MMA news today:
COACH ERICK NICKSICK reveals why Francis Ngannou is leaving the UFC
JAKE PAUL reacts to Francis Ngannou leaving the UFC
JON JONES’S MANAGER reveals Jon Jones is ‘the highest paid HW athlete’ in the UFC
PADDY PIMBLETT unable to compete at UFC London
CRIS CYBORG jokes about Dana White’s narrative that Ngannou is scared to fight Jon Jones
BIG JOHN criticizes Dana White following Ngannou’s release
MICHAEL BISPING talks Francis Ngannou’s future outside UFC
00:00 – Paddy Pimblett unable to compete at UFC London
01:25 – Manager reveals Jon Jones is ‘the highest paid HW athlete’ in the UFC
02:42 – Michael Bisping on Francis Ngannou’s future outside UFC
04:31 – Coach Nicksick reveals why Ngannou is leaving the UFC
05:58 – Cris Cyborg & John McCarthy slam Dana White following Ngannou’s release
07:00 – Jake Paul reacts to Francis Ngannou’s UFC release
07:44 – TOP 3 MMA memes
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In today's video we get news that Patty Pimla is unable to compete at UFC London Manager reveals Jon Jones is the highest Paid heavyweight athlete in the UFC Michael Bisping on Francis and ganu's Future outside the UFC coach Nick sick Reveals why nganu is leaving the UFC Chris Cyborg and John McCarthy slam Dana White following in gano's release and Jake Paul reacts to francis's UFC Release Patty pimley will not compete at UFC 286 In London after revealing he needs ankle Surgery he sustained the injury in the First round of his fight with Jared Gordon at UFC 282 with the promotion Returning to London on March 18th for UFC 286 many people believed it'd be the Perfect time for petty to return but it Appears that won't happen after Revealing in a YouTube video that he Will be going under the knife for his Ankle injury in the same time frame Yeah In this bit and that's exactly where you Saw yeah because this thing you've got Is all this white stuff around here That's all fluid So that's what the swelling is now when We look at your ligament that joins from Your fibula which is this bone she's Probably got what we call a grade two Injury to that speaking to area hawani And the MMA hour John Jones's manager
Richard Schaefer has shared some Information about the negotiation Process with the UFC and revealed that Jones's new UFC deal makes him the Highest paid heavyweight athlete and Probably the second highest paid ever Next to Conor McGregor I think UFC Realizes that Jon Jones is the goat uh And he is uh he is a generational talent And so they were very very much Interested and very open to work with us And and come to the conclusion of Putting together a fair deal uh which uh Which which we did here I mean that deal Which we made for John uh makes John now The uh in the history of UFC the highest Paid heavyweight athlete and overall I Think as Hunter mentioned to me probably The second highest ever next to um Conor McGregor so it it was a long negotiation But it was it was not the Hostile Negotiation it wasn't like like where Both sides docked the hills in I think Both both sides wanted to find a way and We found a way and here it is Yeah the most recent episode of the Believe you me podcast Michael Bisping Discussed what could be next for Francis And ganu after leaving the UFC and Whether the Predator made a mistake by Not re-signing with the promotion here's The clip and by the way I'm not hey God Bless him and I hope it all works out For him but I I think I think it's maybe
This Tyson Fury carrot that's been Dangled in front of him but it's not Guaranteed I mean it's hard enough Getting Tyson Fury at this stage of his Career being as wealthy as what he is The monies that he's made and the career That he's had you know what I mean he's He's he's talked about retirement and All kinds of things so that that fight Isn't a guaranteed Um and if it isn't guaranteed I don't Think there's anywhere else that's going To pay more money Dana said and if we You know he said he is they offered him A contract which would have made in the Highest paid heavyweight fighter ever Okay but incidentally he came out today That Jon Jones now has the second Highest contract other than Conor McGregor so congratulations Mr Jones for That I know you'll probably feel Definitely about those words but uh Foreign The highest paid heavyweight for my from What I understand and according to an Article I read from MMA junkie was Brock Lesnar who Brock Lesnar for two UFC 200 They said yesterday I read you've got Eight million dollars and prior to that He was earning in the region two to Three million dollars so if they offered Him a contract that was more valuable Than that that's a lot of money he just Walked away from so the only thing that
I can think of that competes with that Or could potentially generate more money Would be a blockbuster heavyweight Boxing fight against Tyson Fury But that's not guaranteed to happen For instance sanganu's head coach Eric Nixik has shed light upon why the former UFC champion refused to resign with the UFC speaking to Jimmy Smith on SiriusXM Coach Nick sic revealed that the UFC Offered in ganu good money but couldn't Fulfill his other contractual demands You know when I was in that meeting with At that dinner with Hunter and Dana we Got back in the car me and Francis and Look man the money that was being kicked Around Jimmy you and I both would have Been like whoa bro We would have been like sure I'll take An ass whooping for that yeah but this Is this is why I love Francis you know He looked over at me and he said bro if I sign this deal I'm just another Sellout I didn't make any change I Didn't make any difference everything That I'm standing up for it I talked About now goes by the wayside he goes That doesn't make me any better than Than somebody else is just selling out He goes I'd rather take less money And I would rather do the right thing For the people that are coming up and That was I swear to God that was the Exact thing you said to me in the car on
The way back he just like you know it's Not about the money for me where I come From where he's been and what he's been Through in his entire life he's he's Richer than any of any one of us you Know so I think it's all about Perspective for him and I feel like he Can make a difference and that was was More important than him than the money Former UFC fighter Chris cyborg has Congratulated Francis ingano for making Dana White's quote-unquote doesn't want To fight list UFC president Dana White Has been known to suggest that Fighters Quote unquote don't want to fight if They don't fall in line with what the Promotion Desires in a recent tweet Cyborg jokingly pointed that out to Francis inganu she posted this photo With a caption saying congrats Francis Inganu on making it to the list Several Fighters fans and analysts have Slammed Dana White for propagating the Idea that Francis ingano is avoiding Competitive fights Big John McCarthy Expressed the same opinion on Twitter by Writing Simply put Francis and Gano did not get Released by the UFC he fought out his Contract while still being the Heavyweight champion make no mistake Francis is in no way afraid of anyone Fighting in the UFC he is a man of Extraordinary courage who stands for his
Beliefs Several days ago Francis and Gano had Everyone speculating he would be moving To the pfl particularly Jake Paul's Super fight division after posting a Photo on Instagram with one of his Family members wearing a pfl t-shirt Paul who has consistently campaigned for Increased fighter pay waited on the news Of ingano's release he tweeted Francis Inganu is the baddest man on planet and Is a free agent because he chose to be He's the heavyweight champion MMA and Will be until he loses they're not happy About this but it's reality and they Have to deal with it they have to live With that every day at Francis and ganu Would you guys like to see Francis Competing in the pfl leave your thoughts In the comments below And here are the top three funniest Memes we found on the internet today Third place was found over Reddit and Was posted by a username the sad alien Second place was found over Facebook and Was posted by a user named fight yard And our top pick was found over Reddit And was posted by a user named Bdizzle805 Thank you guys for watching if you liked The video please leave a like And Subscribe to our channel to keep up with The latest MMA News [Music]