Alexander Volkanovski – REAL BADASS IN MMA

Picture this, mate. You got yourself a bloke, right? Alexander ‘The Great’ Volkanovski, the finest bloody fighter in his division, and I’m not talking by a slim margin. This lad has the gold belt wrapped snugly around his waist, a belt he’s defended nearly half a dozen times, mind you. But here’s the real kicker, despite all that success, the bugger still finds himself playing the underdog more times than not. It’s a right shame, I tell ya.

Now, this Volkanovski fella, he’s as filthy good as they come. I mean, we’re talking about a bloke who’s climbed his way up the ranks in the brutal world of MMA, collecting trophies left, right, and center in every damn promotion he’s fought in, including the bloody UFC. You’d think with all those accolades, the lad would get the recognition he rightfully deserves. But nah, even at this high point in his career, Volkanovski is criminally underrated.

So, before he steps back into that Octagon to defend his title against some supremely dangerous and unpredictable opponent, let’s take a moment to appreciate the unbeatable journey of this featherweight champion in the world of MMA. It’s about time we understand why he’s truly one of the greatest of all time in the fight game, ain’t it?

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[Music] Once Upon a Time in the World of MMA There was a fighter named Alexander Volkanovsky he didn't come from a Background of fighting sports but that Didn't stop him from achieving greatness In fact three years after his debut in The UFC he managed to shed an Astonishing 66 pounds and snatched the Coveted UFC title despite not capturing The widespread public attention he truly Deserved his journey is filled with Captivating anecdotes and thrilling Battles that I'm about share with you Today [Music] Stay [Music] Volkanovsky's foray into the World of Martial Arts began through his encounter With Greco-Roman wrestling it just so Happened that there was a local Wrestling club near his humble abode his Dedication and hard work quickly paid Off as he emerged victorious in the National championship at a tender age of 12. this Triumph would not be as last as He continued to dominate the wrestling Scene with only two blemishes on his Record one of which came at the hands of His older brother at the age of 22 Volkanovsky decided to embark on a new Chapter in his life transitioning into The realm of MMA it all began when a

Close friend who was preparing for a Fight invited him to join a training Camp together they ventured into a Freestyle kickboxing gym under the Guidance of a local trainer named Joe Lopez months of rigorous training later Volkanovsky found himself sparring with A fighter from another team a Significantly larger opponent however Despite the odds act against him our Resilient hero emerged Victorious Inspired by this triumphant display his Trainer saw great potential in the 22 Year old volkanovsky and suggested that He prepare for a real fight this pivotal Moment led him to Bid Farewell to his Rugby Pursuits due to his imposing Physique standing at a mere 5.5 feet Tall while sometimes weighing a hefty 215 pounds he earned the nickname Hulk In his amateur debut at middleweight Tournaments volkanovsky dominated every Opponent dispatching them with ease the First victim was Peter Smulders whom he Managed to overpower pressing him to the Ground for a decisive finish his next Adversary fared no better in just four Fights he spent less than five minutes In the cage displaying an astonishing Display of raw power transitioning into His professional career volkanovsky Bravely ventured into the welterweight Division tipping the scales at a modest 77 pounds he swiftly claimed a couple of

Australian titles but it was in his Fourth professional bout that he Encountered the the drawbacks of his Smaller size facing an experienced Australian middleweight named Corey Nelson his opponent dominated him on the Ground eventually sealing the victory With a TKO despite the setback Alexander Volkanovsky's journey is far from over This determined fighter has already Shown incredible resilience shedding Pounds and climbing the ranks of the UFC We eagerly await his future battles as He continues to defy expectations and Etch his name in the annals of MMA History this defeat forced the Australian to change his approach to Training determined to improve he Decided to dedicate himself to Jujitsu And within a few months he became the Australian Jujitsu champion at 188 Pounds recognizing the need to shed Weight and compete against opponents of A similar size he made the Bold move of Transitioning to a lower weight class However this required a responsible and Strategic approach to his Mass something He didn't fully grasp initially prior to His featherweight debut he weighed 200 Pounds needing to lose staggering seven Pounds within a single day before the Fight the experience was grueling with Exhaustion permeating his being leaving Him desperate to avoid reliving such a

