Can 4 Guys Beat A Competitive Hot Dog Eater? (ft. Matt Stonie)

– Three, two, one. (mimics buzzer) (intense, adventurous music)
Oh my God. – [Ned] Oh my God, (laughs) oh my God. – [Zach] It's done?
(music stops) – [Ned and Kwesi] Six seconds!
(both shouting) – [Eugene] Can four regular guys beat a master in their own craft? – [Keith] All it takes
is for one of us to win. – [Ned] Oh, wow. – [Eugene] This is "Try Guys: 4 Vs. 1" – Can four regular people
beat a professional at their own game, when the game is competitive eating? – We are working with Matt Stonie. He is one of the greatest
professional eaters in the world. – So Matt is going to train us to teach us how to be competitive eaters, and then tomorrow we're going to go head to head, to head, to head, to head.

(chuckling quietly) – Whether or not we win or lose today, we're all going to be wieners. – I'm Matt Stonie. Professional competitive eater, YouTuber. 29 years old. I eat for a living, make
videos for a living. So, a pretty good job. – You've been doing
this for how many years? – First YouTube upload was in 2010. So I've been doing this
for over a decade now. – What are some of your eating accolades? – Well, first off, notably, was my win at the Nathan's famous Hot
Dog Eating Contest, 2015.

I had 62 hot dogs in 10 minutes. (Zach chuckles)
A few of my good records, my favorites are 255 Peeps in five minutes 20 pounds 13 ounces of
pumpkin pie in eight minutes. – All right. – Let's see 182 slices of bacon in I think that was five
minutes, too. (laughs) – How did you discover this talent for ingesting obscene amounts of food in a very short amount of time? – It really all started, I had a summer job back
when I was 18 years old, showed up to a lobster
roll eating contest, it was at the end of the summer, free lobster rolls, walked away with a thousand dollars cash.

And I was like, "Dude. I'm doing the wrong thing,
I gotta start eating food." I started uploading all
the stuff I did to YouTube and I fell in love with the
process of content creating. – Joining us today is our
good buddy Kwesi James. He's a wild card. I don't know what his appetite is, but something tells me
he might be our ringer. – He's a strong boy, I'm hoping that means he can
also take in a lot of calories. – Not really a hot dog person.

So the amount of hot
dogs I can probably eat in five minutes, it's probably five. – At lunch he said he
might vomit tomorrow. Which probably means he's
going to really go for it. And I respect that. Are you excited to dunk
these buns in water? – No, I'm not. I don't-
– Why not? I don't want to- actually don't
want to be here right now, to tell you the truth.
(Matt and Ned laugh) I don't like wet soggy shit. – You don't like soggy shit?
– Yeah. Like when I eat, I eat, chew, chew, chew,
chew, chew, swallow, Then I get something to drink. – Does that mean if you
don't like soggy stuff, do you like dry stuff? – I love dry shit.
– What? – Dried over cooked chicken,
– No! – dry turkey
– No! – with white rice.
– No! – Anything dry.
– Oh my god. – We've got hot dogs down the row here, we've got some tofu dogs for Zack.

Really the question is how do we eat these in a competition setting? – So there's a technique which I'll be showing you guys in a bit, started by Kobayashi
back in 2001, I believe. It's where you separate
the hot dog from the buns, like texture separation. You can focus on a specific
texture and a flavor. Warm water versus cold water, because it helps keeps
all the muscles relaxed and not so tensed up.

You do a little twisting sometimes to help the food settle in your stomach. But for the most part, I
couldn't imagine sitting here and just like… – You should eat the first one, just as fast as you can, and then slow it down
for us and do it again. Right?
(all agreeing) 'Cause you guys wanna see it?
– Yeah, I wanna see it. – In three, two, one, (mimics buzzer) (intense EDM playing)
Oh my God. – [Ned] Oh my God, (laughs) oh my God. Oh my god. (timer dings)
(Ned exclaiming) – [Ned and Kwesi] Six seconds!
(music fades) (Ned and Kwesi shouting) – It also looked like you
just swallowed your hand. It was like, the way you passed
your- (mimics guzzling food) – What you'd do is you take, you separate the meat from the bun and split the hot dog in half, and then usually you just chase
the hot dog down with water.

