MMA news today:
TYRON WOODLEY reveals he would only return to the UFC to ‘beat the f**k’ out of Israel Adesanya
ALJAMAIN STERLING says Dana White was ‘definitely happy’ to see his loss to Sean O’Malley
TJ DILLASHAW undergoes 11th surgery of his career
MICHAEL BISPING & BRYCE MITCHELL have a hilarious debate over flat earth theory
COLBY COVINGTON goes off on Sean Strickland
MOHAMMED USMAN reveals his plan to become thpeke UFC champion
MAX HOLLOWAY sends his gloves to the Korean Zombie to replace lost retirement pair
00:00 – Bisping & Mitchell’s hilarious debate over flat earth theory
01:35 – Colby Covington goes off on Sean Strickland
02:53 – Tyron Woodley wants to ‘beat the f**k’ out of Israel Adesanya
04:12 – Max Holloway sends Korean Zombie a heartwarming gift
04:38 – Aljamain Sterling on Dana White’s comments after UFC 293
05:44 – TJ Dillashaw undergoes 11th surgery of his career
06:07 Mohammed Usman on his plan to become the UFC champion
07:11 – TOP 3 MMA memes
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All right let's get this show started I don't even I don't even watch those Videos because they're all [ __ ] let Me tell you something big thing your Your brother-in-law he ain't flown up Put higher than 40 000 feet Unless if your brother has flown a [ __ ] SR-71 Blackbird he ain't flown a Foot and higher than 40 000 feet he Drives commercial at 30 000 feet You can take a GoPro on a [ __ ] Balloon at 130 000. do you understand I'm laughing at the posture that's all Do you understand you can take a helium Balloon and get it to a hundred thirty Thousand feet four times higher than Your brother-in-law will ever fly and at 130 000 feet you can see with a flat lens That the world is flat now the reason he Thinks he's seen a curve is because his Cockpit has a curved windshield okay It's called It's called a fish shine lenses The fisheye no no no if you get a GoPro You can't have a fisheye lens you cannot Use a fisheye lens it distorts the Experiment if you take a flat lens on a GoPro and put it on a balloon at 130 000 Feet you should literally do this Experiment you have enough money to do It okay I'm surprised you don't like Strickland A little bit you guys seem to have some
Of the same values as well why uh why Are you why are you like a fan of no I Was just curious about that because he's Outspoken like you are Outspoken in the most just obnoxious Manner and just belligerent and just it Just opens up the door for all the Middleweights because that's the easiest Guy in the division to beat you know Honestly it opens up the door for me I Might go up and beat his ass that guy's A [ __ ] punk he got he got his ass Knocked out by Usman like a little scrub [ __ ] out unconscious so imagine what I would do to him as America's chance so You know that's another fight that could Be the next fight as well James I might Go up to middleweight steal that Middleweight strap Champion so lot low IQ bro that guy that guy has no wits I Mean he just says some of the most just Egregious nasty stuff and you know I I Can't identify with anything with that Guys so you know he said some really Stupid things about women and I respect Women I think it's equality out there And everybody should be entitled to Someone it's not who if they're a woman With the color of their skit uh skin is It's about who's most qualified for a Job so dude he's an idiot and he's even A weaker fighter and you know you got Lucky that the Izzy cashed out already Are you going back to the UFC when you
Return the MMA only thing that would Give me back to the UFC the only person I was just wanting to be the Other Israel out of Sanya I don't like him why You don't like him because he'd be Wearing like those pair of necklaces and [ __ ] no because he cap I don't like I Don't know how's he cat because he was Never Israel out of Sonia How do I do this again I I got I got I Filter myself now I feel to myself Because like Israel to Sanya I get Looking the same show Timothy they asked Me who was next up I said I like this Intro kid I said he kind of you know Different but he kind of got some Pizzazz right he got his own character He flashy Um but he a good martial artist too I Say I think he the next one to watch out For this when he first started right I Already gave you respect Then they asked me who do I want to Fight Whoever at the top So you're at the top my brother it's a Salute I never wanted to fight Nick or Nate or uh bisbing or or Conor or George Because I thought they was weak easy or They was whack I thought they was the Best to be the best you got to beat the Best Foreign
Did you talk to Dana White after the Fight in the locker room did he say Anything to you Ah in passing I was eating a slice of Pizza at the time okay and it was kind Of like I know he's probably looking at Me probably just I don't know what he Was thinking I know he was definitely Happy you felt that way you felt they Were happy How could he not be I mean the Golden Goose won in a fight match up that He legitimately I I hate saying it Because then it sounds like I'm Discrediting a guy but it is This is where they say that eight or Nine out of ten times thing right so That one time out of ten or two out of Ten it happened you know but at the end Of the day I think we all knew the Writing was on the wall and it was just Up to me to just stick to the script and You know The one mistake I knew studying tape I Literally gave it to the guy on a silver Platter it's like if you come out there Rushing at me and I take you down I'm gonna look at you like dude you Literally just gave me what I wanted Uh the long time ago is to be a champion In this do in this uh in the UFC and uh What whatever Division I decide and uh To just be uh and be one of the best in The world you know I'm already up there
But uh you know I really want to be one Of the best in the world and uh and uh I At first I just wanted to be a great Fighter but now I'm more and more that I'm getting to this uh this high level And really indulging in this in the in The fighting of it you know there's the Sport of MMA I want to be one of the Best uh I'm just hoping to show my my Level of progress you know because we Know we I know I can win that's one Thing I told myself and no matter Wherever the fight goes whatever how Tough the fight is I know I'm gonna win And you know winning is is is where I'm Gonna do but I want to be able to show My progress you know my progress Training with my coach coach you know Justin and and uh all these new things That I have under my Arsenal I want to Be able to use these things and show my Fight IQ and show the next level of uh Evolution for me Here are the top three memes found on The internet today Foreign Thanks for watching if you like the Content smash that like button and don't Forget to subscribe to stay in the talk Foreign