Watch David Benavidez vs. Demetrius Andrade full fight video highlights from their main event showdown Saturday night, courtesy of multiple outlets.
Benavidez vs. Andrade took place Nov. 25 at the Michelob Ultra Arena in Las Vegas, Nev. David Benavidez (28-0) and Demetrius Andrade (32-1) squared off in the the main event clash. The fight aired live on pay-per-view on Showtime and
David Benavidez defeated Demetrius Andrade via corner stoppage after the sixth round.
Catch all the video highlights below.
For more on Benavidez vs. Andrade, check out Bad Left Hook’s live blog blow.
Benavidez comes out with a feint and then misses on a wide hook. Benavidez misses on another hookd and Andrade lands a body shot. Now Benavidez lands onw downstairs. Andrade lands one more down to the body with his left hand. Andrade hjabs and goes to the body and steps to the side. Andrade jabs the body. Andrade partially lands a hook on the inside. Right hand lead from Beanvidez gets partially blocked. Andrade throws two left hands to the body. Benavidez lands a body shot with his right hand. Both fighters trade at close range during a short clinch. Andrade lands a combination to close the round.
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Andrade 10-9.
Left lands to the body for Andrade. Andrade throw three more punches that land on Benavidez. Benavidez falls short on a right hand and Andrade counters with two punches that land. Fighters warned about getting rough in the clinches. Benavidez lands a lead right. Andrade jabs and Benavidez tries another right hand lead. Andrade unloads a lengthy combination as Benavidez covers up. Andrade pushing Benavidez to the ropes and tries a right hand. Straight left from Andrade splits the guard.
Andrade 10-9, 20-18.
Benavidez falls short on a right hand lead and Andrade counters with his left. Left from Andrade strays a little low and he gets told to keep them up. Another left from Andrade lands, then a follow up combination. Andrade working on the inside as he smothers him along the ropes. Andrade not giving Benavidez the ranges he likes to work. Right hand lands downstairs for Andrade, then one up top. Sharp jab lands for Andrade. Benavidez partially lands a right hand. Now Benavidez lands a right hook. Andrade lands a left to the body. Another left from Andrade scores during a combination. Better work from Benavidez for a stretch but Andrade won the round for me.
Andrade 10-9, 30-27.
Benavidez falls short on a jab as he stalks. Benavidez lands a low blow and Andrade gets a second to recover but the referee tells Andrade ‘it wasn’t that bad.’ Andrade disagreed. Andrade counters and tries to smother on the inside. Benavidez lands a left on the inside downstairs. Benavidez lands a jab. Right hook from Benavidez lands to the body. Andrade lands two to the body with his left. Right hand lead lands for Benavidez. Benavidez lands a left. Right from Andrade lands up top. Right hand lands to the body for Benavidez. Both fighters trade shots. Left lands downstairs for Benavidez. Andrade lands a left up top. Andrade goes down at the end of the round!
Benavidez 10-8, 37-38.
Benavidez stalks Andrade who’s covering up and looking really defensive. Uppercut lands for Benavidez. Right hand from Benavidez hurts Andrade again! Andrade looking to space to breath but Benavidez is all over him. Andrade not throwing and is looking to move and survive. Two land for Andrade but Benavidez fires back. Benavidez just walking through Andrade’s punches now. Andrade shaken up again by Benavidez.
Benavidez 10-9, 47-47.
Lots of activity in Andrade’s corner as there is obvious concern about his condition now. Doctor having a look at Andrade who is going to give him a chance to prove he’s still in the fight. Benavidez misses on a lead right. Timeout called as Andrade loses his mouthpiece. Andrade holding and then sticks a left hand to the body. Body shot lands for Benavidez. Chopping right hand lands for Benavidez. Andrade covering up but not throwing back much. Referee asks Andrade to show him something. Andrade is gassed and the end seems inevitable. Now Andrade lands some clean shots on Benavidez before holding. Benavidez smiles and Benavidez knocks Andrade’s mouthpiece out!