Claudia Tries Muay Thai Training With A Pro Fighter!

hi everyone its Claudia skull I'm going to be exploring a type of boxing called my tack I'm gonna be honest with you guys I've never really been a huge gym goer but a few months ago I finally got the courage to try a class called boxercise and ever since then I've fallen in love with the sport of boxing now because I have finally found something that I'm super passionate about and that is getting me to go to the gym every other day I thought why not explore different types of boxing my tie is Thai boxing it's called the art of eight limbs and that's because you use eight points of contact when you're fighting I've had a gym called Hanuman Thai boxing near me and I am gonna head down there today and check out my name's Ron Austin I'm the managing director and one of the cool head trainers you haven't tied walks in Edinburgh and I think I'm still currently ranked number two in the UK my time the Thai boxing is our eight limbs so it's our style of kickboxing who you can punch kick knee elbow there's an element of it for everybody there's the sport end of the spectrum where it's quite a brutal fight guitar as well as it in a proper martial art so people don't need to be in texting either self-protection or the sport side but they can do it for get incredibly fit you always come in and learning something with the body kick okay first you're gonna kick but you're gonna use the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] so really important and lift the knee first okay my handbook move body stays the same it's the same thing with the elbow lifted when you punch if I start to move back to drop the hand too early go see what I'm good so I want to lift this leg up and then push it first thing in the loop and yeah yeah yeah like this true in your strength and hope you swallow them is you're gonna move your left foot you're gonna stand back on light outside but as I can so the whole universe all the body kicks just on on the path there okay but now we will do the ball I'm working here good good breathe free exhale too much that's right boxercise I have just finished my section with one you are using your full body to workout and I really love that because unlike my boxing sometimes I don't feel that I've worked my legs as much I really loved my mind a station I thought it was really good for my confidence because obviously doing these classes there's something a wee bit different and I think you know the art scene is more masculine spores so especially women find a quite daunting experience to go into these classes so for anyone that has watched this I would highly recommend my tie I really loved it it isn't as scary as it sounds now I showed you a more focused version if you're going to the classes you're gonna be doing something pretty similar and in up here so make sure to find someone that you love working out with as well if any of you out there have any cool experiences to do with my tie or boxing please comment below and let us know I hope you guys enjoyed watching and tune in next time [Music]


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