Hi, Mystery Recapped here. Today I am going
to explain a Chinese action thriller film called “Kung Fu Girl”. Watch out and take care!
Shanon is a martial art student living in Hong Kong. Her father Danny runs a local restaurant
during the day and develops games at night. Shanon’s mother passed away a few years ago
while driving to an airport. Since her father refused to drive her that day, Shanon blames him
for her mother’s death. The relationship between the father and daughter hasn’t been the same
ever since.
Shanon lives in her school’s dorm and hardly ever visits home. She has a rivalry
with a guy from her class named Ricardo. He and his group of friends bully her frequently.
One day, the bullies are in Shanon’s father’s restaurant, complaining about the food not
being spicy enough. Even after devouring it all, they refuse to pay. Shanon retaliates
against them and forces them to pay up. A humiliated Ricardo throws the money to the floor
and walks away. Shanon picks it up and hands it to her father who is in a mascot costume. She also
apologizes to him for Ricardo’s rudeness.
The next day at school, Ricardo takes his revenge
by making Shanon’s friend’s brother trip and drop his food. Shanon’s friends ask her to forget it
but she doesn’t want to let them off the hook. She sits with the group of bullies confidently
and eats from their plates.
An intimidated Ricardo leaves her alone and walks away with his
friends. Later, Shanon finds out that he destroyed her clothes in the dryer. The group troubles
her every day, laughing when she messes up, making her fall several times, and adding frogs
in her lunch box. A local shop owner hosts fighting matches in front of his house daily.
Shanon is informed that Ricardo has defeated everyone he has fought against till now.
She takes the opportunity to challenge him in front of everyone. She even goes as far as to bet
him to wear a skirt if he loses. Ricardo, in turn, asks her to cut her hair and wear men’s clothes if
he wins. The fight starts and goes on for quite a while. However, it is evident that Ricardo is way
more skilled than Shanon. Suddenly, he catches her off guard and punches her in the stomach. The pain
almost causes Shanon to pass out.
After the punch, she can hardly get up and is defeated in a single
kick. Ricardo laughs at her and hands her a pair of scissors. Accepting her defeat, Shanon cuts
her hair. The next day, she goes to school with short hair and is made fun of by everyone. When
she enters the class, Ricardo calls her a man, making her angrier than she already is. When he
doesn’t stop calling her names, she attacks him in the middle of the class. They have to be separated
by the teacher before a fight breaks out.
Shanon is then taken to the principal’s
office. He calls Danny to tell him about his daughter’s shenanigans. Danny apologizes for
the inconvenience, claiming that she is aggressive because he hasn’t been a good father to her.
He also begs the principal to let her free this time. When Shanon goes to pick
up lunch from the cafeteria that day, some girls block her. They have also joined hands
with Ricardo to trouble her around the school. Shanon’s friend yells at everyone for
supporting a bully but they ignore her. Not wanting to cause a scene, Shanon
walks away without her lunch.
She reminisces about her mother who was
the reason she took interest in Kung fu. While most mothers dressed their daughters in
princess dresses, Shanon’s mother made her train from a very young age. She believed that Kung
fu needed girls like Shanon as much as Shanon needed Kung fu. That night, Danny calls her
and asks her to come home for the weekend since she hasn’t been home in three months. Shanon
is reluctant but she agrees to visit him anyway. After the call with his daughter, Danny also
calls an investor and asks him to come over to test his new game. He has created a virtual game
where one has to fight in reality to win.
At night, Shanon goes home and meets her father.
Danny tries to indulge her in a conversation but she is dismissive and rude. When called
out for being impolite, she forces a laugh and ignores him. Danny also asks her about her
hair but Shanon dismisses it and doesn’t tell him about being bullied. When he brings up the
change in her behavior after her mother’s death, she blames him for all of it. Hurt by her words,
Danny walks away. Moments later, Shanon goes to his home office and snoops around. She notices a
strange necklace on a table but doesn’t think much of it. She also finds a headset on his workstation
and decides to wear it. As soon as she puts it on, she enters the virtual world of ancient China.
All of a sudden, a group of people attack her but she defends herself efficiently. She also
notices that her hair is back to being long. Then, her eyes land on Ricardo who is dressed
in traditional Chinese clothing and is fighting the opponents.
It turns out that the people
he is fighting are robbers trying to rob food from a farmer’s house. Shanon is surprised
that Ricardo is doing a good thing for once.
Then, the leader of the group, Norman,
comes forward to fight Ricardo. However, he is proven to be weak against Ricardo’s
expertise and is knocked out within minutes.
After the thugs run away, Ricardo gives the
farmers the sacks of grains that were taken away from them.
Shanon follows him and asks him
how he got into the game. She soon finds out that he is part of the game with a different name and
an entirely different personality than Ricardo. He also informs her of the powerful robber brothers,
Norman and Tyson. They have gathered and trained an army to rob food and supplies from the poor.
Hence, Ricardo is protecting the people of his town with his life. He is sure that since Norman
was just defeated, his short-tempered brother Tyson will come to take revenge. Somewhere else in
the robber’s camp, Tyson is furious. He sends some of his people to keep an eye on Ricardo, looking
for the best time to strike the village.
