5 Facts about Kickboxing | Muay Thai

Kick boxing is the western name for Muay Thai,
which is a traditional sport in Thailand. It originated from having, like the 16th,
17th century, the warriors. Once they were disarmed, on the ground, in
battle, they performed the movements, the kicking, the punching, the kneeing, in order
to defend themselves. Today Muay Thai is, I would like to say one
of the biggest growing sports alongside MMA, it's one of the backbones of MMA because well
all the fights start in the standup position which is ninety percent Muay Thai. I myself started Muay Thai sixteen, seventeen
years ago just to try and lose a bit of weight and it was the best and most realistic thing
for myself in order to lose that weight. If by any chance you're interested in actually
taking part or checking Muay Thai out you should go online, find the closest gym and
go check it out. It will be definitely a life changing experience
if part of that experience is you wanting to get fit, it definitely is the fastest thing
to lose weight.


As found on YouTube

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