Chris Heria’s Full Day Of Training | Workout Schedule

– What's up, it's Chris Heria. Welcome to my home and
welcome to another vlog. Today, I'm gonna be taking you guys through an entire day
of my workout schedule. So every time I work out today, you're gonna be following along and you're gonna be able to get a glimpse into my training style,
my workout routine, and exactly what I'm doing
from the beginning of the day to the end of the day.

As you already know, I always start the day
off with 100 pushups. I'm gonna be backing that
up with 100 pull-ups, and then after, I'll be jumping on the
stationary bike for some cardio. But first, let's knock out these pull-ups and push-ups real quick. (upbeat music) Let's take a look at what
we've got cooking today. Chicken, garlic, onions, sauteed spinach. All right, let's get these
pull-ups really quick. (upbeat music) All right, it's a beautiful day outside and we're off to a great start. I'm gonna go ahead and put on my shoes. I'm gonna get on the bike now. Now I do cardio at
least four times a week. Now, of course, cardio is
great for building endurance, getting shredded, all that good stuff. I'm also doing cardio currently because cardio has really been necessary since I've started martial arts again. I recently picked up boxing and Muay Thai. In fact, I have boxing
and Muay Thai today. So I'm gonna be taking
you guys to class with me. But if you've ever trained
for a combat sport, you know that increasing your
stamina and doing cardio, building your endurance, is crucial.

You may have technique and skill. But if you gas out in the first round, it really doesn't even matter. Now you can do cardio
in many different ways. Sometimes I like hitting the bag. Sometimes I like going skating. Different stuff like that. Today, I'm gonna be using the bike. It's quick, it's gonna allow
me to build my endurance and burn calories, but
it's not gonna fatigue me and allow me to reserve my energy for training later on today. Now, normally, if I didn't have
so many things to do today, I'd rather be doing high
intensity interval training, which can be very effective
and what I'd prefer if we weren't having such
a full day of training.

All right, so for today, I'm gonna get into a 30-minute ride. Now to start off for the
first one to two minutes, I'll do a light warm up. Go at a light pace. And then after I'm warmed up, I'll start to increase the
intensity and the resistance. Go at that pace for about 45 seconds. Put it down for 15
seconds at a light pace. Up and down, mix it up. (upbeat music) Three, two, one (exhales). There we go. 30-minute cycle, 303 calories. Check out on my calendar. I always like to do at least four days of cardio per week. These last two weeks, I've only done one. That's because I've been doing high intensity interval training instead or some other form of
cardio for these days. So I've only had one bike
day these past two weeks. And the week before that, as you can see, I don't have anything
'cause we were out of town.

We were in LA shooting
for the Heria Collection. So there we have the morning session. Got a pump, broke a sweat. I feel great. Now I'm gonna get some food, take a shower, and then
I'll meet you at boxing. All right, so we're
now back at the office. I'm here with Mateo, my boxing coach. As I told you before, today
I have boxing and Muay Thai.

And every single martial
arts style is different. You can be a pro at one and
a beginner at the other one. You're playing chess and checkers when it comes to these things. That's why I have a coach for each sport. Just adding more to my
arsenal, sharpening my blade. And just recently adding these
new sports into my routine has really switched it up for me and improved me mentally and physically. With that said, let's
get right into the class that Mateo has for us today. We're gonna be taking you guys along. – First of all, we're gonna
start off with the Heria vest. – All right. Egg whites. – Warming up for your shadowboxing. There we go.
– All right. (upbeat music) – Right hand. Right duck. Now drop the weights. Now I want you to freestyle shadowbox.

Work on the jab, work on the right, and then work on the one-two. – Just trying to loosen up. – Remember how this one goes here and then it comes back here. Boom, straight back. (boxing gloves smacking) Couple jabs right here. – [Chris] This looks
like I'm just throwing a bunch of punches right now, but really I'm so mentally focused just to be able to hit everything on time, get the combinations right. You gotta keep your core tight, keep your legs tight. It's a whole body workout. A lot of shoulders just
to keep your hands up. Your hands are burning at the end of this. – Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it. – Let's take a little break
and then we got Muay Thai. Stay tuned. All right, so now it's time for me to put on a different hat.

We're gonna get in Muay Thai training. Say what's up to my Muay Thai coach, Jonathan Calderon, aka Chino. Now as I said before, boxing, Muay Thai, two completely different games. It's like chess and checkers. When you're boxing, you're trying to stay crouched and tight. You're trying not to get hit. And Muay Thai. – Muay Thai, you're trying to pretty much, you're trying to be tall here. Your elbows are gonna be a lot wider, so if you were to catch some kicks, block your abdominals with your legs. You're gonna need a little more this. Boxing has a more tight up. – So the way that you may
throw a punch in Muay Thai and the way that you may
throw a punch in boxing is definitely gonna be different, but they both very much
compliment each other. That's why I'm doing both. Muay Thai, I also have the advantage of being able to throw
knees, elbows, kicks, and boxing, it's very
focused on the hands.

