BJJ vs Judo – Real Sparring

brazilian jiu jitsu and judo used to be the same martial art yet what happens when you pit a bjg blue belt and a judo brown belt against each other now in order to find out i met with gasper a competing judo brown belt gasper has also been doing bgj for over a year now but his basis is primarily judo we separated our sparring into four rounds based on different rule sets the first one was judo vs judo where gaspar used mainly his judo while i a judo white belt tried to use only judo against him we then moved on to bjj gee versus jirogi where both of us wore our uniforms but this time i was allowed to use my bjj skills the third round was judo nogi vs bgjnogi meaning we didn't wear our traditional uniforms which prevented us from using g-grips something that judo relies heavily on and in the final round we did an aikido versus jiro sparring where i tried to use my aikido skills against gaspar's judo before we dive into the sparring it's important to mention why this experiment is particularly important it all started with matsuyama a judo practitioner who in 1904 was sent overseas to give judo demonstrations in order to promote this martial art in 1917 maida was giving demonstrations in brazil which was observed by carlos gracie who decided to learn from mathura mera accepted carlos as a student and taught him for several years carlos continued to develop what he learned together with his brothers strongly focusing on functionality instead of tradition a common feature of brazilian culture over time the gracie's approach to judo became different enough that it beckoned a new name yet what they learned back then wasn't known as judo at the moment judo was still commonly referred to as kano's jiu jitsu so eventually the gracies adapted the name to themselves naming it gracie jiu jitsu while other brazilians who also learned from maeda started calling their styles brazilian jiu-jitsu meanwhile in 1964 judo became an olympic sport which began heavily influencing its evolution while in the past judo and bjj were equally proficient on the ground with some matches being won by the brazilians and others by jidoka in order to become more distinct and interesting for viewers to watch judo began changing the rules increasingly more favoring exciting stand-up throws and very little ground sparring while some could rightfully say that bjj lately has been facing a similar danger of the sport aspect watering down the practice many consider that if it came to a full-on sparring bgj would dominate judo because of judo's limited rule set whether that's true we will see in this sparring we began the first round with judo versus judo while i had a significant weight advantage which makes a big difference my judo experience consisted only of a few judo classes in order to make sure i grapple by the judo rules i asked gaspar to explain them to me that was a very confusing experience as there were a whole number of complicated rules for example such as that i only can grab the opposite lapel for a limited amount of time among many other complicated rules that i did my best to understand limited by the rules which i still had a hard time understanding i did my best to defend myself from being thrown by actively defending gasper's grips and keeping my legs away from him to prevent being swept i went for a couple of my own judo fro attempts but gasper shut them down meanwhile he managed to get at least a few successful takedowns which would have given him points in judo competition since my back touched the mat after the fur was executed we stood up and didn't continue to grapple on the ground since that's where the judo sparring would essentially end with the rest of the attempts gasper wasn't as successful since i kept using the sprawl and my weight advantage to defend against them my bgg coach who was observing the sparring also pointed out that it was extra difficult for gasper to spar with me since i was mostly being defensive i kept my arms extended forward and didn't show much initiative meanwhile if i tried to pull off more of my own moves jasper would have had many more chances to throw me that's one of the reasons why judoka received penalties in competition for being too passive gaspar also told me that some judokas even use this rule set to their advantage they keep pushing and shoving to show activity while not allowing the other person to make any froze eventually winning the match for the supposed lack of activity of the other contender jasper also gave me great advice that during my judo takedown attempts i was focusing too much on using my legs and i was not putting enough energy into using my arms to create leverage after finishing the judo versus judo sparring we moved on to bjj gee versus jiro ghee by the way speaking of geez the one i'm wearing here is made by gold bjj i was looking for the best g out there and after i found gold bjj's ghee as one of the top recommendations it didn't disappoint me when i got it it also has a cool for the journey slogan on the gear which fits my channel's name perfectly if you're looking for a quality ghee i highly recommend checking them out at the beginning of the bjg versus jiro gee sparring gasper was able to pull off a successful judo takedown which would have scored him a judo point but this time things didn't end there i used gasper's exposed position after the takedown and took a top position i continued to use my weight and escaped the half guard took mound and flattened him out i then continued to take his back and eventually ended up in a head and arm position where i got the submission during the next go gasper started off with an iminari roll but after he escaped it and tapped him out again we discussed that this was far from a judo approach and decided that he will continue to stick with judo takedowns instead to better see the differences between the two martial arts that though did not end in his favor as gasper's next attempt ended up exposing his back something he explained to me happens a lot when ajidoka tries to spar a jiu jitsu player for the first time in the following go i brought gaspard down with a guillotine attempt and took side control transition to a neon belly and then mount as we restarted i went for a single leg then casper tried to throw me over using his leg but i ended up transitioning to side control fact take and a choke after a while we were ready to move on to jito nogi versus bjj nogi here gasper tried to go for a judo takedown but i took advantage of his position and got his back eventually finishing the round with a choke during the next go gasper tried another takedown attempt but yet again exposed his back which led me to take the top position then mount and eventually getting the tap my bgg coach then jumped in to give some tips to gasper on how to better establish grips in nogi to favor a judo player by going in deeper and adding more connections before moving on to the aikido vs bgj round i got some aikido in already by catching gasper with an aikido wristlock which i used to transition to take his back i then tried to take him down but gasper displayed great balance so i moved on to take his back instead although i submitted him again it was clear that he was not an ordinary bgj white belt and was difficult to tap out each time it was then finally time to do an aikido versus jiro sparring whereas in aikido black belt i was only allowed to use aikido techniques while gaspar used his judo we decided to give it a shot since my last aikido versus judo sparring was against another judo brown belt but in that case he was also an aikido black belt my hypothesis was that it was extra difficult to pull off aikido moves against ajidoka who was also an aikido black belt who knew the aikido techniques that were coming his way in great detail gasper and i wanted to see how my kiddo techniques would work against someone who knows judo but doesn't know aikido during the spring i managed to get him with a fool on kodagashi the aikido technique i worked on against resisting opponents the most i also went for an aikido takedown called iriminage and used it to transition to a backtake something i could consider a success as well for the rest of the spring though i didn't take into account that gasper despite not being an aikido black belt still knew that i was going to use only aikido moves and saw my previous aikido versus judo video so it turns out he also knew what's coming he later told me that he was keeping his distance and preventing my grips like hell meanwhile gasper went for a couple of nice geo takedowns which had mixed results but i have to say looked great while bgj and judo used to be the same martial art it's clear that eventually they moved into different directions still despite bgg's dominance during the sparring and the confusion of judo's complicated rules i feel that there is a lot that we can learn from each other by exposing these martial arts to each other and i'm very grateful that i was giving an opportunity to do so with a fellow open-minded individual if you want to see how i did with my aikido against the karate black belt in sparring click this video right here if you want to see the full bgg vs judo spying plus a discussion between gasper me and my bjj coach right after the sparring about the whole experience click here thank you for watching and as always i wish you to own your journey


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