Then, Shanon is shown around the village
and introduced to the martial arts academy. She meets her bully Daryl who is one of
the good guys in the virtual world.
Her school’s principal is the martial arts
teacher. He assumes that she is with the robbers and makes his pupils surround her.
On finding out that she is just an innocent foreigner, he apologizes and sends her to her
personal room for her stay in their village. Shanon is also introduced to the leader of
the village.
Suddenly, Ricardo gets sick and falls unconscious. The group rushes them to the
village’s medic, Miss Aries. She is trained in martial arts and is a great warrior. Later, when
Ricardo gets better, she and Shanon explore the village. They come across an old shed and see a
gruesome-looking person meditating. Aries explains that the man is her father who has been in the
shed for a year. It turns out that her father, Bao used to be a traveler who helped people and caught
robbers everywhere he went. However, after Aries’s mother’s death, he wished to stay isolated from
the world and hasn’t come out of the shed.
Shanon stays in the village for the next few days
and learns different martial art techniques from the village’s head. She and Ricardo practice
together and learn many things from each other. Soon, the village runs out of food because
of the increase in robberies.
The head of the village reduces the daily three meals a day down
to only two meals. The workers and the civilians are distressed because soon, they might die of
starvation. Hence, at night, Shanon, Ricardo, Daryl, and Aries go to the robbers’ house to
steal grains. Daryl uses a tube and darts to make the guards unconscious. Then, they break into
the storage room and get ready to pack everything in. However, the alarm rings, alerting everyone in
the house of their arrival. Aries comes in front of the enemies to save the others. The rest of the
group has to reluctantly run away without her.
The next morning, Shanon asks the village head to
save Aries but he refuses to do so because Aries was caught stealing which is against their rule.
Following that, she goes to ask for help from Aries’s father Bao. She tells him everything about
her mother’s death and how she blamed her father for it. Shanon says that her father couldn’t be
nicer to her and admits that she was at fault for blaming him.
She is about to lose hope when Bao
comes outside of the shed, determined to save his daughter. The group attacks the robber’s base and
fights the guard before rescuing Aries. The father and the daughter reunite and decide to go on a
trip like they used to. Shanon wants them to stay until the robbers are fully gone but Bao claims
he has faith that they can stop the robbers.
After Tyson finds out that his troops were
attacked, he gets ready to invade the village with his soldiers.
Knowing that he is about
to do something like that, Shanon, Ricardo, and Daryl brainstorm ideas to stop him. Shanon
knows that there must be a way to defeat the enemy since this is a game after all. Then, she
remembers the necklace she saw on her father’s table that matched exactly to the necklace
that a soldier was wearing. She happily thanks her father for the hint. Hours later, Tyson
along with his soldiers attacks the village. The village head and his pupils battle them
with all their might. Amidst the battle, Shanon notices the necklace and the man wearing
it. However, while trying to fight him, she is killed and brought back to reality. Shanon refuses
to lose and wears the headset again. It turns out that she has one more life left which means she
can continue the game from where she was earlier. This time, she beats the soldier and manages
to get his necklace.
On opening the locket, she finds her mother’s picture inside.
In only a second, all of Tyson’s soldiers disappear because Shanon was able to figure out
the clue. When only Tyson is left, they overpower him and win the battle. Following that, we see
Shanon and Ricardo by the side of the river. She tells him that she misses her father and asks
him to send her home. Ricardo promises to always remember her and sends her back to reality.
When Shanon is finally back it has only been a few hours since she started to play.
It turns
out that Danny and a potential investor had been watching her play all this time. Shanon hugs
her father, apologizing for being rude to him. The investor is so impressed with the game that
he offers to invest ten million yuan in it.
Next week is a national-level Kung fu
competition. Both Shanon and Ricardo have taken part in the competition and have been
selected in different divisions. They have to win four rounds to reach the finals. On the day of the
competition, Shanon looks around and is sad that her father is not present. Still, she does her
best and wins easily against the real-life Aries. Similarly, Ricardo wins the next few rounds and
reaches the finals. Shanon goes against a guy in the semi-final and after an intense match, she
defeats him. Now, the rivals have to fight each other in the finals. The audience eagerly watches
as they get ready to fight. Ricardo strikes the first attack but Shanon dodges it. Likewise,
Ricardo also dodges all of Shanon’s attacks. The first round ends without any one of them getting
a proper hit.
The referee blows the whistle indicating the end of the round but Ricardo
plays foul and attacks Shanon even after.
His score is deducted but he doesn’t back down.
In the next round, they seem to match in skills and strength. Suddenly, Shanon kicks Ricardo in
the back and makes him fall. An enraged Ricardo breaks the rules again and hits her on the back of
her knee. Shanon is in pain but she still gets up, ready for the next round.
This time, he kicks
her on the back of her head, breaking yet another rule. Shanon is almost knocked out but then, she
sees her father in a crab costume, cheering for her from the audience. With renewed motivation,
she stands up to fight Ricardo. She remembers the technique she had learned with the virtual
Ricardo and uses it on him. It works smoothly and she knocks him out to win the competition. As
the crowd erupts in cheers, she runs to her father and hugs him. In the last scene, she is back in
school. She makes amends with Ricardo who comments that she deserved to win the last match.
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