MUSIC: traditional Muay Thai Boxing fight song called Sarama here are the most important basics you need
to know for self-defense in a street fight or if you are a striped out white belt and
thinking about getting your first MMA fight hello it's great to see you again I'm gonna use
some sparring rounds from Tiger Muay Thai in a self-defense situation staying conscious is your
number one objective even if you only do Jiu Jitsu and grappling staying conscious during a street
fight or self-defense situation is your number one objective because even the world's best
Jujitsu Coral belt won't be able to perform techniques if they are unconscious here's a lesson
that I learned the hard way so you don't have to learn it the hard way the first time I ever
sparred in Muay Thai was in 2018 at the Academy in Portland Maine I proceeded to get punched
in the face for the entire round and found a dark gym corner to face the cold hard truth human
adults have innate ability to do some things like run however we do not have the innate ability
to fight during your first sparring session your brain will scream tilt me back protect me
get me the F out of here what are you doing and your coach is going to yell keep your forehead
forward and tuck your chin technique tip number one is distance management you can only get hit if
you're in the pocket my first time sparring I got punched in the face repeatedly because I
was standing in the pocket you either want to be clinched up really close to them like on them
in a clinch or outside of the pocket to protect yourself from getting knocked out before my
first sparring session I had the knowledge of don't stand in the pocket but I had yet to
develop the skill of actually training my body to know where that was and how to move this is a
common first skill that beginners learn doing Muay Thai kickboxing you either want to be way out
of range so they can't hit you or you want to be diving and clinching to get them to the Ground
Force equals mass times acceleration acceleration needs distance therefore you significantly reduce
their punching power if you minimize the distance and clinch just basically hugging them super
important thing for you to know is fighting stance and footwork because this you gives you
the ability to get in and out of the pocket so you don't get punched in the face repeatedly the
technique of fighting stance is one foot forward one back keeping the distance between your feet
about the length of a stride our human instinct you're going to have to fight is our instinct
to turn our head away shield with our back and run if you are in a sticky situation you want
to always face it step back with your rear foot then step back with your front foot and always
face what's coming at you in fighting like in life you always want to face what you fear
most fears in everyday life are imagined and when you're fighting there's a high possibility
you're going to get hurt liver shots ducking hurt In Muay Thai your arms are called your guard
much like in Jiu Jitsu your legs are called a guard keeping your hands up and turtling allows you
to protect your head but trust me taking a kick to the Head even with a guard sucks it's much
better to manage your distance so you don't get kicked in the head in the first place because
you move out of the way using your footwork here this young lady does a fantastic job of punching through my guard a landing a good one then she apologizes profusely I
tell her it was great punch I'm not mad at that it was great technique and great timing
however I must warn you there are different types of Muay Thai sparring at different gyms
the academy with Jay Jack was Rock em sock him heavy hits and heavy kicks then when I went
to Boston BJJ, I was new to the gym in Boston having moved down from Maine and I thought all
gyms trained the same well I hit a professional heavyweight MMA fighter uh like I would if we
were sparring at the Academy and then I got teeped TEEP (Muay Thai) so hard like he didn't kick the crap out
of me he kicked the uh uterus lining out of me having ovaries of Steel I played it off until the
round ended and excused myself to the bathroom and was grateful for dark colored shorts it was then
that I learned that if you amp up the intensity during sparring there may be consequences
especially if it's not the vibe at the gym thing for you to know so my two most
recent Muay Thai coaches came from Sityodtong (Boston Muay Thai Gym) and they both would say TEEP
and KNEE and OH AYYY and just so you know that's straight from Thailand after
she landed a good kick I was like OH AYY and it made the coach laugh because that is
legit how they cheer in Thailand beautiful TEEP, TEEP, TEEP, OAYYY, OH AYYY, TEEP, OHAYYYY another super important tip for you to look like a
fighter is to stay on the balls of your feet this allows yourself to be very mobile during sparring
being on the balls of your feet allows you a spring so you can get in and out very quickly
I've heard stories of tacks being taped to the bottom of the heels of Fighters to train them
through negative reinforcement not ever be on their heels to always be on the balls of their
feet luckily I've I've never had that happen Muay Thai training is a phenomenal workout and
great fitness conditioning so before these rounds we did running jumping skipping we did six rounds
with push-ups in between then we did heavy bag work and Pad work and then finally ended with the
