3 Devastating Knockout Combinations Breakdown That Will Win You Any Boxing Match

three knockout combinations all of these have been used in fights and you'll see those on the screen we're going to break them down on the mid so you know exactly how to pull them off and why we're pulling them off so combination number one we're starting with the jab we're using the feet to exit get out of range of the opponent and then get straight back in with a second phase attack on that second phase attack we're using the one two so just to break it down real quick start with the jab it's gonna use the feet to get out back foot first and then coming straight back in using that weight on the back foot to really spring and accelerate into the second phase attack with the one two all right so we'll put that together it should be a nice Rhythm to it jab step back one two all in that same Rhythm let's try it jab out oh good you can hear the Rhythm on that it's one step back one two and again jab out good perfect so really good for developing that Rhythm developing footwork and helping your boxers understand how to get in and out of range quickly and that second phase attack that one two as you saw in the clip can be really powerful especially with the footwork behind it one more time on this first combination set it up with a jab get out with the feet come back in with the one two nice Perfect all right so the second combination again we're starting out of range so this is a great way to get inside and as you see in the video it covers that distance so your opponent thinks they're safe right now the first punch the hook can be of kind of throwaway punch that's there to set up the Power Shot which is the cross so don't worry about the power too much with the hook right here it's simply to get the feet in with the hook and distract the opponent and then throw that two straight down the middle as we saw in the clip all right so we're gonna stay out of range to start so make sure your boxes are away from that full length jab and then they're gonna push off the back foot and land the jab as the feet land coming in boom and then from there just that straight right down the pipe it's the two punch combination so we're out of range the power's in the feet we're pushing off the back foot coming in with the hook nice good and the Hook's just nice and light and quick it's just a distraction to set up that cross down the middle and I like to show the target from the start right here so your boxer can see exactly where both punches need to be ready on the toes little bounce go nice good go perfect effect so there's a good example of how to get into range with the feet and the punch at the same time Landing that power punch behind it so there's combination number two before I get to the third combination which is actually going to be working inside opening close with your opponent trying to land a body shot before I get to that just want to remind you subscribe to the channel hit the Bell notification that way you'll get notified of the videos coming out each week leave your comments below let me know your favorite knockout combination as well I'd love to hear it and maybe we can break some of those down on the channel as well so the third combination we're actually going to be working inside so if we were in close right here this is where we're kind of working that inside range so you see in the clip this is again the first two punches of those kind of we call them throw away shots they're actually just designed to distract the opponent and create the room for the power shot so with the first two punches we're not looking for any power intensity we're going to start with two uppercuts those are just designed to get the hands up to create the space for the body shot so we're going to start with the lead uppercut then we're going to come and rear uppercut and it's the rear uppercut that allows the boxer to get in position to set up the body shot there right so with the right uppercut as she lands that punch I wanted to encourage to drop and really sit into that front leg and get in the perfect position to then whip that body shot under the ribs so from from this angle it might make if we were in a fight scenario the hands are up what she's doing with those first two uppercuts he's just trying to distract my attention so she throws the left uppercut I try and defend that she throws the right uppercut they don't have to be hard shots it just kind of distracts my eyes a little bit but as she's dipped over you can see that's brought the hands up now that space is wide open right there for that body shot to land and that's what we see in the clip right there so double two uppercuts lead up a cut rear uppercut body shot real simple combination if you ever find yourself in this position with an opponent or inspiring this is a great one to try and pull off two Twitchy shots and then whip the body shot in with power yep so again for the Rhythm on this we're looking for one two bam three one two three really sit down and whip the hook in good nice and wide up top touch touch power twist your shoulders good and again go one more now when you're catching this punch this combination on the midst to drill this with your boxes I like to keep the mitts real narrow right here so create that kind of head realistic Target Vibes so right here I'm just keeping them in the same Zone about shoulder height and then quickly getting that right mitt in position with the left mitt behind it so your boxer can really dig in and land that with some power nice solid impact for them again so as soon as that right Mitch landed there I'm getting that back into position for the body shot ready go good go one more good all right so there you have it three realistic knockout combinations that we've seen play out in fights and how you can now put them into practice on the mix and drill them over and over to get better really improve your Technique and hopefully try and pull them off in your sparring don't forget leave your comments subscribe to the channel and check out realistic boxing combinations part one also on my channel right here [Music]

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