frankfurt or nearby Reese pardon respondin should they come here and train yeah they should yeah very cool very very cool how long have you been here four and ten years ten days I love to be 10 years about 10 days do you hear that guys stating his desires yeah no it's good to have you man nice to meet you Thanks friendly face CEO this evening in yoga that's right Keith all right so what I'll do guys this is actually not a typical Muay Thai class here Tiger muy Thai beach side MFT come here I believe twice a year April and October and they come in big crowds such as this and so right now they're doing a big class here at my beach side so this is not a reflection of the classes that we typically taught that I've typically seen here at tekmoto beachside it just seems to be like a one-off sort of thing but I want to show you some clips of these guys training and yeah to give you an idea I guess of Muay Thai training in general and you know how they structure their how they're structuring their training for these guys so yeah I'll move over and use this camera I'll show you a couple of clips and then we'll move over to Fitness Street which is a 10 15 20 minute bicycle ride a 15 20 minute bicycle ride from here and then we'll go from there it's just a bit of basic combinations and things like that with more Thai great fitness so even if you're not into a Muay Thai should definitely do a beginner class you know just try it come out here and try it hey Rob's Rob's is not a fighter and she's done it hey Rox I'm not a fighter and I've done it but I love it it's good fun but I love it mainly for fitness so helps you remain present I knew you're gonna say that yeah that's right that's right it makes you forget about all the other [ __ ] that's going on around you like forgotten steps and we like we like lose ourselves and the instructors to bring you back yeah the trainers like come on that wake you up yeah get your minds hey wake up they point to you that wake up yeah so it's great for that like it's kind of a meditation really yeah it's kind of like a meditation in a way you know the whole mindfulness thing everyone talked to that mindfulness more ties like that I'm gonna think alright so we're gonna get some bicycles here from beach side and we're gonna ride over it's a fitness street and it's freakin hot what's your name and where are you from hey Solomon from Museum New Zealand my yeah well my name is small body of water that separates us Chiqui 3-hour flight 63 hour flight so what he beat up to those what what are you even doing what what's going on just train dumb which I in the morning and then went down to grab a food now I'ma chilled by the Pope dude what do you plan on doing for the rest of the day oh we got and then probably go to the CrossFit class free food man so that's kind of the culture here right you you wake up you do it morning the Muay Thai class at beach side you come back either jump in the pool or in your case you take a bicycle and go for a ride cuz two hours of Muay Thai is not enough fitness for you you're gonna fight it up with a bicycle and ride for 20 minutes come back and then chill by the pool and and then a CrossFit class I'll see you back here yeah we go we go on the Christmas tree to somebody world's leaving tagging we take beachside 11:30 on our bicycles our rental bicycles from Tokyo Toby's side we actually riding past really cool cafe little cool cafe restaurants make sure you go in there and check that place out it's pretty cool it's that place right there we had coffee in there yesterday and it's literally like a five-second bicycle ride from beachside so be sure to check that place out and let me know what you think it's like literally walking into an antique store yeah anyway continue to the right and show you some more cool places along here between Tiger Woods high beachside and Fitness Street so if you decide you want to come and check out a zoo during your Fitness vacation here in Phuket Thailand there's a zoo right here oh yeah very good and obviously they're very friendly buh-bye yeah anyway so if you're saying you fit the street or Tiger moat I beachside then yeah I mean the zoo is just there if you want to go check out the zoo he'll never I've never been in there I I don't do zoos personally but you know everyone's different and I understand some people love zoo so I saw the city passing by my window was in the crowd but I felt so low damn I phone like every other second my future was blurry and no no alright so much lunch time or fitness Street so we tell you eat it's Pauline to buy protein shake cut I like to call up the bamboo hut right next to unit 27 strengthen conditioning this is it right here weed big protein tubs now on the front facing part of the bamboo huts pretty cool anyway let's pull up our bikes and get a protein shake before we head up to Tiger Muay Thai and check out their strength and conditioning class and shoot some highlights there as you get to see the highlights of the strength and conditioning class over Tiger Muay Thai all right let's get a protein shake this is what it looks like I love this little place this is the first place this is the first place we roll it up to when we first arrived here early last week look at the setting we love this place don't we well where should we sit the same place we sat when we first arrived over in the corner vanilla this phone right yeah vanilla thank you yeah ordering to protein shakes with vanilla and coconut coconut water and with a banana right here on the street right here on the street guys right next to unit 27 and telling them we're tired this is the menu and literally you pay 80 baht or 100 bars which is nothing it's like three it's like three for Australian dollars you know and I'll stand back and I'll show you what it looks like from afar that's it right there don't forget this place and there's another protein shake Hut just there as well right guess what has just arrived protein shakes unfit mystery cheese rods it's a nice hot sunny day for two hundred parts protein shakes the normal protein shakes with coconut water and banana you can pick the fruit that you want on the front counter I've gone with benign let's go cheers to us just finished at the protein shake bar we're now on our way to Tiger mootai the main campus you're on Fitness Street we're just rolling up to it on our bicycles here in this hot Sun way to give you the highlights of the strength and conditioning class here starts at 1:00 p.m.

