С чего начать, если ты 0 ?Первые шаги бойца – тренировочный план / The first fighter steps

Hello everybody. I'm Alex Gorodenchuk. Today we gonna talk what have to do the beginner fighter if he is zero at the moment. imagine that one morning you wake up with wish to train, to learn how to protect yourself and your family, to learn how to fight. But here is a problem, there is no gym in your city or you don't have any opportunities to visit the gym. And you've decide to train at home by yourself. Guys I wanna tell you that is never can be late to begin training. Anyway it's much better than to sit watching TV with a bottle of beer. After watching this video you can make the plan for 20-25 sessions, 2-3 sessions for each thing from the video. After you work 20-25 sessions you will see what you need to learn more. Some things I will tell in the video and some things I will keep in the scripture.

The first that you need start from is a fight position, it's can be right position or left position, it's depends if you are left man or right man. If you're right man your left foot is in front of you and the right is in back. If you're left man, your right foot is in the front and left is in back… If you don't know how to choose the position, if you can work with both hand same good we have one way that helps to choose it. you stand in front position and someone push you in back, if you step forward with the left foot it means it's your position, the left foot is in front. If you don't have any partner just start to fall back, which leg is steps back that is your position.

I've step with the right one, so this is my position. In some martial arts people keep their legs on one line, in some martial arts they keep it widely. I like when foot shoulder wide, one foot back a little, so this is my fight position. When you keep your feet on one line it's gonna be uncomfortable to punch with the right hand, cuz there isn't enough space for that. Try to keep it more widely… so if we keep it widely it's more comfortable and you we have more balance like that. Also don't keep it to widely, cuz this way you have a chance to got a lot of leg kicks. so everything should be in moderation. Guys it was advises how to choose fight position, after you get more experience you will change something with time. After you've choose the position for you, need to learn to move. You have to move right to keep good balance and be quick on your feet. For that you can use the SQUARE exercise, the link for this exercise is in scripture.

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After you learn how to move you need to learn first punches, you can find it in the scripture, also watch the video about 5 things that do your punches better, the link is also in scripture. After you learn simple punches you need to learn combo making. Very important here is to move weight from leg to leg. We just stand and doing any punches.

While one punch is finishing another starts. hook, punch, uppercut, punch, hook, uppercut… The most important is to punch second time when the first finishing. Move the weight from leg to leg, spin the foot… After a little faster… After we understood how to control balance, we need to connect foot fork with combos. Move as we want keeping fight position. make a combo slowly… one, two, three… Move… One, two, three… move… One, two, three… move… One, two, three… A little faster if we do it good… Definitely let some time for body moving and canvas-backs… After you learn it you can try shadow fight… Footwork, combos, canvas-backs, footwork, combos. It depends of your fantasy. Also guys watch the videos about homemade trainers, it will help you a lot with training by yourself. the links under the video. The videos that you not enough yet comes soon. Don't be lazy, make a plan and train it. you are the men and you have to be strong. Doing that I showed in the video you will make a first step on the long fighter's way. Who interested to train in Thailand check the links in scripture.

If you like this video click the likes, comment and subscribe my channel. I am Alex Gorodenchuk. See you soon!.

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