Belal Muhammad GOES OFF on ‘SCARED’ Sean Strickland! Dana White gets DUNKED! Chandler viral TUF vid

MMA news today:

BELAL MUHAMMAD slams Sean Strickland over recent confrontation at UFC PI

BENEIL DARIUSH reveals the UFC promised him title shot if he beats Charles Oliveira at UFC 289

MICHAEL CHANDLER claims his viral TUF 31 video w/ Conor McGregor was edited

MICHAEL BISPING reacts to Conor McGregor – True Geordie beef


DANA WHITE gets dunked again but this time not on The Ultimate Fighter

00:00 – Big heavyweight fight announced for UFC Sao Paulo
01:00 – Belal Muhammad goes off on Sean Strickland
02:45 – Bisping reacts to Conor McGregor-True Geordie beef
04:27 – Dana White gets dunked
05:05 – Chandler claims his viral TUF 31 video w/ Conor was edited
06:20 – Beneil Dariush reveals the UFC promised him title shot
07:52 – TOP 3 MMA memes

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All right let's get this show started In today's news we get a big heavyweight Fight announced for UFC Sao Paulo Bilal Muhammad goes off on Sean Strickland Bisping reacts to Conor McGregor true Jordi beef Dana White gets dunked Chandler claims his viral The Ultimate Fighter 31 video with Connor was edited And banil Darius reveals the UFC has Promised him a Tuttle shot UFC is planning a return to Sao Paulo Brazil in November 4th of this year and According to a report by MMA junkie a Heavyweight fight between Curtis blades And gelatin Almeida is in the works for The event Shelton Almeida is currently Considered one of the most promising Prospects in MMA having won all three of His fights in 2022 the first round Finishes and two more stunning victories In 2023 meanwhile Curtis Blaze will be Looking to bounce back from a TK loss That was delivered by Sergey pavlovich In April which ended Curtis's Three-fight winning streak against Jersey Rosen strike Chris Dawkins and Tom aspinall In case you didn't know Sean Strickland And Bilal Muhammad have spilled some bad Blood over Twitter in recent times and Now the two have run into one another at The ufcpi Strickland whipped out the Phone walked by Bilal recorded this clip Me and thunderstorms himself you guys

We're here out of here we're all here Let's have a party And then rope hanging with my boy Thunder thumbs I make fun of Jon Jones All the time as he deserves it and I Never threaten him but if he ever came Up to me at the pi and tried to fight me Man of man I would agree out of respect For man code I ran my mouth you have That right on the streets no rules it's A quick draw contest laughing my ass off But below Muhammad's Twitter is actively Trying to scrap with me LOL I'm here You're here if you want to get it but if Not just stop now in response below Posted this video This guy's trying to act up again on Social media looking for cloud chasing Trying to give you three podcasts I Offer to fight you and turn it down you Putting out this video of you recording From a distance muddering under your Breath Thunder sounds which is not even clever You're racist hillbilly fans are saying All man you're abused you're a man look How crazy he is but Look at the distance it's like someone Recording a line in the wild Stay at a safe distance you don't get Into the danger zone we didn't get into The danger zone to stop this You're not that guy you're not that guy Pal trust me you're not that guy you're

More of like a emo to your learner you Don't have to go through this again Conor McGregor and true Jordi have Clashed words over social media in Recent days which has culminated in Jordan challenging McGregor to a charity Boxing or MMA match meanwhile honest Believe you me podcast Michael Bisping Showed his thoughts as to who would come Out on top in a hypothetical fight Between a smaller train fighter and a Bigger stronger person without much MMA Training let's hear it from the count Himself no no I totally agree size is Gray it's good you know a big two men With equal skill the bigger one will win Yeah but a guy that's a world champion Like Brandon Moreno against the guy That's a linebacker that's never done Martial arts that's probably at a couple Of bar fights that just if he got his Hands on you they could pick you up but If you pick up Brandon Moreno he's gonna He's gonna do something Flash And that came out kind of recently as Well how someone would do against LeBron James If you've got proper martial arts Training you can beat a bigger guy That's what essentially what it's all About that's how it all kind of started Obviously with self-defense on the Battlefields many many years ago Um but for sure you know I mean number

One they're gonna get tired I mean look At that we saw it recently what was it It was with uh the the mountain from Game of Thrones Who was it and Dustin Poirier I believe Was grappling him I think he choked him Out I think he choked him out you just Never it all depends on the individual Do you know what I mean yeah like did They wrestle in high school Correct have they got an aptitude for Fighting you know what I mean are they a Natural fire because I bet a lot of Those NFL guys I bet they're not the Quietest of people UFC president Dana White gets dunked again this time not While I'm The Ultimate Fighter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] [Music] During the first episode of the new Season of The Ultimate Fighter Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler had a Meeting where McGregor told Chandler You'll do what you're told regarding Their weight class for their upcoming Fight in the clip Chandler was heavily Criticized for taking it and not having A response for Connor however in a

Recent YouTube video Chandler claimed That his response to McGregor was cut Out by the UFC so that first uh that First scene man and obviously that made The promo where he said I'll you do what You're told you know it's time to it's Time to you know just I guess uh Express That now that it's out and everybody's Just watched it I don't quite know if I Didn't have a comeback yeah but yeah What was what what's your reaction that You do with your totally like yeah yeah Well the way they cut it it was just me Like this you know tapping on my tap it On my chin with no you know right so This is the beauty too of of us being Here we just got to watch it together we Are now reacting in real time right we Hit we hit record as soon as we got done Watching the show and then now hopefully Hopefully you all are now joining us Right after watching the show and you're Seeing my first reaction and this won't Be the first time I think that's Definitely not how it happened in real Life yeah that's how they cut it yeah But this is what we signed up for and This is a beautiful thing But Neil dadius believes he'll dominate The best version of Charles Oliveira During a recent interview on the Unlocking the cage podcast how do you [ __ ] details about his upcoming fight With Oliveira He also mentioned that the

UFC has promised him a total shot if he Wins at UFC 289 if I'm as good as I Think I am I should be able to dominate Him it's really that and and so with all The work I put in and uh with all the Time I've spent training and preparing I Want to go in there and and dominate hey I I win every situation and you know With Charles does the same thing I want To dominate wherever the fight goes Whether standing or on the ground you Can definitely take a take some things Away from that fight but at the same Time I also in the back of my mind I say Well maybe that wasn't the best Charles That showed up right so I need to be More prepared for the best Charles so I I look at his other fights where he does Really well and just I'm basically Getting ready for the best version of Him and in my opinion Um I'm actually adding to to his skill sets Like I I the best version of Charles is A Charles who's very aggressive and his Defensive he's defensively also aware so That's the kind of Charles I'm preparing For Um so the UFC for once promised me like They've never done this before but they Actually gave me their word that I will Get the title shot if I beat Charles Oliveira so that's where I'm at Here are the top three funniest memes we

Found on the internet today third place Was found over Instagram and was posted By a user named as shopped as it gets Our second place pick was found over Twitter and was posted by a username Palo Costa And her number one pick of the day was Found over Instagram and was posted by a Username dailydose MMA Thanks for watching if you like the Content smash that like button and don't Forget to subscribe to stay in the talk