So you look here coming to Tiger muy Thai and check out the beast class then this this video this next couple minutes might be very beneficial to you get to see what it's all about so we are here talking we tie the main campus there are no classes happen here at the moment except private classes it's been a lot of time here last year and myself the year before this is what it looks like raw and uncut the main walkway through you we all remember this guy don't we hey this guy we trained with you so many times last year we went to smite last year and then he broke his foot maybe broke it again when two months ago broke it again so good to see you again so good to see you again all right guys it's one o'clock in the afternoon here my Tiger muy Thai I am just filming some highlights and some videos of big beast class here the strength and conditioning class here of taking more time I'm gonna show you what the class is like so if you're looking at coming here and train I do CrossFit or strengthen conditioning classes you get a good idea of what it's all about here Shawn covert is the instructor the teacher the coach for this class I will link up his details to this video so if you want if you have any questions you can ask him directly so this should be really fun class we've got 30 people in the class and it's very hot today here in Thailand so you're gonna see a lot of sweat pants all right it's time to film this and have some fun [Music] [Music] all right my friends it is two o'clock in the afternoon the street I eat I just done the bicycle I just finished shooting some clips at the Sean's who's the head strength of efficient eco to take my tie the beast class and I hope you enjoyed I had to run out real quick as a man I got a private I got a private muy Thai class and right now actually had evolved we're going to be filming that and then Robin has hers at 3 o'clock so with another trainer ash cough and it's a bit of a rush right now so gotta get to my class but I hope you enjoyed that they pass that strengthing additional classes – we're time we're Shawn anyway this is great dude is the head coach they're all Winkies details up and check him out ask questions anyway it's bevery buddy fitness levels you don't have to be super shredded to do that class anyone could do it yeah just go in there it's great community you meet people from everywhere and you just have a blast so yeah if you decide to sign up to the beast class and you yeah let me know curious I'm a pretty get ready for my class oh hey sorry bit late ready to start late privates Muay Thai session here at default health club 700 bars with this little ninja right here crew fallin look at him it's got the noodles out we're gonna go to the beach yeah go to the beach the beach yeah okay and yeah just gonna do some Muay Thai basic beginner stuff fundamental boxing fundamentals yeah he's a cool guy and yeah so Rob's gonna film some clips here for this video it's on Fitness streets so we tied Phuket Thailand he's a great dude check him out I'll link him up this place is amazing trying to get on with the class I'm already late [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right my friends you've seen this face before crew falling here at a vault help Club I'll wake him up but man he's a legend his days there's so much energy and we just finished the one hour private session is 700 parts race session I learned stuff that I've never learned before basic boxing fundamentals slip slip slip you know step pork Hulk like twisting the foot things I've never learned so this man is incredible he broke it down for me and yeah for everybody so if you're just starting a fitness journey I'd say this in almost every video come here come to the streets but look for this man and do a couple sessions with him he'll help you out he'll help you out oh well remember this face Robin is doing – just out of private one-on-one mortised session here at a vault health club we leave the highlights to this particular one-on-one class if you're a female watching this and you only come to fitness through the suet IE and you want to learn a bit of Muay Thai you know never done before in your life you just want to get a bit loose some weight you know you could watch this video just started just now she's not a boxer or fighter she does Pilates online online Pilates instructor she's with crew – cough these from Iran and super shredded very flexible but you'll get to see her learn some of the fundamentals so I apologize for the noise it's raining and that on the tin roof and there's another private class in the background so I apologize for the background noise but it's as real as you gonna get it so raw authentic more time [Music] the second a private yes Wow it's raining outside which is puppy the best conditions you could wish for we don't have a private it's just cool everything down it's so beautiful such an amazing environment you guys gotta come and try this out you won't regret it you were [Music] how was the session I trained so hard before she's trained so hard I mean I've seen you train hard at units resetting if you ever decide to come out here definitely private sessions worth the money you're absolutely gonna just get them you know maybe five sessions or something private or three sessions or whatever get the fundamentals down and yeah even if you have no interest in like like martial art it's great for fitness anyway like I mean look at this oh I'm sweating like crazy out here yeah anyway props you're a legend the ladies out there I mean I used to watch Kill Bill when I was young a minute that was you know yeah anybody see you guys later it's almost at 4:30 and I've got to pick up a pass and then we're gonna go somewhere where we go where we goin solution we haven't eaten guys you had like bit of breakfast this morning at 5:00 toll so I can watch my beachside but I don't know guys we'll bring you along and show you it will show you will show you what we what we eat alon fitness tree all right let's go see you soon hey guys it is getting closer to 5 p.m.

