Каменные Лица. Инстасамка. Папа. Пельмень. Girls Slapping Competition. Heavyweight Champions.

This is Stone Faces in Moscow Metro. Let’s start! Hey everyone! Welcome to the Stone Faces new season! Got it, puppies? Hey, who’s let you in here? Get the heck out! No! Kirill! Tarasov! This is Stone Faces Season Two! We’re back! Hello everyone, Edward Bil here And now I’m out of bootys, but Here’s some new faces! Beautiful, pretty girls but one of them will probably be defeated and will win some wooden planks for her coffin. It’s all simple This is Instasamka, blogger with approx. 2 mln subscribers in Instagram and she’s here not for money! Now starts the thing I love -Daaaaaaash, I was thinking you were naked Hello Where is that pig? Come out, now! I don’t care about if people think good or bad about me,
they would think shitty about me anyway I am just a normal human being. A regular good person. First of all, I am a provider for my family Last year I went to an orphan home and buy a lot of stuff for the 1st of September By the way four days ago we went to a dog shelter and grabbed some food for them buckwheat, different grains to be cooked.

I have been thinking for a while if I should take part or not
because at first I didn’t even understand was going on, what to do, who to beat? I remember I had to fight with a girl. She attacked me from behind. Long story short she got hospitalized And had an ear injury and a concussion That’s because I had pliers with me What? Taking video, stalker? Let’s cut the bullshit, this is my booth. I sing songs here. I was taken here with no knowledge, I had never taken any music lessons. I had never known anything, no notes, I didn’t give a shit I had found out how to do things along the way. Zhenya was explaining what to do, little by little, step by step. And then I was like yeah, I got it! And then he was like – Yeah, that’s right! And that’s it,
we were like yeah, we had got a hit ready! I can’t say that I don’t like my creative work But I can’t say that it awesome as well. At least for now. I can’t sing of course, but I’m trying When I am being paid – that’s much better I can’t hear yaaaa! I am not allowed to smoke in a car, I smoke vape.

But I can’t do it now, it is broken We have just come to my tattoo master who makes f*cking awesome tattoos WE are getting ready to make a shit load of tattoos now. I’m gonna have a dollar type one. Turn off the music, we'll get demonetized Look, this is Anton, I was practicing my tattoo skills on him. Did you see? Here I’m going to have a dollar type tattoo, but a small one please,
I won’t be able to out anything on my belly – Gangster?
– Yep Dear kids, please think carefully when you are thinking about your first tattoo ever I don’t have any other choice. I am covered with them all over my body. The first tattoo was my mom’s name. I made in order not to got beaten! I have this one here, she was ok. And I thought- that’s cool, keep going. It was pretty hard to communicate with kids when I went to the orphanage One girl asked me if I was her mom now? I didn’t know what to say! Not only I went to orphanage I uploaded a lot of information about kids who have cerebral illnesses We got a lot of money.

I have got feeling of fulfilment and feeling of humbleness as well First of all – you won’t be able help every kid Secondly – these kids, you don't know, how many chances to live they have. -That’s it! Ready
-Yes, the dollar shape tattoo is ready Holy shit, that is so interesting, people will look They will be like- oh well, she is some kind of a singer who has a tattoo now Amiran. Why the hell did you put her here? Why are you here? I’m here to compete Which class are you left off? I’m not a schoolgirl How old are you? 23 She’s 23, so she’s 4 years older her opponent So you’re really want to beat such a child? Yes. She’s here for a Hype And you agreed with no clue who’s to fight, right? Well, yes Could you beat a guy? Tarasov Jr? Mongol? Sure, why not? What will you do with the money if you win? I’ll spend ‘em On what? Boyfriend? I don’t have boyfriend Guys, she’s single! I wish you win in this battle! Heads or tails? Heads.

So you’re tails. Or heads too? Wanna be heads as well? No way Ready? Yes You’re first You aim. And you slap! Got it? One hit – four holes. And you don’t turn. Go. Round 1. Here we go! For the Horde! For the Alliance! Aim. Aim. Her face is so small! Yours small either! Guys! Let’s stop this pain and suffering! She’s really hurts Are you hurt? Well, no, I’m okay No way, don’t listen to them! Let me give you $500 and you left No Then let ME give you $500 and that’s it Hey, don’t show off! You appeared here, that’s enough I want to give you $500 to stop, okay? Shake hands each other! Just…

Just in case. It’s all his idea, I was against this match. TKO winner Instasamka! Yeah! But Aigul will earn $500 too Let’s applaud You both got the prize Oh, you see, he started to act like “grandma, grandma, let me help you” Yes, so what? Guys, stand with me! You did great Anyway, there’s some good stuff in “All for $1” store 🙂 Thank you You won $500 She won it too, so what’s the point? Well, it’s my “Smack the Face” charity foundation What will you do with the money? Pfff.. I will wipe up my ass You bankrupted me, why? Somebody had to Why so much mercy for her? Don’t know, she’s younger than me. That’s right! You see, she’s so mature! Thinking head! Almost lied down, but nevermind.