Draining ordeal despite the challenges It took him less than four minutes to Knock out his opponent the weight loss Left him with a lingering heaviness in His arms serving as a stark reminder of The arduous process determined to avoid Repeating it he completely transformed His approach to nutrition resulting in His everyday weight stabilizing at 165 Pounds in 2015 at the age of 26 this Fighter known as volkanovsky found Himself in a title fight for the local AFC promotion with a record of nine wins And one loss he faced Champion James Bishop who proved helpless against his Skills Bishops failed takedown attempt In the first minute left him vulnerable Allowing volkanovsky to dominate on the Ground A year later he's successfully defended His belt against future UFC fighter Jaime Malarkey maintaining a spotless 8-0 record once again volkanovsky Showcased his excellent takedowns and Devastating striking abilities having Started his journey as a rugby player And classic wrestler he had transformed Into an intimidating puncher volkanovsky Had accumulated five Regional belts and Boasted an impressive eight fight Winning streak his opportunity to enter The UFC arose when a fighter dropped out Of a tournament in Brisbane Australia However there was a mix-up with his

Previous manager who was no longer Involved with the fighter initially it Seemed as though he would not be able to Compete but Fortune smiled upon him he Secured a significant sponsor for Financial support and soon after he Joined the UFC roster making his debut On the main card in Melbourne against Whitaker Brunson reflecting on his Nickname Hulk volkanovsky found it Peculiar to use it while competing in The featherweight division drawing Inspiration from from his Macedonian Heritage his father and Greek Heritage His mother he sought a new pseudonym Thus he adopted the nickname The Great Paying homage to Alexander of Macedonia Around 200 compatriots came to support Him in his debut fight and they were not Disappointed facing off against yusuke Kasuya with a record of nine wins and Two losses volkanovsky asserted his Dominance from the start Landing strikes And maintaining control while kasuya Attempted to mount a comeback he Ultimately lost the position in the Final seconds of the round in the second Round volkanovsky Unleashed a more Aggressive approach maintaining control On his feet and refusing to relent Alex Embarked on his UFC journey in the light Heavyweight division but it was in the Under 156-pound category that he began His remarkable path towards the title

Notable wins over opponents like mizuto Hirota Shane Young and Jeremy Kennedy Caught the attention of the promotion Propelling volkanovsky to face top 15 Fighters in the summer of an 18 after a Series of victories in Australian Tournaments Alex made his U.S debut Against Darren Elkins Elkins was writing A six-fight win streak in the UFC with His last bout resulting in a submission Victory over Michael Johnson at the Start of the fight volkanovsky allowed His opponent to take the initiative Nearly paying the price with a close Call on a takedown the fight then Transitioned to Stand-Up where the Australian began to assert himself and Find success while Elkins managed to Recover and make the fight competitive Volkanovsky's superior accuracy and Power along with his two takedowns Secured him a convincing victory The gray [Music] This video is brought to you by thorum Take a look at this Rings they have Rings made from four billion year old Jibian meteorite and genuine 65 million Year old T-Rex bone if you are a fan of Vikings they have Odin ring the Norse God of war the Thor ring and all of them Are crafted by hand head the link in the Comments and use promo code living History to get 20 off a truly unique

Ring Following this Triumph Alex called for About against Chad Mendes who had Recently returned from a suspension the Company granted him the opportunity and Volkanovsky wasted no time in applying Pressure from the opening seconds by the End of the round Mendes was struggling To find his rhythm while Chad attempted To retaliate with a takedown he couldn't Keep volkanovsky on the ground the Australian gradually took control of the Fight and DEC scare where he found Himself on the canvas he emerged Triumphant [Music] [Applause] This marked the end of mendez's MMA Career After establishing his name in the Featherweight division volkanovsky faced Former Champion Jose Aldo in Brazil Aldo's Home Country the encounter Between the two resembled a strategic Chess game Alex scored points with his Well-timed strikes while Aldo relied on His handkicks in the second round Volkanovsky picked up the pace Intensifying his attacks the third round Saw him assert himself even more openly Leading to a well-deserved unanimous Decision Victory with all judges scoring The fight 30-27 in his favor However Upon returning home

Volkanovsky's well-being took a turn for The worse during the flight his leg Began to swell and Redden accompanied by A spike in temperature and the onset of A fever the plane made an emergency Landing in Chile Where The Fighter Received immediate medical attention it Was discovered that a severe infection Had taken hold in his leg leaving a Literal hole in his body with a stellar Record of seven victories in the UFC and A former Champion cleared from his path Volkanovsky earned his shot at the title Against Max Holloway who had recently Defeated Frankie Edgar in his last Defense although the Hawaiian Champion Was widely regarded as the favorite fate Had a different plan inside the Octagon Alex closed the distance scoring points While expertly countering Holloway's Attacks additionally his strategic use Of low kicks played a significant role In influencing the judge's perception as The fight progressed Holloway found his Rhythm and landed strikes towards the End of the second However the first two segments of the Fight undeniably favored the Challenger In the third round volkanovsky continued His Relentless assault with his low Kicks maintaining their power and his Showcasing impeccable accuracy yet Sustaining such an intense pace for 25 Minutes proved challenging the champion