Then you just take the bun, you dunk it. Usually I squeeze it just a little bit to get some of the excess liquid out. It should go back pretty easy.
– Okay – (beep) Go. – Okay lets do this. Start with a little sip.
(countdown dings) And here we go. (fast paced metal music playing) – [Ned] Wow.
– [Matt] All right, yep. – As we all know, I eat a lot of menus. That's sort of my thing. So I'm used to doing a
version of competitive eating. It's really a man versus self. – [Matt] Like a champ.
– [Ned] Go, go, go, go, go. – Hands up when you swallow,
(timer dings) that's 24 seconds.
(music ends) – [Ned] Wow. – I could've done that better.
(slow piano music plays) I should have taken a few more seconds, chewed the hot dog a little bit more and then dedicate just my
mouth space to the bun.

'Cause at one point I had
everything was in the party. – So don't put the bun
in until you swallow. – I would say get most of
that hot dog down your gullet before you do the bun. (rock guitar music playing)
– Okay, ready? (countdown dings) (clock ticking) One thing I learned from
doing the dumpling video is everything got way
harder once I slowed down. I'm just going to try and keep going. Not slow down. (timer dings)
– 28 seconds. (applauding)
(music ends) – Tasted delicious, first of all.

The first one I was like,
that's a good hot dog. That's high quality beef right there. – I'm pretty confident about eight, maybe I can push myself to ten. – I got a strong four.
– I can push myself to eight? – I got a four.
– We need more than that. (laughs) We need more than that. – [Ned] We need to each
be thinking ten plus. – I'm assuming Zach is
giving us the three or four. So I need all of us to
get the seven to nine. I need someone else out here. (somber piano music)
Zach, he can't eat a lot. Ned, he also can't eat a lot. I don't know if you saw The
Food Babies sushi episode. He was done after the speed round. I ate over twice the amount
of sushi that Ned ate. (intense rhythmic drum music)
– You got this, Kwesi. (countdown dings) (clock ticking) – [Zach] Yeah, Kwesi.
– [Matt] Go for water. – [Keith] Have some water.
– Oh, I hate- – [Zach] (laughing) He hates it. – [Matt] There we go, there we go.

Go for the dunk.
(Zach continues giggling) Don't think about it. – [Keith] Dunk it, dunk it.
– Oh dunk it now? (Kwesi babbling)
– [Zach] Just get it ready. – Oh (beep). (Zach and Ned laugh)
(music ends) – Oh my…
– Kwesi! – [Zach] You're our ringer, man. (laughs) – You're at forty seconds,
swallow it. (laughs) (Keith laughing) (gentle blues music plays)
– So the amount of hot dogs I can probably eat in five minutes. (distorted and slow) It's probably five. – (laughing) All right, that's one minute. – [Zach] Okay, we're at one minute, – There we go, the hot dog's done.

Oh (beep). – [Matt] Halfway there. (Kwesi gagging and groaning)
(Ned and Zach laughing) – Okay… (laughs)
– (groaning) I can't do it. (laughing) I can't do it, I can't do it. (everyone laughing)
I can't do it, I can't do it. – Something tells me
he might be our ringer. (distorted and slow) Our ringer. – Oh shit. (yelps sadly)
(Ned laughing, pained) – What are we gonna do? He can also take in a lot of calories. (distorted and slow) A lot of calories. How much time has he had?
– I can't do it! – [Zach] One thirty. – Dude, I love seeing
somebody's first bun. First soggy hot dog bun.
(music ends) (Kwesi shouts in disgust) – I hate soggy bread. – Official soggy bread taste test. (bouncy, quiet fiddle music)
(Zach scoffs) – It's not that bad, it
mostly tastes like water.

