[Laughter] get out of here we're a dragon Muay Thai here Phuket Thailand were about to do a private multi-session here Robb's is actually going up first for her session right now I'll be going up second in a second video but we're all sorry ty eid and we're just moving around trying different gyms here our long story ty just down the road from tiger Muay Thai literally a five-minute walk to Titan we're tired so we're gonna give you the insights and the highlights of this private session with rods the ladies perspective and then you'll get mine after her sessions so I'll show you a bit of the gym the facilities behind the scenes how much is costing it will be tucked into this video 5 7 minutes long if you like it let me know I'll do some more the only questions let me know I'm trying to answer them for you I'm not a professional but that's it we're gonna get on with this Rob she has her wraps on she's ready to rock over to you now Rob's how do you feel yeah training a new trainer new facilities yeah raps on down yeah there we go Rob's get into it get into it [Music] wrap it up wrap it up wrap it up all right surely good double here but I know I do do can I do defend okay through the thumb okay you can do this one that's better than mine and Stan 45 left to the fall and 45 what are you 45 and bring up to your eye level yes I probably that's it see don't go too close 10 or 15 yep and you can know you can parry yeah no protection yeah or broke here yes I won – the only hand the body stay ok one decide move no no no oh no no no no no pun ya mean ya know the body stays don't bully Han that's my wrist hmm just really nice it see you see how to protection right say yeah put your finally let me look shorter okay when you step right make sure one foot step foot and drag the back foot 1/2 C track they're not know step by this right yeah step forward drag right [Music] back yeah back acid beautiful nurse with lolis deep breath and little a closer is not tight step cross r I see make sure your arm straight jab straight and just you see this one yeah Chindi deprotection already but if you up then sleep and talk say make sure say protection one fan so very wet too [Music] that's it come on you be the killer malaria come that's it and see when you kick cut to the body he did not step to keep you balanced gone one 220 step Antilles and TVs see nice okay so Rob Z is part way through a private session here dragon muy Thai one-on-one session here amazing place like the backdrop is incredible with like like the trees and like Thailand like it's incredible to even film it but watch now real quick Rob C is going to jump in for round two in the ring pop yourself up Rob Z come on did she rolls into the ring look at it go whatever whatever whatever whatever one two right now cut it cut em dead brick well done Wubbzy [Music] [Laughter] she's a true for this one she's a true for this one she's crazy [Music] Eddie feel Rosie far out [Music] [Music] well done Wubbzy a few ropes amazing session at the most amazing like challenging me doing some really interesting footwork that was clear on these ropes down here yeah something just really actually worth like trying out different cases and yeah you'll make some trainers and and then you'll find where you really want to be I think that's my feeling but that seriously challenging challenging and actually harder pads yeah yeah they I don't know if you're feeling but they're not it there were it's almost like I couldn't and this I'm just fatigued hey just do you think people should come here yeah and what about the atmosphere the atmosphere I like the ambience of this place though like there's no one here though whether you only people here open air trees trees and bags in the jungle how much is the session do you remember 705 okay same price yeah they probably got a deal not to cut undercut each other here is a cool trainer yeah and I'm one person they train all day every day I guess yes strong and they've won one title and they really humble people very friendly yeah amazing Thanks Rob's you're a champion give me a pink glove hit hit me with the pink glove that's it good on you now to my turn now it's my turn next video I'm up with Chan Chan Chan all right thanks all right I'll get my raps on now stay tuned next video I'm up [Music]