classic sit-ups that you'll see in Muay Thai so forgive me if my form doesn't look great here
during the pad work at the end of the day but one of the best quotes ever told to me was from
a female Muay Thai and MMA fighter she said your last round sparring will look like your second
round in a fight and that is so true so never be afraid of looking like hot garbage and putting it
on the internet and never be afraid of those last rounds yeah you might get beat yeah you're gonna
look like crap you're gonna feel like you're not doing great but those are the championship
rounds and those are the rounds that really matter we're gonna get all you know touchy feely um it
was my dream when I first started I started Jiu Jitsu in 2016 and then two years later I started
Muay Thai with a secret dream of getting my first MMA fight and since that day one walking into the
gym I always wanted to train at Tiger Muay Thai in Thailand but I knew it was a waste to go there
like day one I wanted to develop enough skill to be able to go there and enjoy the experience when
the coaches pointed me out of the group and said she's a fighter and then started play sparring
with me and swept me I was like on the ground thinking this is a dream come true I've always
wanted to be swept by a high level Muay Thai Fighter in Thailand at Tiger Muay Thai it's just
an honor to train with people that have such high skill I mean it takes so much dedication to get
to that level I'm here to tell you that you too can do it you can be a fighter you can walk with
confidence of knowing you can defend yourself you can develop any skill that calls out to you you
can do and be anything at any stage in your life um yeah you know you can spend years developing
your skill take an 18-hour flight to Thailand and get beat up by 135 pound Muay Thai fighter too.
all right so here's a really good round to watch if you are a beginner here before we
even started sparring she told me that she was afraid to spar with me because the coaches
told her that I was a fighter I told her that we could just do technical sparring and all
the movements are in order for to make her feel better and this is very important to find
a partner that knows how to do this as well if you're trying to enter into Muay Thai because
the barrier to entry is extremely painful if you're at a gym that goes very hard and doesn't do
technical sparring but basically what you want to do is you want to find a partner where
you can have exchanges and the exchanges are a conversation so one person does a combination
the other person blocks the last strike of that combination and then returns with their own
combination and this is done depending on the skill level it could be at a very slow rate which
is very useful because then it trains your body to have that subconscious reaction and to learn
both the combinations and the technical skill and technique of blocking and returning
which is like the next level of improving so lift up your leg use your shin to block a
kick and then return with a punch for example another example of a block return is parrying
a strike and returning off that parried strike obviously when you've mastered
this then everything can go a little faster because it's like
Bam Bam block bam block return block return so you can block kick and
return you can block a strike and return when you first start and after
you've gotten good at you know you have a few combinations that are
realistic like a jab cross low kick multiple Jabs like one one one your one is your jab, two is your cross and then Hook is three usually it's like one two
low kick one two switch kick so the basic combinations that you want to
practice especially during Shadow Boxing are those realistic combinations so
for example your jab is your one so jab jab jab because sometimes just
doing three Jabs in a row you can get through a guard then you go jab cross
if your cross is your right hand that's a two then you go jab cross with your right
hand and then low kick with your left leg another key technique is setting up your
kicks with your punches and your punches with your kicks so here I go for a low kick
and then punch here's another block return here's another block return
and a classic one one two the kick I'm about to do is called a TEEP and you
do it when they're closing distance and they're getting too close that's the perfect time
to pull out a Teep the next combination is jab cross hook low kick another great
technique for you to do if you're a beginner in sparring is just low kicking their
front leg like I just did it's a very low risk move and that front leg is usually there a
lot more often than any of the other kicks if you land a lot of kicks it's like chopping
down a tree and pretty soon it's immobilized Nate Diaz did that to Conor McGregor
and yeah that that sheit hurts and we end around with some push-ups
again uh Muay Thai is a great workout it was great spending time with you thank
you so much for subscribing it's like a big hug and it's a thank you because it does take
time to make these videos and I do it between you know working and training on Friday nights
and Saturday mornings before training uh so yeah so if you made it this far and you've watched
more than one video and you haven't subscribed go ahead and subscribe say thank you I really
appreciate it alright until next time love you bye hey buddy
BJJ Grappler vs Muay Thai Kickboxer | Sparring #023