– It's horrible.
– I thought it tasted fine. – What's worse than eating
as many hot dogs as you can in five minutes? Dipping them in water first. It sounds gross. – How would you describe the sensation of a wet hot dog bun? Long time ago I filmed a video
where I'd just eat soggy- I couldn't do it, soggy hot
dog buns are pretty bad. (plodding music plays)
– (beep). – [Matt] Fresh hot dog
bun you wanna go for it? – Dude, try the dry side first. – Nope.
– Okay. So maybe Kwesi's not gonna do the dunk. (all laughing) Kwesi's going to be eating each hot dog as a hot dog. – All right, almost there.
(everyone laughs) – [Ned] Oh my god. – Time! – [Zach] Three twelve.
(timer dings) – Three twelve.
(Matt applauds) (Zach whoops quietly) (high fives smacking loudly) – (beep).

I don't know why they keep
calling me for food stuff. Probably because they're just my pals. (music ends) – [Keith] All right Zach. – Don't know that I'm
going to be great at this, but here we go.
(countdown dings) You ready?
– [Kwesi] Yep. – And time.
(dramatic drum music plays) (clock ticking) My mouth is too little. – You got this. – Just keep chewing.
– Take your time. (music continues) (Zach making pained noises) – [Keith] Yeah, yes. – [Ned] Yes Zach, yes Zach.
– [Matt] Go, power through. – Oh (beep).
(Keith laughs) – Power through.
– Not too much at once. Too slow, too slow.
(Zach groaning) (slow, plodding music)
– Can't give up now.

(Zach screams) – This is a true fact about me, I'm incapable of chugging. I will drink water, puff up my cheeks and then slowly swallow. I've been like that since I was a kid. It's too late to change it now. – It's not a good sign for tomorrow. (Zach groaning in pain)
(sighs) – There we go. Finish strong. Bam.
(timer dings) – [Keith And Kwesi] One twenty nine. (music ends)
– Here's the problem, I have a huge psychological issue. It's not how much I can fit in my stomach. (syncopated string music)
I need to be swallowing bites that are way bigger than I am used to and more comfortable
doing in a normal setting. If I eat more than three,
I will be impressed. Keith is going to have
to be the hero today that boy's got a big mouth, time to put it to use. (Kwesi laughing tiredly)
– This is not good. – Talk to me about your
scatological activity.

– Scatological, all right.
– [Kwesi] Is that pooping? – I'm using context clues there
and I was going… (laughs) – How much you poop? – Okay, It's nothing crazy. I wouldn't say it's anything crazy- I mean some contests- but frequent. I'd say frequent. The schedule is a little- it's definitely regular for sure. – Two or three times a day?
– At least. – [Matt] At least, yeah. I was looking for the words, yeah. – Okay, let's think about how we'll do this tomorrow. If Ned and I were able to keep
the same pace we did today, in theory, we would each be
able to take down 10 hot dogs. So that's a pretty tall order. If Zack keeps his pace,
he'll have three and a half. (Kwesi giggles)
– If Kwesi keeps his pace, he'll have a half.

(they laugh) So I think Kwesi, your best bet is to eat
the hot dogs as hot dogs. – I'm honestly surprised, the way you guys are breaking this down. You guys are killing it
as far as figuring out what you got to do, what
you did right in the moment that you didn't expect. – We could do is with these, a competition to see who in the office is the fastest. – Quick auditions. A little try out for the Try Team. – Kaylin
– No. No?
(people laugh) I haven't even said anything yet. I haven't said anything yet. You know we're eating hot dogs. – Yes. – Do you want to eat the hot dogs with us? – No. – [All] Food baby. – I would love to. (laughs) (they cheer) – All right, meet us in the kitchen. We'll see you in the kitchen. – [Both] Hi, hey. – Hi Rachel, hey. So, do you wanna eat hot
dogs with us tomorrow? – I'm vegetarian.

