Basic Stance | Modern Muay Boran

In Muay Nam the stance is the most advantageous position of the lower body to assume when in a fight The triangle, the simplest geometric shape, is a recurring figure in Thai martial arts most Muay Boran and Krabi-Krabong styles build their entire system in the so-called Three-Point Stance, or a variation of it In a Three-Point Stance the feet are two points of an imaginary right triangle on the ground the third point is the projection of the back leg's knee to the ground but why is this feet placement so special? to understand this let's look at another two common feet placements in a Side-Stance, you will be able to resist forces applied from the front and the back but not to the sides in a Front-Stance, you will be able to resist forces applied from to the sides but not to the front or the back in the Three-Point position, you can resist a force applied from every main direction front back right left and also from the oblique line that links your feet the only vulnerable point is the oblique line that passes between the legs which takes the name of Blind Spot, but which can be defended easily but that's not all, a Narrow-Stance let you shift your weight faster and increases your mobility but at the cost of having low stability due to having your barycenter far from the ground a Wide-Stance gives you the greatest amount of stability due to having your Barycenter close to the ground but at the cost of reduced mobility and weight shifting once again the Three-Point Position is the perfect compromise between the two opposites offering both stability and mobility let's study how to get into the position place your feet together make them point to the outside pivot on the ball of the feet to make them straight now your feet are shoulder-width apart point them again to the outside and pivot now your feet are slightly wider than shoulder-width slightly bend your legs if you didn't yet from this position bring the leg from your dominant side back and place only the toe of the foot on the ground place the foot at 45 degrees towards the outside the front foot points forward and is in line with the knee for a natural alignment depending on your preferences you can use a shoulder-width three-point stance or one slightly wider than shoulder-width apart let's test the position if you do not have a partner that can push you simulate a push by moving quickly the upper body let's test a push from the left from the right oblique back oblique front from the front from the back Blind Spot back Blind Spot front, make sure to stop the fall if you were able to resist the forces from all the directions except for the Blind Spot then you got the stance right if not correct the configuration practice the stance start from a neutral position and assume the Three-Point Position correcting it if necessary get in the correct Three-Point Stance at least 30 times now do the same but with the other side now switch between the Three-Point Stance on the right and on the left

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As found on YouTube

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