Sawadee Ka (Hello) My name is
Kru Jenypher Lanthier of York Muay Thai I am here with Matt Embree We are going to do
a traditional Muay Thai massage I'll teach you guys
how to do it With a new product called Athlon Rub It's a Thai Oil formula with Athlon Rub before using it
you need to shake it up so it gets a nice orange-ish color you can warm up
before you put it on or you can put it on
before you warm up Both are good,
you get a better warm up Obviously if you get a sweat going first, ok and we also have
the spray bottle, so you can spray on or You can pop the top
till the fun don't stop and rub it on as well The Thai Oil formula was originally
used for Muay Thai athletes Muay Thai is Thailand’s
National sport Is one of the most grueling
and vicious martial arts in the world It is oil based and it is a deep, fast penetrating, heat that as Matt said, you can put it on before you warm up and will prevent
against sprains, strains, bruising and things like that Some times a lot of Thai use it before
they go for a run or you can use it – You can warm up first
And it will go deep into the pores, it gets really really warm We also use it
to treat injuries as well you can use it while we’re massaging bumps and
bruises strains and sprains Its really like a
miracle formula as a fighter We tend to use it before training
and then I like to use it before bed Just in any time
I rub it on my joints when they get tight
or like I said on sprains or bruises on the shins, legs, etc… When were you
first introduced to Thai oil? When did you have you first massage and by whom?
did anyone influence you? I was first introduced actually through online studying learning about Muay Thai
and stuff like that Thai Oil is a pretty
inherited part of Muay Thai you see all the fighters
using it before a fight and the first time I got a
rub down before before my first fight obviously and its a great feeling to be
all loose Before you step into the ring, you know? it helps you breath a little better
it helps you take more oxygen You feel loose before the fight
that was my first experience So the technique we will use today was taught to me by
AJAHN SUCHART I’m going to explain different aspects of it
and touch the upper, middle and lower body and that's it we are gonna start\The massage portion First, after the fighter has
warmed up a little bit he goes face down and we
start the outer back you first ask about
any previous injuries Anywhere on the body
that you need to know about any pulls, any strains that
I need to put extra attention So, there is two
different techniques sometimes people just use the oil
other times they mix it with Vaseline to make sure that it sticks a little bit better
and it doesn't dry (absorb to fast) in the body I am just gonna go
straight with the Thai oil today you put in on the hands first, just to make sure First I have to warm
the oil up
just to make sure First I have to warm
the oil up so i want to make sure
that I rub fast to heat it up.
I obviously avoid the armpits, if it gets in the armpits,
it is gonna burn quite a bit so, I will rub quickly to warm everything
once everything is nicely heated and I've got it activated
a little bit, I am gonna go through the entire muscle bed, the biggest mistake people made
is that they try to jam their fingers into one spot, ok So all I'll be doing
my job here is to relax the body not to fix anything or take out any knots per say,
I am only aiming to relax the muscles I am gonna start from the lower back
and go all the way through I will take one body part at the time
so I am just gonna work through the lower back after that I will go
through the upper back and spend a little bit of time again if there are any
particular spots Tight or stress I’ll
spend a little extra time on it A massage usually takes 5 or 10 minutes
depending on the available time you fighter has before going up So, once we have gone through the back, I’ve taken care of it, its warm;
Right now the fighter is usually just relaxing
thinking about strategies thinking about what they are
gonna do when they get in the ring while they are just taking time
and breathing
00:04:23,088 –> 00:04:25,080
After that I am gonna go
through one of the arms and I want to take care
of everything I take the arm and loose it up
a little bit as much as possible
still keeping the oil heated
I go through the forearm every time I hit pads if
I haven't done in while, my forearms take a huge beating,
they get really sore I might also want
to go through the hands It is one of the places that
most people neglect it again warming in it up
trying to go quick relaxing your arms
as much as I can avoiding the armpit
at all costs it burns…
Always tell your fighters
don;t touch your eyes or genitals your armpits, nothing with this stuff
because once it is on there it's hot! I am using the technique
that the Thais use sometimes if at the end if there something tight it the back, they will just chop it
and what that does is that it adds blood flow So, if something is
particularly tight in the back we just chop it and what this does is just add
blood flow through the muscle and that helps to warm the muscle up a
little bit and add to the repair process So, we have done the upper body and Arms, typically you cover your athlete If it is summer time,
You don’t need too but usually when you
are about to go into the ring you don't know how cold could be in the area
when you are warming up or where you are in the world you cover the top of the body put a towel across them, make them put on a sweater or something
so they stay warm and then we go to the lower body, then
again I warm up my hands first and then I go to the leg.
I'll tuck the shorts up so I don't accidentally go to high and I don't miss any key areas around the legs
there is a couple of spots First, Warm up, focus a little bit
on the IT band Thai Massage is a great massage
for the person that is being massaged
it can be a lot of work for the person doing the massage So again warm up oil again,
I will get my two thumbs and roll through the back of the hamstrings Thai fighters do a lot of running their hamstring get tight,
their quads get tight the IT band on the side
gets pretty tight from taking kicks running, so on and so forth so You generally get to feel
the tightness most fighters that I had massaged
have that You want to go from
the bottom to the top and try to get it to relax just a little bit, so again I use my two thumbs, so if I am a smaller person
working on a bigger guy I don't rely on my hands, I make sure I use my body weight to support instead of I rely on my hands alone so I can go deep, I make sure I use my body weight for support
through the muscle without using too much of my hand strength
because you’ll get tired pretty quickly so CPR, gotta use your body I always spend a little time on the joints
the back front of the joints because a lot of people have issues with their knees some people have issues
with their hips or elbows I spend a little bit of time, not a lot
but I just want to make sure it's heated up adequately.