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– Oh.
– Tofu dogs! – We have tofu dogs.
– We do have tofu dogs. – Oh no… (laughs) Those are so gross. Okay, I'll test my speed. – [Both] All right, we got Rachel. – See you in the kitchen.
– Hell yeah. – Let's go.
– You wanna try? – I am all good, personally.
(laughing) – Jack, why? Why Zack? What's his name again?
– [All] Jack. – Jack, why?
(all laughing) – [All] Jonathan!
(upbeat rock music playing) – Do you think, maybe
you could've outperformed some of these other guys? – I think I could.

– More than one? – I think I can get more
than one in five minutes. – Okay, okay.
– Challenge on, let's go. (all talking excitedly) – Do you want to try – Yeah.
– eating a hot dog, really fast? – As a matter of fact,
I haven't had lunch. – Oh, that's great. – [Keith] Who is this hot dog? (people giggling) – This is Melly. – [Ned] Are you good at eating hot dogs? I bet you are.
– She can have a hot dog. I think it'll be okay. – What about you MJ? (inaudible agreement) All right, MJ's in. – All right, hell yeah. (dramatic string music)
Okay, everybody. We have lots of 2nd Try staff, eager to get that last spot in the
Try Guys Five vs One Challenge.

(all laughing) Ned and I are going to just
demonstrate for these guys how to do it properly. Obviously we're not the pros, but we did the best out of our group, so. – [Zach] Three, two, one, go. (intense rock music playing)
(clock ticks) Yes, yes boys. – Look at the squeeze.
– Bread water squeeze. – [Zach] Get all the water out. – [Rachel] Oh my God, Ned. Ned… Ned… – [Kwesi] Okay, ew. – Oh and then you just chew.
(time dings) (everyone cheers excitedly) – 19 seconds.
(Zach and Keith screaming) – Hot dogs!
– Improvement! – Ready? One, two, three, let's eat. – [Zach] (laughs) The dog is eating.

– Oh, stuff it in the water, yeah, stuff it in the water. Ew. (rock music continues) – [Zach] Oh wow, oh they're going for it. – [Ned] Alexandra's on her bun, MJ's on to their bun. – [Zach] Hands up when
you're done of course. – When you've swallowed.
– Rachel's doing pretty well. – [Kwesi] God, Rachel's doing good. Oh, you almost done. – Oh Jonathan. – Oh, good job! Good job! – Everybody else keep going, keep going. – [Rachel] Wait if I'm
losing do I have to finish? – [Ned] Yeah still finish, still finish. – [Kwesi] She's getting close. Yeah, Rachel. (laughs) Slow down. – Done.
(all cheer) – [Keith] Come on Rachel. If you can do it in the next 15 seconds you'll still beat Zach. – [All] Rachel, Rachel,
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel! (all cheer loudly) – All of you definitely are a third best out of the normal Try Guys.
(all laughing) But we gotta draft for tomorrow.

Jonathan, with a time of 20 seconds. – Oh my god, wow.
(cheering) – You're a beast! You're a beast! (suspenseful music) – It is the night before the competition. I need to train. What I do need to practice is swallowing. I'm not a good swallower,
so I'm gonna try. Yeah. It's so weird to not chew your food, It's wrong. It feels like it's against nature. – So we're competing tomorrow. What should we be doing today and tomorrow morning? – I'd say try to keep your
diet as simple as possible.

Usually it's a day of a liquid diet. So just any very simple
carbohydrates, protein shakes, low on fiber so you're not… – Not backed up.
– Yeah, exactly. (all chuckling) He knows. – My night of training has begun it's dinner time and a little leftovers. We got some pasta, we got some chicken, got some tomatoes, got some green beans. So it's pretty similar to
what I eat most nights, but I don't really know
how to do a liquid diet. So I'm just going to try
and drink lots of water and poop. Gonna try and poop tonight. What do you think Wes? – You don't poop in the evenings. – Sometimes though, sometimes I do.
– You poop in the mornings.

