Come here. You've taken a part in our tournaments before. One time for sure. No? You wanna say a few words? Where is the mic? I'll say something after the fight But I need to say something about you The night demon of night demons clan What do you do? Family production, right? Ladies and gentlemen, it's the most interesting fight of tonight We have this guy of night demons clan, applause! He's very unique To the left we have a regular guy who makes clothes on clothing factory. Applause! They decide who will be the winner Fighters, to the center Remember the rules, be active, fight truthfully, listen to my commands It's Strelka, no time limit, no judge's descision, it all depends on you Shake hands To the corners Fighters ready? We have a winner! Come here guys, tell a few words When you were getting hits you exploided and hit back Why didn't you win? Hi everyone! Good luck to everyone, do sports! So why didn't you win? I should've smoked and drank less Don't smoke and drink guys, just do sports You can say hi to someone Hi everyone Thanks to everyone Your turn, man I'm the night demon…

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Of night demons clan Prophecy is coming There will be dark clouds and birds around us I came after the souls of three warriors of light You know exactly who they are It's the sushi-master, rugby player and wushu-master? I guess You were training I can see that, you're really tough I was training to hit I think that guy really wants to fight you Come here, guy He smokes weed for sure I don't drink and smoke Good luck to you, you look unique I'm ready to fight again for money

As found on YouTube

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