Will you visit us next time? As a spectator So you don’t want to compete anymore No And that’s right. You earned some money today, buy yourself a shawarma. Today it’s Stone Faces day and Faces of Stone… Today it’s Stone Faces of Heavyweights, so in every pair… Ah Today it’s every… Today it’s… I’m okay, okay. Sarychev… Today it’s Stone Faces of Heavyweights! Three pairs with winners and losers. Every match has a $1500 prize. Smacked faces shipped to the moon and let’s f*cking start already! Thank you, that thing helped First match today is Anton vs Vilen. Not to be confused with Baduk. Vilen is not him. Hi! Is it the first time you compete in slapping contest? Sorry, yes So what’s your name? Vilen Vilen, from where did you learn about us? From Internet! So you’re browsing internet In fact, my job is connected to it What’s your job? I’m an actor Actor in quests or movies? Movies Movies, and where did you act? In some german films? No So in which movies? I work in American and European movies So you’re an actor and what is the reason you’re here? Just for fun Awesome! And what’s your forecast – you win or you lose? I don’t do forecasts.

I do compete. And let’s see what will be in the end. Great! Thanks! Let the strongest win, Vilen! Baduk-2 🙂 Hi! You’re so unlucky Because you are Anton Look Anton, you’re in a serious institution with no mercy. You fall – you leave us on a metro and no one will ever find you. You’ll be working on railroad in a depot for the rest of your life, because that's what Sergei said. I’m not afraid, so I’m here. I will compete. I told you, you still have some time to pack your things and go away. No. I will not. Respect for that, man! First time here? Yes For money or for hype? I don’t need hype, I’m here for money.

I need them to pay my university. So you study. For what profession? Manager So he entered university and now he needs money to pay his education. Yes How much I need to pay you to go away and don’t compete? $750 So if I give you $750 you will not fight? I will I will take the money and then will take the fight. Sly fellow! He wants to earn some money to pay his education and this is the cool way to do it and get some wooden planks for his coffin. Good luck! To all Oskol guys! Amiran. I don’t want to hit first. I’m ready to take his slap. So we don’t throw a coin? That’s right, I’ll hit next You want him to make you mad first, yeah? Yes Okay, there could be one more round like we did in America or we vote here and now? Round! Round! Round! Ready? Final round.

Who’ll hit harder will win. Anton wins $1500 Oskol!! You was slapped in the face and did good slapping to him. Why no KO? For the first time I was afraid of hitting him too hard. Better less than too much. And that is right I didn’t want to break the rules Right So he won $1500 and you won nothing, will you come back? Of course You won in slapping competition. What will you spend money for? As I promised. Half for education. Half for a vacation. First you told us only about education But I asked for $750, and won twice more. And why didn’t you share income with your opponent? I don’t think there was draw Would you compete versus Papa or Pelmen? Well, I think it is possible Possible or you didn’t decided yet? Didn’t decided yet.


[AD] Here’s another suicide. Your name? Mikhail. Let me shake your weak hand, as we don’t know your real strength yet. He’s first time here. What is your weight? This morning it was about 130 kilos Ate in MacDonalds? Nope. I eat only Russian food. Pelmens, etc 130. Good. Misha. Bear. Barny? Chocolate. Why are you here? You won’t believe, I was just sleeping near metro, some guys woke me and took me here. You’ll compete versus Pelmen. Who’s that? Really? Sarychev, kill him, haha Show me who’s Pelmen Ah, that guy? No big deal So you really don’t know that Pelmen is a champion of Stone Faces? Seriously And you didn’t know where you go? I had nothing to do today Are you crazy? Why Ha! Even I now want to compete with you! Okay, go No, I’ll beat you Your mission is to take fight, not poop your pants and not call mama for help, deal? Okay. Deal. Barny accepted. Barny will go into milky oolong today.

Hi there! Look, a man banned from Instagram! Pelmen! How much is left to achieve a combine? Just wait till September ends. I entered the municipal program of farmer supporting. 20% was your subscribers donations. And the rest is paid by government. So it’s combine in a loan? No, it’s a grant. I just need to work and get people to work. Congrats, Pelmen! Good luck and smack the face out of this fool. So,here's some heavyweight fellows here Mikhail Demchuk 35 y.o. 135 kilos And what is your height? 188-190 cm Greetings to our veteran Vasily 'Pelmen' Kamotskii You lose, shish kebab! How that happen? Well, there’s only one who wins. I stood in front of true Russian farmer from far countryside who beat for a combine. I think even Papa will lose him. He's doing great Do you want to play again? I want something new. I like experiments. Wanna compete versus Papa? Honestly, for a few slaps, yes.