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they the 24th of October we've finished all of our training for the day here on Fitness treats like sweet a Phuket Thailand we're at Thai Thai restaurant on fitness tree I wanted to kind of shoot this video specifically at this restaurant because I've never done a proper video at this freshmen here our fitness stream I highly recommend coming here we've been coming here for a while now like after trading and between training this food is absolutely authentic Thai food super cheap very fresh like these coconuts they just rolled up like look how amazing like you just can't get much better than that place is around a two-minute walk from tiger Muay Thai and dragon you know Muay Thai and all of the Cross like for example I'll turn the camera around there is one of unit 27 training campuses right there there's the sign for Thai Thai that's designed to look for big block of land right here and unit 27 on the top of the hill so just to come little references for you if you need help if you need help finding this place this is the menu right I'll show you so have a look so show you the so we used to get I usually get the omelet is here 50 baht is like – it's like two dollars 50 Australian like two dollars fifty make for an omelet look at this amazing goodness right here of course rice is rice that's the Thai egg omelet you got to try the tiger gamma it's really amazing get it with chicken or pause I think Thai a vomit that's the chicken cashew this is the Morning Glory right here Morning Glory I'll get that the Morning Glory is one of my favourite dishes one of my favorite Thai dishes it's just I love my veggies I love my greens and when I'm in Thailand Good Morning Glory and the papaya salad my two favorite vegetable-based Thai dishes so I'll show you this is the Morning Glory you have to try that and and then of course we've got chicken skewers which that is that peanut sauce yeah peanut sauce guys you kind of try the chicken skewers here like you have to try that it is absolutely incredible anyway when you come to Thai Thai this is what the food looks like to give you an idea so anyway find a petite we're gonna eat this how are we to get back to Tiger more like beachside for a yoga class at 6:30 look guys 5:30 in the evening Thursday just on our bicycles now riding back to Saigon Thai beach side where we're staying for another couple of nights and then we check it on Sunday but as a big thank you for watching the videos and boiling this through the whole day I never know really what I'm gonna do one day to the next just depends on my injury and now I feel and you know enough straight about this place you can get so much freedom here and really alive and its really good so we're riding back now and we're gonna try and make the yoga class tonight the tiger boys high beachside has uh as a yoga class at 6:30 to 7:30 and I'm gonna miss the light and yeah I missed the light yesterday they Tiger boy Toby Stein had the yoga class every night 6:30 to 7:30 Monday to Saturday no Monday to Friday athlete check that check that thing on their website we like to make it because after training for a full day you just want to stretch out and it's good for your body like my flexibility is terrible and I know I need to do more of it the only person in this package that you have a choice of doing that side guys thank you so much have an amazing night or day or wherever you're watching from if you have any questions let me know can't wait to have you guys here Fitness 3 is the beginning of Fitness Street actually right here all the signs right here tiger Muay Thai top team Titan Fitness yeah there's plenty here something for everyone alright good night and I'll see you tomorrow smog good night [Music]

As found on YouTube

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