If I only focus on the major muscles
If I don't go through everything it tends to be a little bit stiff in some areas
I have to make sure I go through everything Calves are a huge one
for Thai fighters Calves get tight,
they run anywhere from 30, 40, maybe more, 50 kilometers a day… so, always, always, always fast warm it up first. You got to Make sure the oil is warmed up first
before I start to go too deep if I just jam my fingers
into the muscle bed I can cause a cramp really easily I just wanna make sure it stays relaxed
I am gonna go from the inside of the calf,
to the back, to the outside
you should ask your fighter You should ask you fighter
if they have any shin splints if they have any calf issues
a lot of the time you will find that there is tightness in the calves. There is something there So, when you are going through
a spot that you feel you want to spend a little
bit of time on it work the pressure
through the whole muscle when you stay on one spot like this
you are not seeing the entire muscle and you have the opportunity
to damage that person further, you want to make sure
you go through the whole thing Something I notice a lot of people neglect is the ankles, Ankles and feet in Muay Thai
take a huge beat.
The Achilles when they kick;
this get pressed, the front and the back of the foot
we just take a little bit of oil I warm it in my hands first and I work the Achilles, just a touch I know every time I fought
my feet took a pretty big beating
if you miss a target and you hit with your foot or when you block something
and end up kicking the foot You work through the whole thing. I am onto the second part
into the leg again I can tell in this side
there is a little bit tension on this leg we will spend a little bit more time on that Heat it up! Same old story
make it nice and warm use the thumbs
pres through the muscle use your body if
you are getting a little bit tired move through the IT band I spend a lot of time on this
with my fighters Mainly because it's the biggest one I notice everybody seems to be tight on For athletes that can roll on
a foam roller to help release this daily in training getting massages regularly
help release this one but it is an important one you should take care
before you are competing Against the knee, knee joint Spending a little touch
just a little bit of time, not a lot
00:10:00,955 –> 00:10:03,444
Just making sure it is warmed up as well We do all striking with our joints so You have to make sure the elbows, the knees,
the ankles are also warmed up adequately, Otherwise they can hurt themselves Throwing their own techniques, now
back to the shin Ok, same as the other side Heating it up, just looking for any shin splints Any excessive pain from maybe blocking kicks I am just taking a little bit of time
working through the front of the shin The Thai oil formula
has a nice menthol smell to it Almost like you are kinda like you’re in a sauna when you are using it So it actually cleans up the nasal
passages really nicely along with everything else
that it does so Its not an overbearing,
negative smell it actually smells quite nicely
most fighters who smell it Feel it's a positive familiar smell either from training, being in their gym
or getting ready for their competition There’s a couple key spots in the upper body
that we work on chests, push ups, punches, shoulders all these stuff takes a lot of damage
you want to make sure you really work through that muscle the second one is gonna be the abs There is a technique I was taught
to take care of the abs to do two things One is to make sure that you are stretching
the abs muscles just a little bit The second is to make sure you are releasing
anything in your bowels at that time so most of the time after what we do next, the fighter will say he has to go the bathroom
and that is good You want to make sure they are empty
that they are not full before going on the ring.
Right now, I am just focusing on the traps Make sure he is relaxed
I can tell right now the traps are good
he is relaxed a little more tighter on the chest always staying away
from the armpits once it gets in there
it does burn quite quickly You wanna make sure you
stay away from there Make your way through the chest
make sure everything is nice Relax Again, the fighter is just relaxing, taking a little nap
thinking through strategy Sometimes the coach will
give them something to think about entering into the ring
or giving their bow in front of the judges or see your opponent
they want to do some visualization work Whatever you tell your fighter to do
make sure is something relaxing You don't want to hype them up
in the middle of the massage So the stomach So, then abs, again, warming oil up, ok along with the lats
you always want to spend time on the lats Thai fighters aim for a
couple of pressure points Up here and in the armpits
and also take beatings from the knees on the side of lats You want to ensure those are warmed up
and taken care as well.
After that we would back to the abs what i do is, go to the center with two thumbs
I ask my fighter to take a deep inhale / exhale and I drag my thumbs all the way then I go
down past the bellybutton, and I stop I do it 3 times
you can do as deep as you are comfortable sometimes you feel stuff, sometimes they don't
for the most part is a good feeling.
Inhale / exhale Last one inhale / exhale I go a little deeper each time Once I completed everything
I go over everything I ask if there is anything
else they want to be worked on If they need anything else or ask them how they are feeling Then they’ll say I am feeling good
I am feeling relaxed Once I have done everything I immediately want them
to put on a sweater and sweatpants maybe even a tube
depending on the temperature outside It is important that you
keep this warmth They put that on, they get up
and they continue their workout The second time we are going to use the oil,
is right before entering the ring we have done the preliminary massage
this is the major one, the one we focus most on once they’re warmed up
and they have done with their training At the last minute we will put a little bit on
the arms, the legs, stretch them out and so on that concludes the portion of the massage Thank you guys for watching
I want to thanks, Matt for allowing us to use him also, it is not just for sports
it is great for sports, it is an all sport rub but I know sometimes people get neck pain
from working all day Any kind of tension
you can do this for anything It works miracles
on a lot of different things so Its not just for Muay Thai
not just for sports enthusiasts Its for anybody; if
you have been gardening all day you need a little work on your back Is great for stuff like that as well If you want to hit them up, check the facebook page: Athlon Rub
Or the Instagram: Athlon Rub you can get in contact with them
and get yourself a couple of bottles Thank so much!