A few – 1 or 2, right? Till you knocked out He, my name is Denis Vildanov. I am 31 years old. A family guy. I have two children. I love music. I have musical education. I have got a license to maintain mining and drilling-and-exploding- operations. I am an exploder. I can make something explode. I was invited to first power extreme competitions, it was Dmitry Kononets He led it in Korkino, and Dima asked me: Denis, what nickname do you have? the first thing came to my mind was My daughter calls me dad, and without thinking he said: this is Daddyy!!! Our happiness, our treasure is children. My son Aleksandr who is 4 years old, he loves beat other children He takes a stick and starts hitting them.

I have good relationship with my daughter. Hey darling, why do you do this? You are going to be dirty Go away, go away, go away I haven't done any exercises for a month now That’s is why we won’t do much today Up to 200 kilograms, will be fine. Like it's empty. I wanna do heavier. I didn’t expect so much energy from this guy. And he made it! I will be getting ready better next time I have some thoughts on my mind: what to do, what position is better. So, sensei, let’s go, I’ll get the shit out of you.

I am a boxing coach, not a slapping coach! But I think Im going to tell Denis a technical option and we will work on it We will try hard and win. Chelyabinsk is famous for its athletes. Misha Koklyaev, Elbrus Nigmaturin, Lesha Serebryakov, Dmitry Kononets and me. I'll be hitting HARD… …but carefully! The killer of the fuckersuckers! Hi, man! Hello-hello! It’s the second time he’s here to smash foolish faces, knock them out, right? You’ll interview them next and say such things? They don’t have a clue of what I’m saying here. Why are you coming here, what’s the target? Money How much money I need to give you for you to left Half million So you don’t need hype, everybody knows you’re the strongest. Do you think you’re stronger than Sarychev? Who’s your opponent? I don’t know yet.

There are some big fellows right there. So you don’t mind who to slap, your mission is to beat and take the money? Yes And you don’t ask if there’s a kid or family he has, you’re coldblooded killer, maniac? A bit 🙂 Hi there, didn’t expect me? Hach pays everybody. And my instant noodles are over. So I am going to work here. So what is the main point of this show? Well well well… Actually, I don’t give a shit!!! Meet the next participant! I am not just an ordinary man. Meet Zokir Nai-Naimbaev! Fuck it, just Zokir. You can put anybody you want against me Let’s have a look at his Instagram account Wow. What the hell is that sport? And why it is not included in Olympic games yet? Seems like this guy bought the cheapest season ticket to a gym. Oh man, I can’t believe it, what a multifunctional animal a sheep is Food, exercise, machine …and blogger!!! Speaking by his Instagram he is a tough guy…

…but poor. Good luck to him! Go, Zokir Naiiiiiiiiimabuuuuu…. Zokir! Hello! This is the man who got lost in Moscow Metro. Where are you from? I’m from Kazakhstan. Do you know Skriptonite from Kazakhstan? Yes Sing something from his… No, I don’t listen, just know about him Why are you here? I’m here not for hype, I’m here to help my father. Is he in slaps, in a trouble, in a hostages? He’s sick and I need to cure him. So you’re here for money? I need money How much money do you need? Much is better, honestly I don’t know the exact sum.

It’s a great act, I respect you and want to wish you good luck! Even if you lose, I’l help you Are you ready? Final match! Guest from Kazakhstan – Zakir 25 y.o., 117 kilos And now you will respect him even more, because his opponent is… Papa! Denis Vildanov! 221 kilos!!!! Ready? Heads. Tails. Who think that the winner is Papa? And who think that the winner is Zakir? Guys, look, here I think Papa won! He is not making any decision, it's just his opinion. I think, because he had 2 fouls Papa won, BUT This guy stood so well, with all that difference in weight and experience Thats why it's up for them to decide.

We need to share the prize! Stop, share the prize between them One more round? Share? Or by applause once again? What's your choice? Share Super! They share the prize! Congrats! How came didn't fall? I always stay till the end. I must. To show your will Yeah, and for my father! I stay till the end for him! This is the most exciting story when the guy come here to help his family, his father His goal is not for him, but for his father Respect for that What do you think?Papa is good opponent? We know each other, we connected in the internet, I saw this show before. I myself sent a video to Amiran, said I desire to participate! To prove myself! And also you know my situation in life, so I wanted to take part. You did great! Will you come more? If you will call me! We'll be waiting! Awesome! Congrats! Why didn't you knock him out like you did to Satanist? Personal empathy to this guy Great fellow! We had a little chat before… So you are friends? I wouldnt say "friends" but we are comrads – sportsmen So I didn't have any desire to push it to the limit, and injure him Because frankly speaking, when man falls down unconscious – it's an injury! Something might happen to the brain, we don't need that Don't you regret, that you gave half the prize to him? When God takes something, he returns twice as much later True!!Congrats!You did great and acted like a man! We will be waiting for you the next time, and we want to look at funny fools knock outs! Than bring fools! Than we will bring fools!

As found on YouTube

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