– Usually I'm a morning pooper. – So you're just gonna
try really hard to poop? – I guess. – They basically said
to not do exactly this. – [Becky] You suggested pizza. – I wanted pizza. – [Man] After he was told he shouldn't. – Well they said best
to have a liquid diet, but also eat normally. – Eugene and Matt had us
over for dinner tonight and I had so much food. Matt made this delicious meal, and I didn't mean to eat it all. But then I looked down at
my plate and it was gone. And my tummy so full. (clock ticking) – Tomorrow morning, what'd probably be the
most important thing, show up hungry. – All right, smoothie time.

(blender whirs) I mean, does taste really good. I've already had two poops this morning and one poop last night. – I'm treating today like a normal day having my morning smoothie. – Got a big old celery juice. In Los Angeles, we have this
thing called a juice cleanse, it's basically just a
bunch of celery juice, which has a natural laxative effect. I'll go no further. (dramatic, suspenseful music) ♪ It's the eye of the tiger ♪ ♪ It's the thrill of the fight ♪ (office workers laughing) – It's go time, it's
go time, it's go time. – [Zach] Kwesi. – It's showtime. It's showtime.
– It's showtime. (Kwesi whoops) – What do you say, one last evac? – You know, this is the last… There's nothing else happening. The celery juice is still burbling around my stomach.
(Zach giggles) But it's not making any headway. – You're not training for
this specifically against us. – Yeah you just rolled
off a plane this morning. – I warmed up a little bit, I had a couple hot dogs a few days back.

– What? – I never competed
against four guys before, I got to show up. – Hey Matt, we're gonna whoop your ass. (Keith laughs loudly) – Let's go baby, I like it. I like the mentality. – It's time for the final competition. We have 90 hot dogs in front of us. We have 30 more in the kitchen. – You have 20 hot dogs in front of you. Are you anticipating
needing another plate? – Probably.
(Zach giggling quietly) – The what's everybody's goal right now? Now that we've been through the training, what's the new updated goal? I'm going to try for 15. I'll be happy to land above 10. – Based on a 20 second practice time. If I can keep that pace the
whole way, that'd be 15. So that is my goal. – [Jonathan] I want 10. That's my goal, my goal is 10. – [Zach] I'm going for three, which is also a W, let's win this boys. (they cheer) Kwesi, how many hot dogs you eating? – At least one. Let's go, baby. Showtime, let's do it. – And remember Matt said at the very end, what's in your mouth is counted, but it can't be sticking out of your mouth and for everybody watching do not do this at home without training.

We have a medic. We're going to try to do this safely. No one's going to die today. – [Crew] All right, suck
on hot dog in here we go three, two, one, go. (upbeat rock music playing) (score dings) – Oh (beep). (rock music continues) (score dings) (Zach giggling inanely) (score dings) – How's he do that? – [Crew] Let's go Try Guys.

– [Rachel] That's 30 seconds gone. 30 seconds gone. (rock music continues) Go Kwesi, go Kwesi, it's your birthday. (score dings) – I can't believe this. (score dings) (score dings) – [Crew] C'mon Kwesi. – [Rachel] Okay that's one minute gone. – [Zach] Going for the record. (score dings) (score dings) (score dings) – [Rachel] Go Keith, go Keith, come on. (indistinct commentary) (Rachel speaking quietly) (music fades to intense hip hop) (people cheering) Let's go.

Jonathan's almost too. Let's go let's go. (Zach groans) – It's like a (beep) pig next to me. (crew members laughing quietly) (score dinging) I did two. – [Rachel] Okay, two minutes gone. (Zach babbling) C'mon Keith stay in the game. Kwesi is that one for you? Two, two. – [Crew] All right Jonathan. – [Rachel] Get Jonathan a plate. Ned's almost through with a plate. (music ends)
Kwesi's almost eaten two. – Keith's feeling good.
(Alex whoops) (Rachel speaks indistinctly) (upbeat rock music playing) – [Rachel] Two and a half minutes. Halfway done. (score dings) – I'm almost done. (Jonathan groans) – [Crew] Come on, Ned.