Managed to even the fight in the fourth Round capitalizing on the Challenger's Evident loss of speed by the final round It was clear that Max had sensed an Opportunity but it was too late in the End Alexander volkanovsky shattered Holloway's astonishing streak of 14 Consecutive victories in the Featherweight division securing his Place as the second Australian UFC Champion following in the footsteps of Robert Whittaker Despite his Newfound status as a UFC Champion Alex remained loyal to his Humble roots he continued training at a Small freestyle gym under the guidance Of his first coach Joe Lopez initially Lopez had doubts about Alex's potential Expecting him to face the same Challenges as other aspiring athletes Who eventually left however volkanovsky Proved him wrong returning to his coach After a year-long stint in Thailand Where he expanded his training Horizons Additionally he now frequently conducts Training camps at Australia's most Successful kickboxing gym receiving Support from his second trainer Eugene Bearman renowned for his work with Fighters like Israel adesanya and Dan Hooker at UFC 251 volkanovsky faced Holloway once again in a highly Anticipated rematch the Hawaiian had Learned from their previous encounter

Demonstrating improved distance Management and employ Nation of punches and kicks including Well-timed uppercuts meanwhile Alex Continued to deliver impactful low kicks And combinations to the Head however he Appeared less energy consuming overall Allowing himself to be hit more Frequently in the final moments of the Segment Holloway caught him with a Turning kick and followed up with a high Kick briefly staggering the champion the Tide seemed to turn as Holloway Capitalized on the distance and Showcased his effective knee strikes Towards the end of the round Alex Faltered again conceding the first two Rounds completely from the third round Onward the champion had to work harder To engage with the Challenger and regain Control he found success with left hooks Jabs and even secure to take down Max Started the final round with renewed Vigor but vulcanovsky preserved a Significant amount of energy for the Closing minutes he landed one decisive Shot after another displaying a Remarkable finish the total count of Significant strikes favored the champion With a score of 139-1 111 and two of the Three judges ultimately awarded him the Victory The highly anticipated clash between Makachef and volkanovsky pitting two

Champion versus Champion Fighters Transcended all expectations this rare Occurrence with only six such match-ups In UFC history further fueled the Excitement surrounding the bout makachov Stepped into the arena riding an Impressive 11 fight win streak which Included a victory over former Champion Charles Oliveira in his most recent Outing on the other side volkanovsky had Just concluded a Trilogy with Max Holloway in July and carried an Awe-inspiring 22-fight win streak of his Own right from the opening bell Bulkanovsky demonstrated an aggressive Approach refusing to yield an inch of Ground to Maka chuff he Unleashed a Blistering combination targeting the Body and head of the champion Momentarily rocking him in the early Stages as the fight entered the second Round volkanovsky showcased his by Initially thwarting makachev's take down Attempts he found success on the feet Utilizing well-executed leg kicks from a Distance and unleashing potent punches On the inside the third and fourth Rounds witnessed a display of Exceptional skills from both Fighters Engaging in a highly competitive and Captivating fashion despite being the Smaller combatant volkanovsky's power Seemed to seamlessly translate to the Higher weight class makachev tirelessly

Attempted to close the distance and Secure a body lock through his striking Yet volkanovsky consistently Outperformed him in Striking exchanges However there were instances where Volkanovsky found himself momentarily Off balance leading to being taken down By his opponent as The Fifth and Final Round approached the contest remained Closely fought with makachev holding a Three rounds to one advantage on the Scorecards yet volkanovsky had saved his Best for last as he Unleashed a Relentless flurry of strikes ultimately Sending makachev crashing to the canvas During the final round pound although Volkanovsky's Endeavor for the Lightweight title fell short it brings Clarity to the featherweight division's Landscape with unwavering determination Volkanovsky has vowed to return to the Featherweight ranks to confront Rodriguez head-on ensuring order Prevails if you enjoyed the video please Don't hesitate to show your support by Liking it subscribing to our Channel and Most importantly taking care of your Health Thank you

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