[Music] good morning everybody 7th of December 2018 I'm at aka Muay Thai here in Phuket Thailand that's a bunch of cats running around fighting each other which is the perfect place for a cat fight I guess about to start a beginner Muay Thai class here's my first time training here at aka so Rob's going to drive the camera she's needed highlights at this place in the middle of the jungle and should be fun I'm feeling pretty pretty tired actually but quickly pen this is what it looks like passed out to that thirty minutes [Music] even oh haha thank you video yeah thank you oh no look at me alright that's how you're supposed to draw a rap there we go there we go there's the video right there after re-watch the video in slow motion 20 times to learn how to talk properly you sweet on me we don't like frame with my face [Music] gotta stay [Music] [Music] [Laughter] that's good here we go a little more awake today than yesterday [Music] pretty good some a couple of rounds of the constructor was good high intensity another technique you guys also touch energy yeah it's really good energy really come going I probably do a problem with him oh say I noticed like is noticing that you're not mindful like you nothing is prison as you need to be and he's he's calling me on its call you that's right with that high kick every times it's like you see a destructive that's right morning right is good to go blood you Sigma [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right everybody that's the end of the beginner class well it's actually an open class for all levels here at what's the name of the gym aka we've been trying different gyms around us losing track anyway it's the first time here aka amazing gym actually especially one of my favorite ones first time here eight or ten class all levels in the one class highly recommend coming and checking this place out it didn't rely all throw the map up it's like 10 15 minute scooter ride from Titan boy ty and all the main gyms down on the street I eat but this gym this place is pretty good they've got like a weight area they've got like an air giant area or upstairs where the profilers do their thing up there with ropes and things like that they're like a nice little cafe next to the main training floor there's a couple of rings really really nice when we come back to Thailand because we're flying out literally in two days from now we're definitely come back to this place and do some more training here but basically Muay Thai BJJ MMA they run these classes throughout the day they need more time morning 8 or 10 afternoon fort or 618 from memory and then yeah they do three-month packages and Ballou little ups on their website check it out but anyway amazing experience for someone like me that's kind of beginning intermediate was a fun class great trainers great people met a few people from meta-god from Czech Republic I'm at a Canadian dude awesome guy if you're watching this you're awesome and and then yeah great place but if you come here let me know messaged me and and then yeah maybe we'll cross paths one day but otherwise see you here in Phuket goodbye [Music]

pexels photo 10646542

As found on YouTube

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