Let's go, Ned. – [Zach] Oh, God. His sounds. His sounds are making me nauseous. – [Rachel] Three minutes gone. You have two minutes left. (eaters making pained noises) (score dings) Go, go, go, Keith, go, go, go. Hide one in the mustache. (score dings) Ooh Ned's got a plate. (people commentating indistinctly) (crew members cheering loudly) (fun 8-bit music playing)
(Zach babbles loudly) – [Crew] You need more water?
– [Zach] Mm-hmm. – [Rachel] Three and a half minutes gone, one and a half minutes left.
– [Zach] Warm. (music shifts to rock-style) I ate three! – [Rachel] Keep going Zach,
you got a minute and a half. – [Zach] Minute and a
half okay, you got it. (Matt gagging and groaning) – [Rachel] Go Keith, go Keith, go Keith. C'mon Try Guys.
(eaters groaning) – [Crew] Kwesi's drinking the water. – [Rachel] All right that's four minutes, one minute left. – [Will] Let's go! (crew members cheering and hyping) (Zach gags) (Zach mumbling in pain) – [Zach] (groans) Oh my god. – [Rachel] 45 seconds left. Come on, Try Guys.
– Who wants the last plate? – [Rachel] Come on, Try Guys.

(suspenseful rock music playing) Come on, Jonathan. All right, 30 seconds left. – Jonathan why's there
still food in your mouth? (Matt gags) – [Rachel] 20 seconds left.
(crew whooping) Final push, push, push, push, push. – [Crew] Come on, Keith. – [Rachel] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. (crew members cheering)
(timer dings) (music ends) – [Will] Oh my God. (people laughing) (mellow country music plays) – I was getting worried, I
heard some plates flying. I was trying to keep track. I usually watch one or
two guys on the stage, I had to watch five guys today. – It was kind of incredible
to be next to you while you were competing. I would imagine it's like
trying to lift 10 pound weights next to somebody lifting 50 pound weights. – I looked over one
time and I just saw Matt just destroying it, I just felt despair.

I felt pure despair. I was like, it's never going to happen. – [Ned] I felt like I was
competing with myself. I kind of had the horse blinders on. I felt like you just had to. – Can I say that was the
longest five minutes of my life. – What is the final tally then, going from Zack to Kwesi? – 33 and a half, I'd say.
– [Keith] 33 and a half. – So, I should say that I'm 3.98. – [Crew] I think you should say… – I could eat this right now, but I really don't want to. – Bro, you gotta do it. – For four, if you… – [Ned] I mean, hell yeah Zach. (all cheering Zach) – So Zach, we had four plus my nine and a half, 13 and a half.
– 13 and a half. I got eight. – I got nine, so… – 30 and a half.
– 30.5 How many did you get? – I got three. – 33.5? – [Zach] Wait, what does that mean? What was his number? – [Keith] 33.5.

– [All] We tied!
(triumphant music) (all cheering loudly) (all screaming, shouting) (music stops suddenly)
– Don't look at the wheel! Don't look at the wheel! – Yes! – Let the record show that
it took five of us to tie and I may have eaten the
last little bite after time. – Wow, I can't believe it. Matt you're a behemoth. You are truly one of the top
competitors in this sport. It was an honor to get
as many of us as possible (laughs) to just barely come to the table. You were my inspiration
to start "Eat The Menu". I saw his videos, I thought,
"Wow, that's impressive. I can't do that, but I can taste things." – Well you showed up today.
= I did, I tried my best.

Jonathan? Turns out we really needed him. (all applauding and laughing) Thanks for watching "4 Vs
1", we'll see you next time. Who should we compete against next? (rock outro music plays) (music ends) – Swallow before you think you can. – That's hard too, bro. – You are genuinely the worst
person we could have asked. (both giggle).

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