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You definitely get a great
workout from both regardless. So I've already been taking classes two times a week with Jonathan. So you guys are gonna just pop in from where we're at so far. – First, it's gonna come from the body, so we're gonna ahead and
start off with bursts. Just feel yourself and the very thing you've been doing. Get in your stance and start doing some burst
work with your hands. And then we're gonna work
on the kicks as well. The point on Muay Thai, it's the points and the kicks. The punches, if you knock
the person, of course, but you can punch up a couple of times. The person throws two or three kicks, your opponent, and they win. – [Chris] And that's why
you're not supposed to be so wide in boxing because you don't have
to worry about kicks. – [Jonathan] It's a different system. (boxing gloves smacking) – I still am learning the
controls, all this stuff. It's gonna be light. It's not gonna be perfect, but everything's a work in progress. You always gotta start somewhere.

(boxing gloves smacking) – You make the contact,
but at the same time, you give yourself not so
much space when you do that. When you catch the kick, you catch the kick and you go in here. – [Chris] Sparing, based
off of what you know and your experience and
just being able to go and just do it off of
instinct is so different than, okay, try to be a Muay Thai fighter or trying to be specifically a boxer. You have to stay within certain
rules, certain guidelines. You have to do things a certain way. – So now, what we're gonna
do is 10 little kicks, stepping, toes on the side, and go down. Here. Just like that, 10 times. One more. Woo! Woo! One more. – All right, I am starving. Let's eat against that workout. We're gonna fuel up real quick. Got some avocado, some salsa
inside, chicken breast, rice.

Fuel up, get the workout started. All right, so now it's time to
get into the workout routine. Chino, you're gonna join me, right? – Of course.
– Cool, so we're gonna do a pull day. Lately, I've been doing pull and push. Actually made a whole workout program. You can check it out on the Heria Pro app. Just download it in the Apple
Store or Google Play store. Look into my workout programs and you should find the pull
and push workout program. So the workout we'll do today is actually gonna be day
one of the workout program. Full day. We're gonna have barbell dead lifts. We're gonna do four sets of that just to start off the routine.

(upbeat music) Dead lifts, boom, boom, boom. Throw a couple kicks in the bag. Then we're gonna get into
barbell bent over rows with one arm pull-ups. We'll do that four sets, then we'll go into muscle-ups, four sets. (upbeat music) And dumbbell skis. We'll go into that four sets. And then weighted pull-ups, four sets. Rear dell flies, do that four sets. Lateral raises, four sets. Hanging quarter raises, four sets. Hanging knee raises, four sets. And then we're gonna finish off with handstand push-ups, three sets. And dumbbell curls for three sets. All right. There we go. That ends the workout routine. Chino, thanks for joining me, bro. Thanks for the training today, man.

Appreciate it. All right, so there we have it. There's a full day of training for me from the beginning of the
day to the end of the day. Now, not every day I
have Muay Thai and boxing in the same day. Normally it's one or the other, but I missed training the other
day, so we doubled up today. But there's a whole
day of training for me. Something that you guys don't see often. Martial arts has always been something that I've done and enjoyed as a kid. It's always been a passion, but since I've been doing
all this calisthenic stuff and the whole business, I really haven't had
enough time put into it.

So now getting back into
it, it feels amazing. Chino, thank you so much for training me and helping me get to the next level. Really appreciate it. I'm gonna start incorporating
more of our training in the vlogs so that
everybody can see my progress. You can see the improvement. If you want to see more
Muay Thai or boxing, let me know in the comment
section down below. If you enjoyed the video,
definitely smash that like button. If you haven't already,
make sure you subscribe. I post every single Thursday
2:00 p.m. USA Eastern time. And if you comment within
the first 30 minutes, you always have a chance to
win some free Heria apparel.

If you want to check out more content from my friend Chino here,
check out his Instagram. I'm gonna be linking it right down below. Don't forget the brand
new Heria Collection which is dropping very soon. You can check out every
piece of the collection right now Make sure you're following me on Instagram to know exactly when it drops. And every post I always
do some type of giveaway, so if you want you to be a part of that, then make sure you're following me on IG.

So with that said, thank
you so much for watching. We'll see you next Thursday
at 2:00 p.m. USA Eastern time. Mad love, peace out. (upbeat music).

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