In this video I'm going to tell you 7 benefits of doing muay thai while I was washing dishes that health care doesn't make you taste like baby food already click on the link sign up if you're not subscribed and welcome to another homeland [Applause] Hi I'm I say this is the sun that didn't like the environment the shortest note now had the conversation in the sink to make the video go faster in June which doesn't usually help if I'm here talking about the route itself or If I wanted a table it would have already ended in case I had it here I think it's a great benefit for you to do any fight including the beautiful capoeira dance we could make a campaign video I don't know if anyone has asked to make music to campaign plus the basic benefit like that Any fight for me is that it gives you a lot of self-confidence, it improves, so something in your self-esteem is to fight because you see that you are capable of hurting someone and someone who wants to do you even though not all fights are identified, they can be identified with self-defense, because there are fights that are more conducive, so the guy is falling and he's going to stab you, cities, work trips, it's more of a self-defense, but then it's not much this is not to defend yourself but if you learn of course to fight and you can defend yourself right there then it increases your self-confidence a lot it increases your self-esteem a lot and this is fundamental is something in life, right because the more you trust yourself the more chances you have to succeed in anything and another thing that is very cool, also the issue of discipline like any other fight is you will learn and progress little by little and then you have to understand that you have to train always fear learning a little bit at a time then there are days when you can't stand the treatment much more than you have to persist, you have to come back often because this regularity in practice is what will make you a very nice person better in that other benefit the great benefit for those who want to lose weight for example is a muay thai class it takes an hour that in mali at around 500 more or less in the relevant amount of calories can burn thor there are some people how to burn more other people a climate minus some classes in some gyms can be the hardest others can be not so much but anyway if you want to lose weight and went to do muay thai or are thinking about doing muay thai you are making the right decision because mom dad will help you if in this process fourth thing like itaipu will not only help you to lose weight but it will also help you to define your musculature mainly lower limbs are not very fit and I already took a muay thai class your deep connoisseur of muay thai no but i am teacher physical education physiotherapy he gives you a little bit of what it is like I'll tell you that it was a great stage it's very exhausting main mind for his lower limbs on his leg for his butt the whole region in addition to the hips next and you have to use it well so men let's train muay thai to make your legs hard butt but it also explains a lot because he is very successful and does a lot success among women today another thing is very relevant in muay thai is that it improves flexibility we are a little afraid of doing strength training bodybuilding so what will harm flexibility is not correct if you do bodybuilding if it was also well done you end up gaining possibilities but sometimes we also get worried that you don't like to do stretching in a training session specifically the throw but mom yeah it can give you the muay thai movements they demand a nice flexibility from you so little by little you flexibility is also improving, another very important thing that we do not value when we are young and young we will have ability to improve your balance a lot so if you think like me it's embarrassing to trip and fall in the street in front everyone stays there the suggestion that italy can help with that but I'm very clumsy I go out for whatever reason well tomorrow at all well that's it one thing your mother event team is very helpful but know that depending on your device with the tournament you will be a little more able to walk in a straight line there without major problems and a7 one thing is not to accept it is very fun to do and I say that yes even without having done much just having tried it even though the time had passed like that it was no longer in fashion, right that almost absurd something like that becomes very fashionable everything starts here to do such and it was a little confusing for us to know if that there it's cool even if it's fun even though people not only doing oak rocking there's nothing like that that's putting it on high and people keep doing it keep looking for muay thai in the gyms to face people that we think so it's very fun and remember what we always say that the channel if you find an activity that you like to do you have a much greater chance of having results with that activity that you don't you'll run away from it when it's laziness pending laziness much less and you tend to feel like training and this is fundamental if you find the activity that you also want to get up from the couch my friend and friend there the path is 90% walked ok so you never it hurt the etar go try it even if you like the school academy cool, right, you usually have it with my coolest and not so cool of all possible modalities even personal and careful if you treat yourself well the service is cool and you will try it later I'll tell you again here In the video, your experience was really nice, so don't forget if you're not subscribed, just sign up for the routine, click on the bell to receive all the changes, they're here second wednesday and friday but there's a bunch of videos that we've already made you can watch anytime here you can start with these two right here oh well for me [Applause] [Music]
👊7 BenefÃcios do MUAY THAI | Papo na Pia nº54 💦